“Skripal’s case” will not affect the obtaining of visas for Russian citizens, said the Ambassador

“Skripal’s case” will not affect the obtaining of visas for Russian citizens, said the Ambassador MOSCOW, 24 APR — RIA Novosti. The situation around the “business Skripal” will not affect the process of obtaining UK visas for Russians, told RIA Novosti the British Ambassador in Russia Laurie Bristow. “No, it will not harm the process of obtaining visas to regular applicants. Russian citizens can apply as usual through the visa center. We hope that the time required for processing applications, will remain nearly the same as before. So all in all — no changes,” said Bristow, answering the question will affect whether the situation around the “business Skripal” in the process of obtaining visas for Russian citizens. The Ambassador added that we should not expect similar problems at the moment with the increase of terms when applying for a U.S. visa. “No, it’s definitely not our intention,” said Bristow, responding

Kadyrov has compared the situation in Syria from Chechnya

Kadyrov has compared the situation in Syria from Chechnya MOSCOW, 24 APR — RIA Novosti. The situation in Syria is used to put pressure on Russia: as in Chechnya in the 1990’s, a third force came up with the war against Russia, if it continues, Moscow will have to take action, said the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. “Syria and the Syrian people is absolutely not to blame. How, then, in our Republic, what happened? Chechens never were extremists, terrorists. Came up with a war against Russia and began to go forward, killing our people. The same thing is happening in Syria,” — said Kadyrov on air of TV channel “Russia 24”, answering the question what he thinks about the current situation in Syria. According to him, now there are players who started to show “his muscles, to show teeth”. “I think now there is a struggle against Russia. I

U.S. Ambassador to Russia expressed the desire trump to personally engage with Putin

U.S. Ambassador to Russia expressed the desire trump to personally engage with Putin Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU. The President of the United States Donald trump wants to personally interact with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and to make relations with Russia more predictable and strong, said U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman. “I would like to emphasize that the President trump have repeatedly said that it seeks to ensure that relations between our countries more efficient, and he wants to personally engage with President Putin. He talked about it every time I saw him, and every time I talked to him on the phone since day one,” said the huntsman on Tuesday to journalists in Vladivostok. You can call it the desire for discharge, or the desire for more healthy relations between our countries, but my President is very sincere in this desire that the relations between

Shoigu: the US is pushing the world to the arms race

Shoigu: the US is pushing the world to the arms race The Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu, speaking at the Ministerial meeting of the SCO countries in Beijing, said that the United States is pushing countries to the arms race. According to the Minister, currently the world is in a state of transition to a multipolar system, which manifests itself in increased competition for leadership in that region and around the world. “In these circumstances, the United States wants to preserve the role of the hegemon in international Affairs, will employ any means, including military, pushing the country to a new arms race — said Mr. Shoigu (quoted by TASS).— This is confirmed in the new American doctrinal documents in the sphere of national security and defence, the desire to revise the most important international agreements, including UN resolutions and the basic principles of the world trade organization.”

The media has accused the Pentagon of deliberately understating the capabilities of Russian air defense

The media has accused the Pentagon of deliberately understating the capabilities of Russian air defense The Pentagon deliberately casts doubt on the effectiveness of air defense systems of Russian production, thus, perhaps, trying to protect Turkey from the purchase of Russian s-400, writes the National Interest. The newspaper reminds the statement of the official representative of the Pentagon, The white that all issued by the United States, Britain and France on the night of 14 April through Syria missiles has achieved its objectives. Thus, American defense Ministry denied the statements of Russia that the Syrian air defense able to shoot down most of the missiles. White also noted that Russia-manufactured air defense system was ineffective. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий Her statement was supported by the representative of the joint chiefs of staff U.S. army Lieutenant General Kenneth McKenzie, noting that the Russian air defense was active at the time of the missile strike,

The Committee in the Federation Council supported the bill on the response to US sanctions

The Committee in the Federation Council supported the bill on the response to US sanctions MOSCOW, 24 APR — RIA Novosti. The Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation supported the concept of the bill on response to US sanctions with some reservations, to be at the disposal of RIA Novosti the opinion of the Committee on the bill. A bill to sanctions the U.S. and other countries were submitted to the Duma on April 13. The document gives the government the right by decision of the President to enter 16 different responses, including to prohibit or restrict the import of agricultural, alcohol and tobacco products, drugs from certain countries prohibit or restrict the export from Russia of rare earth metals, to suspend cooperation on the nuclear, aircraft, and rocket engines. “The Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state building supported the concept of the draft Federal law on the

The Russian foreign Ministry: presence of the anti-missile “umbrella” gives US the illusion of impunity

The building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 24. /TASS/. The presence of anti-missile “umbrella” gives US the illusion of impunity and leads to the dangerous steps. This is stated in the commentary of the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the publication of a U.S. state Department report on the observance of agreements and obligations in the field of arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament.

Slutsky: Russia may return to the subject of repayment of the contribution at the Council of Europe resolution of the crisis with PACE

MOSCOW, April 24. /TASS/. Russia may return to the subject of repayment of its dues to the Council of Europe (COE) in the case of a resolution of the crisis with its parliamentary Assembly. About this TASS said Tuesday the head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky, commenting on the statement of COE Secretary General thorbjørn Jagland.

Permanent mission of the Russian Federation at the OPCW received the replies of great Britain to the questions in the “case Skripal”

Permanent mission of the Russian Federation at the OPCW received the replies of great Britain to the questions in the “case Skripal” The permanent mission of Russia to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) said that yesterday received from the British side, the answers to questions on the case of poisoning in Salisbury, the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. The Embassy added that it is currently studying the submissions received, however details were not given. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The British authorities claim that Skrobala poisoned nervously-paralytic substance “Beginner”, supposedly produced in Russia. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, however, said that Skrobala was poisoned with a drug BZ, which was adopted by the USA and the UK. The OPCW thus confirms the presence of BZ in the samples collected by experts at the British Salisbury.