The new model is the biggest drone Russia will go into force in 2019

The new model is the biggest drone Russia will go into force in 2019 The Armed forces of the Russian Federation will arrive fully Russian version of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) “Forpost”. A localized model of the drone is made only from domestic components. During the download an error has occurred. In defense of “Izvestia” said that the new UAV will begin to enter the army in 2019. One of the first drones get troops of the Baltic fleet. The basis for the “Outpost” was the Israeli Searcher 2 UAV. Since 2012, the specialists of OJSC “RTI Systems” was engaged in localization of the drone and the gradual introduction of Russian components. “Outpost” is designed to solve intelligence problems and adjustment of artillery fire. Sizes and capacity of a UAV allows to carry optical-electronic equipment and fuel. Also on the topic: Not a veiled threat: the most powerful weapon

Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Turkey and Iran have demanded investigation of reports himatakah Syria

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. Moscow, Tehran and Ankara demanded that the OPCW timely investigation reports himatakah Syria. This is stated in the joint statement of the foreign Ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey at the end of their meeting on April 28 in Moscow. The text of the document published Saturday on the website of the Russian depodesta.

Moscow banned entry to the territory of the Russian Federation hostile to citizens of Lithuania

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation in Moscow © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. Moscow is forced to impose a ban on entry into the territory of the Russian Federation a number of the most hostile citizens of Lithuania and Vilnius warns that the “stop-list” remains open. This is stated in the published on Saturday a statement by the Russian depodesta.

The defense Ministry allowed the soldiers-contractors free access to the spas

The defense Ministry allowed the soldiers-contractors free access to the spas The defense Ministry plans to equal rights for sanatorium-resort treatment of the officers and contractors who serve on posts of soldiers and sergeants. Previously this option was available to officers and warrant officers. As told “Izvestia” in the office, it has already developed the draft amendments. Now the document is at the stage of interdepartmental coordination. It is anticipated that changes will take effect this year. Contractor and the members of his family once a year during a holiday on the basis of medical evidence will be able to go to the military sanatorium free. Those who received a wound, injury or disease in the course of service, will receive a ticket out of turn. On balance of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation — 48 health centers, which are located, in particular, on the black sea

State-owned companies and agencies will be transferred to purchase fuel at market prices

State-owned companies and agencies will be transferred to purchase fuel at market prices The Deputy head of the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) Anatoly Golomolzin told “Izvestia” that to the end of 2018, natural monopolies, state companies and agencies will be transferred to purchase fuel at market prices. According to experts, the implementation of the plans of the Antimonopoly Agency will help save the Treasury up to 30 billion rubles per year. Now contracts can be concluded through tenders on the open circuit, when the price of delivery is determined by the competition of bidders. FAS proposes to link the maximum value of contracts to market indices. As have explained “news” the head of the control TEK FAS Dmitry Makhonin, the service developed an appropriate method for determining prices, which is based on the average exchange fuel cost per month before deliveries. In the near future the methodology will be submitted

Britain refused to recognize the Russian education

Britain refused to recognize the Russian education The UK has blocked the signing of an agreement with Russia about mutual recognition of documents on education. This is stated in the message of the Russian Embassy in London, posted on Friday, April 27. Media asked the Embassy to explain the reduction in the number of students, the Russians in private schools in the Kingdom by nearly 40 percent over the past two years. In response, a spokesman for the mission said that the failure of the agreement — an important factor for parents when choosing the place of training children. “Against the background of deteriorating relations between the two countries waged here anti-Russian campaign in the British private education is losing its attraction for Russians. They fear that guests of the Russian children will be in a hostile environment, and these fears are quite understandable,” — he explained. Relations between London

Peskov: report of the Congress said that there was no reason for hysteria about “interference”

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. The Kremlin hopes that the Americans will read circulated by the special Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives a report on alleged Russian intervention in elections in this country, as this document demonstrates the lack of grounds for anti-Russian hysteria.

The Russian foreign Ministry warned of the real risks of pirate hijackings of the Ukrainian security forces

The building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. The disposal of the Ukrainian authorities on the prohibition of the transit and transport of goods through the territory of Ukraine by ships under the flag of Russia creates real risks of pirate seizures of Russian vehicles by Ukrainian security forces. This is stated in a statement on Saturday the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In the United States reported on the fate caught in Russia “Tomahawk”

In the United States reported on the fate caught in Russia “Tomahawk” The American magazine Popular Mechanics predicted the fate of the trapped from Syria to Russia, cruise missiles “Tomahawk”. The publication suggests that the study of weapons of the enemy will cause interest first of all the possibility of its destruction. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “The transmitters can be tested for resistance to jamming, parts engines to help you find it [a rocket] with the infrared radiation and on-Board navigation data can be used to inform about the location of the protective radar”, — writes the magazine. The publication notes that almost any modern missile, designed to hit targets of the enemy, designed in such a way that the enemy could not reveal its device. On the other hand, the magazine notes, weapons, enemies regularly gets to US, what is helping “friends of the government” (actually intelligence Agency). The journal notes that