Tuleyev announced his retirement from politics

Tuleyev announced his retirement from politics A former Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev, who now serves as the Chairman of the Council of people’s deputies of the Kuzbass, said that he sees his future in politics and has no plans to become member of the Federation Council. “Honestly, I don’t want, and it makes no sense in politics to stay,” said Tuleyev in an interview with a local television station TVM. He said that he has no plans to relocate from Kuzbass. “Where am I going? I have here the graves of your parents and son. I can’t imagine myself and Kuzbass separately,” said Tuleyev. He stated that he resigned from the post of head of the region for moral reasons. According to the politician, if not a tragedy in the “Winter cherry”, he would have left politics in the fall of 2018 due to health problems. The

Klintsevich: public desecration of the monument in Poland was the result of government policies

Franz Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. The desecration of the monument of gratitude to the red army in Warsaw attracting maximum attention of people is the result of many years of state policy of the Polish authorities. This opinion was expressed Saturday in an interview with reporters, a member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich.

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation: all information in the case Skrobala censored British intelligence

Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko © AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. The British media are unable to produce a single article on the case Skrobala without the approval of the Council for national security of the United Kingdom. This was announced Saturday by the Russian Ambassador in London Alexander Yakovenko in an interview to RBC, citing the leak that occurred the day before.

The Russian foreign Ministry has not received notification about the lawsuit of the national Committee of the US Democratic party for the election

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Ministry has not received any official notification about the lawsuit of the National Committee of the US Democratic party about the outcome of the presidential elections in 2016 in the United States. This was stated on Saturday by the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Haley: the United States is following countries that violate human rights

Haley: the United States is following countries that violate human rights UN 20 APR. /TASS/. The United States is watching the governments of the countries in which Washington sees human rights violations. This was stated on Friday by the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, commenting on the publication of the U.S. Department of state report, which assesses the situation of human rights in 199 countries and territories. “The protection and promotion of human rights are the basis of American values. We will continue to challenge the most vicious in the world to human rights violators such as Iran, China, Syria, Venezuela and North Korea. Publication of the report serves as a warning inhumane governments that the United States is watching them, and reminds victims of human rights violations that we will continue to stand on their side,” — said in a written statement, Haley, circulated by the

The democratic party of the USA has filed a lawsuit against Russia, a team of trump and WikiLeaks

The democratic party of the USA has filed a lawsuit against Russia, a team of trump and WikiLeaks The lawsuit contains accusations of meddling in the American elections in 2016. Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU the national Committee of the US Democratic party filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the government of Russia, the election team of the President of the United States Donald trump and the organization WikiLeaks, said Friday the newspaper The Washington Post. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. district court in Manhattan. It says that the election campaign trump conspired with the Russian leadership and the Russian military intelligence to “harm” the candidate in presidents from Democrats Hillary Clinton and to help Trump the elections, compromised the computer network of the Democratic party and spread obtained materials. “During the presidential campaign of 2016, Russia launched a comprehensive attack on our democracy, and they found consonants (for cooperation) and

Poroshenko proposed to revoke acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation in the Crimea Ukrainian passport

Poroshenko proposed to revoke acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation in the Crimea Ukrainian passport Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko offers the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to include as grounds for loss of Ukrainian citizenship acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation on the territory of Crimea. It is provided by the presidential bill No. 8297 on amendments to the law of Ukraine “On citizenship of Ukraine” concerning improvement of separate provisions, which was submitted to Parliament on April 19. Thus, article 19 is proposed to add a provision according to which the grounds for loss of Ukrainian citizenship is the acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation “as a result of unlawful and unscrupulous actions” of the Russian authorities on the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol. See also: the Best and worst passports in the world

The Russian foreign Ministry urged the US to take steps to reduce military activity off the coast of Korea

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, April 21 . /TASS/. Russian foreign Ministry urges the United States and the Republic of Korea to undertake adequate reciprocal steps to reduce military activity in the area of the Korean Peninsula. This is stated on Saturday in the comments of the Department of information and press of the diplomatic corps.

The state duty for issuance of a passport will increase to 5 thousand roubles

The state duty for issuance of a passport will increase to 5 thousand roubles Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian Government has approved a bill to increase the state duty for issue of new passports with 3.5 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, follows from the information published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. “To approve the draft Federal law “On amendments to articles and 33328 33333 of the Tax code of the Russian Federation and article 1 of the Federal law “On amendments to Chapter 253 part two of the Tax code of the Russian Federation and to submit it to the State Duma in the established procedure”, — stated in the message. In accordance with the bill the fee for issuing foreign passports containing electronic information carrier (passports of new generation) will be increased from 3.5 thousand to 5 thousand rubles. For children up to 14