Deputies proposed to penalize pregnant women for tobacco use and alcohol

Deputies proposed to penalize pregnant women for tobacco use and alcohol MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Leningrad region Vladimir Petrov has prepared a package of bills that would impose fines of up to 1 million rubles for the sale of pregnant women with alcohol and cigarettes as well as penalties for pregnant women up to 5 thousand rubles for the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. A package of bills soon to be introduced in the legislative Assembly of the Leningrad region. “In order to protect the health of children whose lives are threatened by actions of their own mothers, the draft Federal law proposes to establish responsibility for the retail sale of a pregnant woman alcohol production and retail sale of a pregnant woman for tobacco products”, — stated in the explanatory note of the bill, which is at the disposal of

Source: from fighters in Syria, a possible new provocation from artisanal “chemistry”

Source: from fighters in Syria, a possible new provocation from artisanal “chemistry” MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. New provocations from artisanal “chemistry” is possible in Syria to justify a planned attack on government forces in the South of the country, which will involve more than 12 thousand fighters from different factions under the leadership of “al-Nusra Dzhebhat” (banned in Russia). This was announced on Thursday the military-diplomatic source. According to him, for an attack on the troops of Syrian cities, Deraa and al-Baath only “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” and the “Free Syrian army” has prepared more than 12 thousand fighters, as well as hundreds of pieces of equipment. The occasion will serve as the accusations of the government troops in alleged violations of the cease-fire. “To enhance the effect, and possibly hold another provocation with the “chemistry” of artisanal production supposedly against the civilian population”, — said the source. The source noted that

Kosachev: the US is trying to squeeze Aeroflot of the transport market in favour of their companies

MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. United States, limiting the issuance of visas to employees of “Aeroflot”, trying to squeeze the largest Russian airline with a market of bilateral shipments in order to fill the routes with their flight carriers, however, this option may not be approved by the Russian authorities. This opinion was expressed on Thursday by TASS the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

The CIA reached out to Pyongyang

The CIA reached out to Pyongyang Mike Pompeo held a secret meeting with Kim Jong-UN. Likely future Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, from January 2017 head of the CIA, met last week with the head of DPRK Kim Jong Inom. This fact was confirmed in his Twitter the President of the United States Donald trump. According to him, the two sides “have established a good relationship”, which would lead to the denuclearization of the DPRK. A plan for the liberation of the Korean Peninsula of nuclear weapons, now under discussion with Washington, Tokyo and Seoul, will last until 2020. Simultaneously it became known that at the upcoming inter-Korean summit held on 27 April in North and South Korea could conclude a full peace Treaty. “Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong-UN last week, — said the President of the United States.— The meeting went very smoothly and they were able to

UK may ban the sale of plastic tubes

UK may ban the sale of plastic tubes In the UK next year could ban the sale of plastic tubes, cotton swabs, and some other disposable products made of plastic that will become a new stage of the campaign against the pollution of rivers and oceans. With the corresponding statement is planning to be Prime Minister Theresa may during a meeting of heads of governments of the Commonwealth on April 19, the newspaper The Guardian. According to the Minister of the environment Michael Gove in the Kingdom annually emit about 8.5 billion plastic tubes. The government plans to spend 61 million pounds ($86 million) on the development of new technologies that will help solve the problem of plastic waste. In the fall of 2015 in the Kingdom was a tax in the amount of 5 pence in the purchase of plastic bags in supermarkets. The introduction of fees led to

It became known a possible meeting place for trump and Kim Jong UN

It became known a possible meeting place for trump and Kim Jong UN Meeting of the President of the United States Donald trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN could be held in Switzerland. About it reports NBC, citing its sources. American TV channel said that the final decision is still pending. Among other options that were considered for the summit, was Beijing, Pyongyang and Ulan Bator, but they were rejected for security reasons. It is noted that the organization of the meeting in Europe, particularly in Switzerland, are the representatives of the American authorities. Bloomberg reported earlier that one of the possible locations for the summit could be Sweden, since it represents the interests of both States. Contacts between countries are made through the Embassy in the DPRK. On 18 April, the President of the United States Donald trump said on Twitter that the head of the CIA, Michael

The Russian foreign Ministry told about the attempts of “al-Nusra” to create autonomy in the South of Syria with US support

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Gennady Homeland/TASS MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. Russia records the attempts of the Syrian opposition, “dzhebhat an-Nusra” and IG (“Islamic state” banned terrorist organizations) with the support of the US to establish autonomy in the South of Syria. This was stated on Thursday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Putin discussed with Russian security Council Syria

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the permanent members of the Russian security Council the situation in Syria, as well as domestic problems, in particular, measures to prevent floods and wildfires. This was reported by press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov.

“Death to spies!”: 75 years ago created the best intelligence service WWII

“Death to spies!”: 75 years ago created the best intelligence service WWII MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Thursday marks 75 years since the creation of the legendary body of state security of the USSR, the military counterintelligence “SMERSH”, which is considered perhaps the most effective secret service during the great Patriotic war, who made an invaluable contribution to the victory. According to historians of intelligence agencies, the main achievement of the counterintelligence “SMERSH” is that none of the operations of the red Army was not disrupted because of the actions of hostile intelligence services. Neither the strategic plan of the Soviet command became known to the enemy. In addition, there has not been any anti-Soviet statements or in the ranks of the red Army, nor in its rear, so was hoping for in Germany. In fact, through the establishment of “SMERSH” in the Soviet Union in the war was