The Syrian Parliament has denied reports about Assad’s decree on the confiscation of property

The Syrian Parliament has denied reports about Assad’s decree on the confiscation of property DAMASCUS, APR 28 — RIA Novosti. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued a decree on the confiscation of property of those citizens who does not submit the evidence of ownership within 30 days, such actions contradict the Constitution of the country, told RIA Novosti Secretary of the national Council (Parliament) of Syria, Khaled al-Abboud. Earlier, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, with reference to data of the German foreign Ministry said that Assad allegedly signed a decree, allowing to deprive of the property of refugees. According to the newspaper, if the owners within 30 days will not give the authorities on the spot the documents on the ownership of property, they can issue a permit for construction on this plot to other persons. The German government expressed indignation at such a measure due to the fact that it jeopardizes refugees

American intelligence doubted the closure of the nuclear test site DPRK

American intelligence doubted the closure of the nuclear test site DPRK Underground nuclear test site, which, according to the statements of North Korea, has been closed, can still be used. Reuters reported sources in the us intelligence community. “There is no reason to believe that the nuclear test site, Pungere no longer works,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the work object can be fully resumed at any time. According to us intelligence, the landfill is still usable, despite reports of a serious accident that occurred at the facility in September last year. Then the media was told that as a result of the collapse of the tunnel at the site of Pungere killed about 200 people. The displacement of rocks could be caused by the testing of the hydrogen bomb. April 25, the media was told that the Chinese scientists suggested that this could well be the

Walk the line

Walk the line What are the most important outcomes of the historic meeting of the leaders of North and South Korea. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий In the life of the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large was without exaggeration a momentous event — the meeting of the leaders of the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. The main documented outcome of the summit was the joint Declaration, which defines the normalization of relations between the two countries that for more than 60 years to live — at least formally — in a state of war. On the transition of Kim Jong-UN and moon Jae-Ins across the border, joy sellers of noodles nanman and the chances for a peaceful bright future — in the material of the portal Blurring the boundaries The inter-Korean summit was held for the third time in history — the last such summit was held in 2007. Since

The white house announced.

The white house announced. On the eve of Vladimir Putin’s inauguration, officials will reduce public activity. As it became known””, on may 3, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will visit the exhibition center, which will hold a meeting on development of agriculture. For Mr. Medvedev that will be the last public event at the rank of Chairman of the present government, like many other White house staff: according to “Kommersant”, the administration has already recommended that the Federal officials on the eve of inauguration of Vladimir Putin “to reduce media activity”. The political scientist believes that no alternatives to the President on the agenda should not be, otherwise the news of the inauguration “will not look like something meaningful”. On the forthcoming visit of Dmitry Medvedev at ENEA told “Kommersant” two sources in the government. According to them, immediately after the first may holidays, may 3, the Prime Minister will be

North Korea and South Korea intend to declare the world to the end of the year

North Korea and South Korea intend to declare the world to the end of the year The DPRK and South Korea agreed to end de jure ongoing since 1950 the war (in 1953 signed the armistice) this year. It is reported by Kyodo, citing the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA). 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The parties decided to enter into the settlement on Friday, the inter-Korean summit. It was the first ever visit of DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN to the territory of South Korea. The South Korean President said that if it severomoravsky colleague really wants peace and prosperity, “this task lies on his (Kim Jong UN.— “B”) shoulders.” Commenting on the results of the summit, the Russian foreign Ministry called it “a significant step towards national reconciliation and establishing lasting relationships that have independent value.”

In the state Department insist on negotiations with Russia on air communication

In the state Department insist on negotiations with Russia on air communication Washington intends to negotiate with Moscow on the issue of crossing Russian airspace American cargo and passenger ships. In the absence of the agreements at least one route, carriers will have to find other ways of delivery, said assistant Secretary of state for economic and business Affairs Manish Singh. “Cargo carriers know it’s a difficulty to them, and we are trying to resolve it as quickly as possible,” — said the representative of the state Department. It quoted the RT. Moscow does not rule out that Russia and the United States may be left without air service because of the difficulties crews with visa. This could be the reluctance of the US to maintain direct air links with Russia, experts suggest.

Putin has decided to develop the city and the space

Putin has decided to develop the city and the space The space between settlements should grow roots and grow, said President Vladimir Putin, putting an end to disputes officials about approaches to the spatial development strategy. “There is such a point of view [about the development of large Metropolitan areas], but wins a different approach to spatial development of the country was primarily associated with the development of transport and other infrastructure between settlements”, — said Russian President Vladimir Putin, putting an end to disputes officials about approaches to the spatial development strategy. The document should be the basis for the planning of territorial development, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak (in charge of regional development): the current programs contradict each other and cannot be the basis for regional policy. The main fork concept was — what to develop: regions, Metropolitan areas (agglomeration) or all the territories, explained to two

Media reported on the Russian “roots” of the American F-35

Media reported on the Russian “roots” of the American F-35 According to the portal Task and Purpose, unobtrusive fighter-bomber Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II has common features with the Soviet Yak-141. As noted, in 1991, Lockheed and Yakovlev has signed a cooperation agreement, which, in particular, allowed American companies to obtain information about the Yak-141, including test data, which required “years of development and trials.” While this information has helped Lockheed in the development of engines for their aircraft. However, the F-35 cannot be considered a direct successor of the Yak-141. Planes have different aerodynamic profiles and system stabilization. However, the American company “almost certainly” used data obtained from the Soviet project of the VTOL (aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing) in the development of the F-35. That is, at least part of its existence, the F-35 is bound the arms of the Soviet era, emphasizes the publication.

Merkel told about the evaluation of the effect of sanctions against Russia

Merkel told about the evaluation of the effect of sanctions against Russia MOSCOW, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. Germany, together with US authorities estimates the effect that has had on Russia’s new economic sanctions, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a press conference after meeting with U.S. President Donald trump. “We work very closely with representatives of the administration of the United States… to exchange views about what action they (sanctions — ed.) can provide”, — said the Chancellor at a press conference after meeting with U.S. President Donald trump. In addition, she noted the similarity of the positions of Berlin and Washington on the issue of relations to the policy of Russia. “As for the controversy, the conflict with Russia, including Russia’s role in Syria, as a whole, there is unity with the US,” she said. The threat to the economy of Germany Earlier high-ranking source in the office