Zakharova: Russia considers unacceptable the substitution of instruments of the IAEA inspections in Iran

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Russia considers unacceptable the substitution of tools and safeguards inspections of the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) on the implementation of the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program. This was stated on Friday the official representative of the Russian depodesta Maria Zakharova, commenting on the recent statements of the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

Sands: statement by Zeman on gas “Beginner” illustrates the inconsistency of the position of London

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Statement of the Czech President Milos Zeman that nerve gas “Beginner” in small quantities were produced and stockpiled in the Czech Republic eloquently illustrates the inconsistency of the position of great Britain, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.

Zakharova: Russia doubts the data of the OPCW on the amount of substance, pervading Skrobala

MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Moscow doubts the data of the Director General of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Ahmet üzümcü on the quantity of the substance used to poison ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in English Salisbury. This was at the briefing on Friday, said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The expert said the sharp drop in the availability of fat for Ukrainians

The expert said the sharp drop in the availability of fat for Ukrainians MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. In 2018 on the average Ukrainian salary can be purchased for 30% less fat than a year earlier, said the head of the Ukrainian Association of trade networks suppliers Oleksiy Doroshenko. The study used official statistics on wages and average prices of fat in different regions of Ukraine in March 2017 and 2018. “The calculations showed that during the year the purchasing power fell by 30%. In March of last year, the Ukrainian on the average wage could buy 168 pounds of product in March 2018 — 117 pounds. This is despite the fact that the average salary in Ukraine during this time increased by 24%, i.e. from 6752 to 8382 hryvnias”, — Doroshenko writes on his page in Facebook. Thus according to the organization, the most fat can be purchased

The United States can reduce the number of its troops in South Korea

The United States can reduce the number of its troops in South Korea The President of the United States Donald trump instructed the Pentagon to consider the possibility of the withdrawal of American troops from South Korea, reports the New York Times, citing sources. According to them, the need to have a large number of the US military will disappear in the case of concluding a peace Treaty South Korea with North Korea. According to the NYT, today in the South Korean Republic of 23.5 thousand stationed American military. The publication adds that Donald trump is unhappy that “the United States do not receive adequate compensation for the costs of the military” that can also be a reason for reducing their number. In early March it became known about the preparation of the meeting of US President Donald trump with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. And on April 27

The CSR suggested to create a common government digital platform

The CSR suggested to create a common government digital platform MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. Digital transformation of the Russian economy requires the emergence in Russia of cybersecuirty, experts of the Centre for strategic developments (TSSR). They proposed to create a common government digital platform that will unite all the existing disparate systems of ministries and departments and translated into a digital format all the interactions between citizens and the state. “The question of how to reprovisioning the state, there is now in many countries, and Russia is not among the leaders, though outwardly not far behind dramatically,” — stated in the CSR report “Digital transformation of the state.” “Digitization” has become one of the most discussed in the government the last year. First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov even said last summer, speaking at the St. Petersburg international economic forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin “fully sick” digital economy

The US state Department stopped funding the NGO “White helmets”

The US state Department stopped funding the NGO “White helmets” The U.S. Department of state ceased to allocate funds operating in Syria non-governmental organization “White helmets”. This was told CBS. The budget of this organization on third consisted of U.S. government money, notes TASS. The state Department has refused to support the White helmets. On April 16 in U.S. announced the production of “himataki” in Syria, “White helmets”. According to the Senator from Virginia, Richard black, the alleged 7 April chemical attack with the use of chlorine in the Syrian city Duma were rigged by the organization “White helmets”. On April 14 France, USA and UK released a 103 missiles at Syria because of the alleged himataki. As proof cited the video of the White helmets.

Deputy foreign Minister spoke about the peace Treaty of Russia with Japan

Deputy foreign Minister spoke about the peace Treaty of Russia with Japan Russia and Japan are “in the beginning” to conclude a peace Treaty on the question of the South Kuril Islands. This “Izvestia” said the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Morgulov. 21фотография21фотография21фотография According to him, currently the sides are discussing ways of promoting joint economic activities on southern Kuriles according to the agreement Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. “Regarding the prospects of concluding a peace Treaty can only say one thing: real progress in resolving this issue is possible in terms of comprehensive development of Russian-Japanese relations, the formation of the atmosphere of authentic mutual trust and partnership. While we are only at the beginning of this path,” he explained. For Russia the priorities are three principles: “non-prejudice to our legal position on the legality of the facilities of

“First strike”: the Navigator spoke about the weaknesses of the U.S. Navy

“First strike”: the Navigator spoke about the weaknesses of the U.S. Navy MOSCOW, may 3 — RIA Novosti. The U.S. Navy has made significant progress in the development of electronic systems, however, in the case of a real war the fleet would be in great danger. About the journal Proceedings of the naval Institute of the United States said the former Navigator of the guided missile cruiser San Jacinto and Jonathan Panter. “The reliance on digital technologies is particularly acute in the field of communication, propulsion and navigation. This led to the creation of a fleet, which may not survive the first missile attack or hacking,” — said the Navigator. Panter notes that the dependence on computer development entails a greater sensitivity to interference from the enemy. Intense automation of the Navy and the downsizing of the crew is good in time of peace, said the officer. However, during the

Czech Republic admitted the production and storage of “Newbie”

Czech Republic admitted the production and storage of “Newbie” Nerve gas “Beginner” in small quantities were produced and stockpiled in the Czech Republic, said the President of the country Milos Zeman in an interview with TV channel Barrandov. “We had produced and stockpiled a “Newbie”, albeit in small numbers. We know where and when. Not be hypocritical. No need to lie about this”, — quotes his words TASS. The President explained that the poison was tested in November 2017 at the research Institute of the Ministry of defence in Brno (South-East of the Czech Republic). After that, the substance was completely destroyed. However, Zeman did not see anything objectionable in the manufacture of nerve gas. He explained this by the fact that the Czech chemical defense unit should examine the poisons to be able to counteract them. British agent and ex-Colonel of the Main intelligence Directorate (GRU), Sergei Skripal and