Moskalkova urged not to include in the sanctions list of the medicines and medical technologies

Moskalkova urged not to include in the sanctions list of the medicines and medical technologies MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova urged not to include in the sanctions lists of goods and services medicines and medical technology. “I urge everyone to in the current confrontation between States to include medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, technologies in the field of health,” she said during a press conference in TASS on Saturday. The Ombudsman stressed that the political confrontation of the “human health cannot be under attack”. NewsThan the Russians face a ban of American medicine The provisions of the bill on the counter The draft law “On measures of exposure to (counter) the unfriendly actions of the US and (or) other foreign countries” was submitted April 13, leaders of all parliamentary factions and speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. It is designed as

Tinsel and steel. Why him and Merkel went to the US President

Tinsel and steel. Why him and Merkel went to the US President Donald trump turned a deaf ear to the arguments of the Chancellor of Germany tariffs, but willingly arranged fireworks and a reception with billionaires in honor of the President of France. The great French philosopher and sociologist Raymond Aron once observed that Europe is so small and vulnerable that must make many different bets. By that he meant the inability of the European States, even the largest, conduct a completely independent foreign policy. So it is: after a strategic catastrophe 1914 — 1945 Europe will never be able to regain his former power and influence on world Affairs. Especially now, when the center of the whole world of geopolitics has shifted to Asia, finally sliding the Old world to the periphery. This, however, does not mean that the leading European States could not continue to be subtle and

Medvedev on Obama: he promised to tear the country apart, let him come and see

Medvedev on Obama: he promised to tear the country apart, let him come and see The former U.S. President, speaking about the situation in Russia in 2014, used data from 15 years ago. MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recalled how former President Barack Obama promised to break Russia’s economy in tatters, noting that Obama ought to come and see how it works. During an interview in the program “Vesti on Saturday” on TV channel “Russia 1” Sergey Brilev reminded that Obama, speaking about the situation in Russia in 2014, used data from 15 years ago. “When a possible meeting with the former American leader you could point him to this error,” — he turned to the Prime Minister. Yes, it was. But he to us especially goes. He even promised us that our economy will be in shreds. Let them come, look at these pieces.Dmitry Medvedevputin-Minister See

The Russian foreign Ministry warned Russian shipping companies about the risk of capture of the Ukrainian security forces

The Russian foreign Ministry warned Russian shipping companies about the risk of capture of the Ukrainian security forces The Ministry said that after the arrest of the fishing boat “Nord” was also the arrest of the vessel Trans Maritime Services. Moscow. April 28. INTERFAX.RU the Russian foreign Ministry has warned shipping companies of Russia about the real risks of pirate seizures of Russian vehicles by Ukrainian security forces. In the commentary “About the threats to the Russian shipping by the authorities of Ukraine”, published on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry, noted that “in recent years, cases of illegal detention by the Ukrainian authorities of the Russian courts. After unlawful detention by the state border service of Ukraine on 25 March in the sea of Azov of the Russian fishing vessel “Nord” and illegal deduction under guards of his crew two weeks later, was the arrest on the ship

Donald trump and Angela Merkel overcame barriers

Donald trump and Angela Merkel overcame barriers Trade tariffs and the Iranian nuclear deal continues to cause controversy in Berlin and Washington. The President of the United States Donald trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel tried but failed to hide their differences. This is the leitmotif of Western media reporting on last Friday’s meeting. Basic tension between Washington and Berlin were trade relations between the US and EU nuclear deal with Iran. In addition, the sides discussed Russia’s role in the Syrian conflict and the situation in Ukraine, as well as side effects which may take sanctions against Moscow. The meeting of U.S. President Donald trump and the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel took place on Friday. This is the second European American President talks with European leaders. This week in Washington on a state visit the President of France Emmanuel macron. “Trump and Merkel met eye to eye, but

Dmitry Medvedev has proposed to introduce individual sanctions against US citizens

Dmitry Medvedev has proposed to introduce individual sanctions against US citizens New Russian counter-sanctions should include the introduction of individual sanctions against legal entities and individuals from the United States. A proposal was expressed by the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev in the program “Vesti on Saturday” on TV channel “Russia 1”. “In my opinion, the bill (on the response to US sanctions.— “B”) must contain the rule that on behalf of the President, or the President, or the government is entitled to impose individual sanctions in relation to any legal or physical entity—resident of the United States of America,” — said the Prime Minister (quoted by TASS). Medvedev also supported the introduction in Russia of responsibility for enforcement of us sanctions. According to the Prime Minister, the anti-Russian US sanctions are designed to destroy the socio-political system of Russia and harm the economy and people. “If so, then

In the Kremlin commented on the us report on “intervention” of Russia

In the Kremlin commented on the us report on “intervention” of Russia MOSCOW, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. The Kremlin hopes that the US will get acquainted with the report on the “intervention” of Russia, will be amazed and wonder where I went into hysterics, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Earlier, the US Congress has extended the declassified report on alleged “Russian interference” in the elections, according to which the house Committee on intelligence found no evidence of collusion between the staff of Donald trump and Russia. The US President, trump said that after the publication of the declassified report must come an end to the accusations of collusion of his staff to Russia. He noted that he holds against Russia, “the hard line”, but advocating that the two countries “get along”. “I hope that someone in America, the report read, because sometimes it seems that the

Peskov denied recommendations to the government “to lower media activity”

Peskov denied recommendations to the government “to lower media activity” MOSCOW, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. Alleging that the recommendations of the government “to reduce media activity” until the inauguration of the President of Russia does not correspond to reality, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “No, it’s not. First, you know that the President is a supporter of concentrated work, despite some bureaucratic or electoral cycles. The President always says and requires, in spite of the holidays, no matter what, to work rhythmically, systematically and purposefully.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President This is the first. The second never happened, and no, this post is simply not true,” Peskov said, when asked to confirm or deny reports that the government allegedly has been recommended to reduce media activity, so as not to interrupt information agenda the first person in the eve of the inauguration. See

Medvedev said it has no plans to retire

Medvedev said it has no plans to retire Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that is not going to go away on holiday. About it the Prime Minister said in the program “Vesti on Saturday” channel “Russia 1”. The current government completes its work. After the inauguration of President Vladimir Putin’s 7 may be formed a new Cabinet. Medvedev stressed that the government had generally fulfilled its head of state tasks. Read also: Medvedev on sanctions: Russia has passed a stress test

Medvedev on sanctions: Russia has passed a stress test

Medvedev on sanctions: Russia has passed a stress test MOSCOW, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. Russia passed the stress test after the introduction of Western sanctions and have developed tools of influence on them, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “But most importantly, we realize that we have developed tools to react to this kind of exposure. We have passed the stress test. We stood. The economy lives and the social sphere is growing,” Medvedev said in an interview with the presenter of the program “Vesti on Saturday” Sergey Brilev at TV-channel “Russia 1”. He also drew attention to the negative impact of such measures on all participants and the sanctions rhetoric. “Nowhere is good does not. This for us is a loss for the Europeans loss. To a lesser extent for the Americans loss, because we have the volume of trade with them is small. But also some losses. So