All correspondence Russians will keep for a month for the FSB

All correspondence Russians will keep for a month for the FSB The Russian government approved the procedure of storing all traffic of Russian users. The document published on the official portal of legal information. According to the document, operators from 1 October 2018 will be stored in full with all information of users in the last 30 days. The volume of traffic to save will grow by 15 percent within five years. In the list of information to collect includes voice and text communications, images, sounds, videos. Data about the facts of receiving and transmitting calls, messages, and other content operators are obliged to keep within six months. Approval procedures for the storage traffic passed in the framework of the package of anti-terrorist laws, also known as “Spring package”, adopted in June 2016. In particular, these laws give law enforcement the right to request from operators of customer information, and

Information about critical state of Marshal of the Haftarot were not confirmed

Information about critical state of Marshal of the Haftarot were not confirmed MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The information that the commander of the Libyan national army, Marshal Khalifa Haftar is in critical condition, was not confirmed, said on Thursday at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “The media expressed fears in connection with his allegedly critical condition was not confirmed. As we were informed by our contacts from the official Libyan structures in Eastern Libya, including the command of the Libyan national army, said the rumors were greatly exaggerated,” said Zakharov. Earlier media reported that Haftar probably suffered a stroke and was taken out of Libya to a hospital in France. Later it was reported that the commander of the LDF allegedly died in hospital. Marshal Khalifa haftar was born in 1943. He was a supporter of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, however, in

In Yerevan on Thursday arrested more than 120 protesters

In Yerevan on Thursday arrested more than 120 protesters YEREVAN, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The police was brought Thursday into the office of Yerevan 122 participant shares against the election of ex-President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan Prime Minister, told RIA Novosti press-service of the police. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “According to recent reports, 122 people subject to arrest,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier the organizer of the action, MP Nikol Pashinyan promised to paralyze the work of state bodies of Armenia and Thursday with his supporters tried to block the entrances to a government building, but police pushed the protesters. Thursday Pashinyan said that the tactics of the opposition will be mobile. The MP said that they should exclude clashes with police. Shares against the election of the Prime Minister of Armenia former President Sargsyan began April 13. The opposition accuses him of poor governance and the deteriorating economic situation. On

The new leader of Cuba was Miguel Diaz-Kanel’

The new leader of Cuba was Miguel Diaz-Kanel’ HAVANA, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The national Assembly of people’s power of Cuba (Parliament) approved by Miguel Diaz-Canela the head of the state Council, he became the new leader of the country. Previously, Diaz-Kanel ‘ has held the post of first Deputy Chairman of the state Council. The vote on his nomination was held the day before. Today the results announced officially. Diaz-Kanel ‘ has received 603 votes of the 604 possible, or of 99.83%. First Deputy Chairman became the Salvador Valdes Mesa. In addition, was elected five deputies, including Ramiro valdés menéndez, Roberto Tomas Morales Ojeda, Gladys Maria Portela Bejerano, INES Maria Chapman and Beatrice Johnson Urrutia. Secretary of the state Council was Homero Acosta. According to Cuban law, the head of the State Council shall be elected during the session of Parliament. The national Commission on nominations met with

Zakharov: in Eastern Guta discovered stocks of chlorine from Germany and smoke from Salisbury

Zakharov: in Eastern Guta discovered stocks of chlorine from Germany and smoke from Salisbury MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. Containers of chlorine from Germany and smoke bombs from Salisbury discovered in Eastern ghouta. This was announced on Thursday at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографийна the liberated territories of Eastern Guta Syrian government troops discovered the containers with chlorine, the worst chemical weapons from Germany, and smoke bombs production of the city’s attention, Salisbury, UK.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry “I would also like to draw attention to the fact that in January 2013 the British newspaper Daily Mail published an article that disclosed information about the agreement of the leadership of the White house on the implementation of the US and its allies chemical attack in Syria and the subsequent attribution of responsibility to President Assad to strengthen international military operations

The Iraqi air force bombed is positions in the border areas of Syria

The Iraqi air force bombed is positions in the border areas of Syria The Iraqi air force attacked the positions of the “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in the border areas in Syria. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement of the office of Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi. It is noted that the presence of is militants on the border with Iraq threatened the security of the country. Earlier, the US reported an increase in activity of the IG on the territory of Syria. Before the White house was informed that the military campaign to destroy the terrorist organization is nearing completion. In December 2017, the US President, Donald trump declared victory over ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Later this is announced by the Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may. That ISIS is defeated, said President of Russia Vladimir Putin. He noted that the terror group

Poroshenko called the basis of Moscow’s “reckless decision of the Kiev princes.”

Poroshenko called the basis of Moscow’s “reckless decision of the Kiev princes.” KIEV, 19 APR — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called the basis of Moscow “the rash decision of ancient princes,” saying that the formation of the independent Orthodox Church “to restore historical justice”. On Tuesday, Poroshenko said that he intends to appeal to the Constantinople Patriarchate for Kyiv resolution on the creation of a single local Autocephalous Church. According to him, the Synod’s decision can be made until 28 July. The President asked the Parliament to support his appeal. “This long-awaited Tomos (permission — ed.) will not only be a triumph of Orthodoxy, but also an act of restoration of historical justice, deep. It is from Tsargrad (Constantinople — ed.) was shed for our blessed land the light of the Christian faith. Then we shared it with the Zalesye, where the ancient Kievan princes very ill-founded

The EU supported the United States in a trade war with China

The EU supported the United States in a trade war with China The EU is ready to support the US in a trade war against China, if Washington guarantees that European countries will not be subject to American tariffs on steel and aluminum. About this newspaper The Wall Street Journal, citing sources. According to the newspaper, the EU is preparing a proposal that can be compared with the simplified Transatlantic trade and investment partnership — a trade agreement between the United States and the European Union, which was prepared under the administration of Barack Obama, however, has not been concluded. For its part, the EU is ready to offer the United States to reduce tariffs on the import of U.S. vehicles, components and industrial equipment, agricultural products and medicines. Also, Brussels is ready to commit themselves “to join forces with US in combating what both parties consider to be unfair

China has decided to cooperate with Russia despite Western sanctions

China has decided to cooperate with Russia despite Western sanctions China and Russia will continue to cooperate closely, in spite of the sanctions. This was stated by official representative of the Ministry of Commerce of China Gao Feng, reports TASS. According to him, restrictive measures will not be able to harm the relations of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. “China and Russia maintain stable, well-formed relations, and external factors are not able to damage them”, — he said. Gao Feng added that Beijing resolutely opposes the introduction of restrictive measures by individual countries against other States. He also stressed that China is ready to work with Moscow to make efforts to conduct joint activities, such as the first China international import exhibition and the V Russian-Chinese EXPO. In March of this year relations between China and its largest economic partner — the United States has deteriorated due

USA refused entry to the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi theatre

USA refused entry to the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi theatre MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The American authorities refused to issue visas to the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi theatre Olga Smirnova, first soloist of Jacopo Tissi, said the publication Page Six. As writes the edition, the artists were scheduled to perform in new York at Lincoln center on Monday. Refusal to issue visas was given on April 10, but was told about it only on Wednesday, April 18. The organizers of the performance believe that the failure of the Ministry of internal security of the United States can be politically motivated. “I don’t understand. One of the versions that it is connected with politics. This is my involuntary reaction, but I don’t know why — except that they are Russian. But it makes no sense”, — said the organizer of the speech, the President of the international