The European Commission has asked Germany to increase contributions to the EU budget due to Brexit

The European Commission has asked Germany to increase contributions to the EU budget due to Brexit Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU — the European Commission (EC) called upon Germany in the next ten years to increase payments to the budget of the European Union 12 billion euros per year. New costs and losses due to the upcoming British exit from the EU (Brexit) will require Germany, as the largest payer in the budget of the Union, an additional 3.5−4 billion euros per year, besides in the coming years will compensate for costs due to rising prices, said the European Commissioner for budget günther Oettinger in an interview with ARD organisations in Brussels on Wednesday. European Commission on Wednesday presented a draft budget of the European Union for the period 2021-2027 years in the amount of 1,135 trillion euros. The budget for the current seven-year period is 1,087 trillion euros. In connection

Embassy of the Russian Federation stated that the artificiality of the British charges in the case Skripal obvious

The Russian Embassy in London © Ilya Dmitriev/TASS LONDON, may 2. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in London believes that the recent statements by British officials about the case Skrobala prove that addressed to Russia the charges were based on speculation. This was reported in Wednesday’s press-Secretary of Department, commenting on made a statement on 1 may the government adviser on the national security of the UK Mark Sedwill. At the meeting with deputies of the parliamentary Committee on defence Sedwill admitted that British investigators have not yet established exactly who poisoned ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury. “Sedwill reaffirmed that sounded in the address of the Prime Minister of serious allegations and the ensuing far-reaching foreign policy decisions in mobilizing the political support of the Western bloc was based on mere speculation,” – said at the Embassy. “No evidence of Russian involvement in this crime and

In Armenia disrupted the work of Parliament

In Armenia disrupted the work of Parliament A meeting of the National Assembly of Armenia, scheduled for may 2, has not taken place, informs “Interfax”. Before the meeting, signed up 33 members, while the quorum requires the presence of 53 parliamentarians. However, the speaker of the Armenian Parliament Ara Babloyan stated purpose of date of elections of the new Prime Minister of the country — they will be held on may 8. Candidates for this position have not yet been made. Some MPs are unable to attend the meeting because of the protesters that morning of may 2 began to block roads in Yerevan and to block the work of the city’s subway. That cause referred, in particular, in the faction of the ruling Republican party. Representatives of the second largest parliamentary force, the opposition party “Prosperous Armenia” announced a boycott of Parliament. On may 1, the National Assembly failed

Over Ukraine Navis, a 27-billion debt

Over Ukraine Navis, a 27-billion debt Ukraine in the next four years must repay the debt for a total amount of 27 billion dollars, said Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman. His words leads to “Interfax”. The head of government stressed that to meet its debt obligations Kiev need external support. According to him, the reduction of Ukraine’s dependence on the assistance of international partners will occur in the case of growth of the economy. Groisman also noted the restructuring of debt undertaken by his predecessor as Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. “But the burden remains high,” he added. In April, the Ukrainian authorities have recognized the impossibility of issue of Eurobonds without the next tranche from the International monetary Fund. According to the Deputy Minister of Finance Sergei Marchenko, without the participation of the IMF is “it will be expensive if at all possible.” Ukraine plans to attract about four billion dollars

Macron called the wife of the Prime Minister of Australia, “delicious”

Macron called the wife of the Prime Minister of Australia, “delicious” MOSCOW, may 2 — RIA Novosti. The President of France Emmanuel macron, in his speech in Sydney called “delicious” by Lucy Turnbull, the wife of the Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull. Apparently, he unsuccessfully used his speech in English, the word delicious as a calque from the French. According to the magazine Vanity Fair, the confusion occurred during the press-conference of two leaders in Sydney, where the French President is visiting. “I want to thank you for your hospitality, to thank you and your delicious wife”, — quotes the words of Macron channel. Quote of the French President posted a media and social media users. Some interlocutors on Twitter noted that the French President is probably misspoke or incorrectly translated the French word delicieux, which has, in particular, the value of “charming”. Emmanuel macron came to Australia for

Human rights activists in the United States asking to ensure the safety of mourning in Odessa

Human rights activists in the United States asking to ensure the safety of mourning in Odessa 2 may in 22 cities in 13 countries rallies on the occasion of the anniversary of the tragic death of 48 people in the House of trade unions. NEW YORK, may 2. /TASS/. American human rights activists have prepared an open letter to the state Department and the Ukrainian authorities to ensure the safety of participants of the mourning events in Odessa on the occasion of the anniversary of the tragic death of 48 people in the House of trade unions. This is stated in a statement on Tuesday the statement of the coordinator of the project “Campaign of solidarity with Odessa” of the United national antiwar coalition (ONAC, UNAC), Phil Wilayto. “The campaign of solidarity with Odessa” urges the Federal government of Ukraine and the USA, as well as the authorities of Odessa

Supported Brexit billionaire was suspected of working for Russian intelligence

Supported Brexit billionaire was suspected of working for Russian intelligence The billionaire founder of research centre the Legatum Institute Christopher Chandler (Keith Chandler) can be associated with Russian intelligence. This was stated by the Deputy of the British Parliament, the representative of the Conservative party Bob Seeley, reports The Times. According to Seeley, he handed over documents to the police Monaco, the French counterintelligence, which contained information on the activities and relationships of Chandler. “These documents are dated 2005 and cover the period since the mid 1990-ies. They relate to Christopher Chandler and his brother,” — said the Deputy. In particular, it is noted that French intelligence services were interested in the activities of the billionaire in 2002 because he suspected him of working for Russian intelligence. The MP stressed that the information contained in these documents, data already confirmed by sources in the French intelligence, as well as their

Pashinyan announced a possible boycott of early parliamentary elections

Pashinyan announced a possible boycott of early parliamentary elections YEREVAN, 2 may. /TASS/. The leader of the opposition Armenian MP Nikol Pashinyan does not exclude the possibility of a boycott of early parliamentary elections, if the acting Prime Minister will remain a member of the Republican party (RPA). He stated this on Wednesday at a meeting with his supporters, who blocked the Arshakunyats Avenue in Yerevan, reported the correspondent of TASS from the event. “It all depends on the day. We do not exclude the possibility of a boycott, but at the moment, the Republican party has no chance to stay in power,” said Pashinyan. In his words, “95% of the country’s citizens took to the streets to complete the velvet revolution”. “They (the ruling Republican party — approx. TASS) has long been not aware of the current situation. I just got the call — blocked all roads leading to

The traffic in Yerevan has virtually ceased

The traffic in Yerevan has virtually ceased Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU — road traffic in Yerevan is almost terminated, disrupted the metro, the correspondent of “Interfax” on Wednesday. Residents of all districts of Yerevan have joined the declared leader of the protest movement, leader of the parliamentary faction “EFC” Nikol Pashinyan General strike, calls to block the road. Blocked the highway leading to Yerevan. Blocked the entrances to the buildings of several government agencies, particularly the Ministry of justice, Ministry of culture and Ministry of education. Employees of the Yerevan international “Zvartnots” airport also joined the protest. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, about two dozen people in a specialform, the costumes came out of the airport and joined the residents of the village of Parakar, blocked the highway Yerevan — Zvartnots airport. The Armenian Parliament failed to elect Nikol Pashinian Prime Minister. His candidacy was the only one, but voted

All entrances to the building of the Ministry of justice of Armenia in Yerevan blocked

All entrances to the building of the Ministry of justice of Armenia in Yerevan blocked Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU — Residents of Yerevan had their cars blocked the entrances to the building of the Ministry of justice of Armenia. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, among those who blocked the entrances — well-known Armenian lawyer Nikolay Baghdasaryan. “Our action is peaceful. We also will block the entrances to the building of the Ministry of education and science,” he said. The leader of the protest movement, the leader of the opposition parliamentary faction “EFC” Nikol Pashinyan urged his supporters in the morning on Wednesday to go on strike and block all roads. The protesters have blocked the highway from Yerevan international airport “Zavrti”.