Carrier battle group the U.S. has begun strikes on ISIS in Syria*

Carrier battle group the U.S. has begun strikes on ISIS in Syria* WASHINGTON, may 4 — RIA Novosti. Carrier battle group USA, headed by the aircraft carrier “Harry Truman” started the strikes against ISIS* in Syria, reported the press service of the US Navy. Operations commenced on may 3, the report said. The strikes are from the Eastern part of the Mediterranean sea. “The current operation show the capabilities and flexibility of the shock carrier battle groups,” — said the commander of the flotilla rear Admiral Jean black. The group includes the aircraft carrier class “Nimitz” under the name “Harry Truman”, the cruiser “Normandy”, four destroyers with guided missiles, and escorts. According to the coalition under US leadership, last week in Syria it was applied in 27 air strikes. *A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

Lithuania offers less to revise the EU sanctions against Russia

Lithuania offers less to revise the EU sanctions against Russia The authorities advocate a revision of limitations once a year instead of two, said Bloomberg adviser to the Lithuanian President on foreign policy Nerijus Aleksiunas. TASS, 4 may. The Lithuanian authorities advocate a revision of the economic and individual sanctions of the EU against Russia once a year and not every six months, as is happening at the moment. On this, as reported Friday by Bloomberg, said the adviser of the Lithuanian President on foreign policy Nerijus Aleksiunas. In April the Minister of foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius said that the EU may extend sanctions against Russia for a year instead of six months, as was done usually. At the present time in relation to Russia there are several packages of sanctions of the EU: economic and individual restrictive measures that have been extended every six months, as well

Trump: the US does not conduct with the DPRK negotiations on the withdrawal of American troops from the Republic of Korea

Trump: the US does not conduct with the DPRK negotiations on the withdrawal of American troops from the Republic of Korea WASHINGTON, may 4. /TASS/. The United States does not lead the DPRK talks on possible withdrawal of American troops from the Republic of Korea. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump, responding on Friday to questions from journalists at a military base Andrews near Washington in Maryland, before leaving on a working trip to Dallas (Texas). He was asked to clarify, discussed the option of withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Korea in connection with the preparation of the first summit in the history of the US and the DPRK, which could take place in the near future. “Actually, no. Not now. Definitely not” — said the head of the US administration. “And we didn’t ask for this,” said trump, apparently, keeping in mind

The Ministry of defence of the Czech Republic: “Beginner” is not produced and tested in the country

The Ministry of defence of the Czech Republic: “Beginner” is not produced and tested in the country The Ministry of defence of the Czech Republic announced that the camp is not produced and only tested nerve agents belonging to the group of “Newbie”. The statement is published on the Agency’s website. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “These substances were included in the test program to their chemical properties together with other chemical warfare substances such as sarin or Tabun in the defence and security of Czech citizens”, — stressed in the Ministry. The Ministry said that “the substance is chemically synthesized in a specialized laboratory under strict security regime”, after the test it was “immediately destroyed”. “We are talking about the so-called microscale of toxic substances, which, according to international agreements, is not considered production”, — explained in the message. The Ministry is confident that the “leakage probability” in such conditions, “zero”. Yesterday, Czech

Volodin announced the upcoming meetings of the candidate for Prime Minister with the state Duma factions

Volodin announced the upcoming meetings of the candidate for Prime Minister with the state Duma factions The candidate for Prime Minister of Russia will hold meeting with all factions of the state Duma, and consent to his appointment, the lower house can give the next day after being nominated by the RF President, said today the speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. In the case of legislative candidates on the day of the inauguration, 7 may, the state Duma will consider this issue at the next meeting (scheduled for may 8), said Volodin. “We have determined for itself the following modalities of work: the state Duma Committee for the control and regulation must prepare and submit to the Council of the Duma, scheduled for 15:00 on may 7, the procedure of considering the question of consent to the President for appointment of the Chairman of the government within the framework of the next

The OPCW experts have completed work in the Syrian city of Duma

The OPCW experts have completed work in the Syrian city of Duma MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Experts from the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) completed its work in the Syrian city of Duma, who had allegedly subjected to chemical attack. This was reported on Friday to journalists the official representative of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Konashenkov. “In the Syrian city of Duma concluded the work of the expert group of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, verified information about the alleged perfect on 7 April the government forces of a chemical attack,” said the General. “Currently, the expected report of the Commission of the OPCW with the results of the experts of the organization in the Duma”, — he added. HelpWhat is known about the military operations of US, UK and France in Siriopoulos to strike at Arab Republic was the incident on 7

Zakharov told about the subtle schemes of financing “White helmets”

Zakharov told about the subtle schemes of financing “White helmets” MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. Funding operating in Syria of the organization “White helmets” passes through highly sophisticated schemes, said at a briefing on Friday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Sami “helmets” declare that are not under the influence of any country. Of course, under the influence never is. They just take the money they have,” said with irony Zakharova. According to her, media reported on significant donations received the “White helmets” “from a number of highly partisan in the Syrian crisis countries, namely USA, UK, Netherlands”. As pointed out by Zakharov, it was known that the development Fund of Qatar, announced the granting of aid for the purchase of heavy machinery and equipment. “What sum there is a speech, is not specified. Likewise, I did not specified, about what sort of technique going on,”

Lithuania started to call Georgia Sakartvelo

Lithuania started to call Georgia Sakartvelo TBILISI, may 4 — RIA Novosti. Henceforth, the official name of Georgia in Lithuania was “Sakartvelo” (Sakartvelo), wrote the Minister of foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevicius on his Twitter. “On the eve of the centenary of the independence of Georgia made the official decision — this time in Lithuanian is Sakartvelo,” Linkevicius wrote in English. The Minister further added in the Georgian language: “Congratulations on this historic decision! Long live the Lithuanian-Georgian friendship!”. On the eve of #Georgia100 official decision undertaken – from now on it is #Sakartvelo in Lithuanian! Congratulations! გილოცავთ ამ ისტორიულ გადაწყვეტილებას! ლიტვა-საქართველოს მეგობრობას გაუმარჯოს! — Linas Linkevicius (@LinkeviciusL) 3 may 2018. As noted by Sputnik Georgia, still in the official documents of Lithuania wrote Gruzija. We are confident that the citizens of Lithuania will take up this innovation, and informal-seated in a circle of friends authentic name of

Sands: Putin may submit to the state Duma the candidacy of Prime Minister immediately after the inauguration

Sands: Putin may submit to the state Duma the candidacy of Prime Minister immediately after the inauguration MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin may submit to the State Duma the candidacy of the Prime Minister immediately after the inauguration. “Before re-entered the office of head of state, the government shall resign its powers, — reminded the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. Accordingly, from this point we can expect the President’s initiative on introduction [to the Duma] for the candidacy of the Chairman of the government”. “When that exactly is, I can’t tell you, — he added. — Is the exclusive prerogative of the President of the Russian Federation”. Peskov did not answer the question of whether already formed the President structure of the future government. In what form will be presented to Putin’s decision on the candidacy of the Prime Minister and the structure of the Cabinet,

Gryzlov: Kiev confirmed commitment to the peaceful settlement of the conflict in the Donbass

The Chairman of the Supreme Council of the party “United Russia” Boris Gryzlov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MINSK, 4 may. /TASS/. Ukraine confirmed its commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the Donbass in the framework of the Minsk agreements. On Friday following the meeting of the Contact group on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine, said the Ambassador of Russia Boris Gryzlov.