Tolstoy urged people not to speculate about the new Prime Minister, and to await the decision of the President

Vice-speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Pyotr Tolstoy © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, may 5. /TASS/. Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy urged not to try to guess which candidate the President of Russia Vladimir Putin after his inauguration will offer as President of the government, and to await the decision of the head of state.

The Pentagon may be allowed to deviate from sanctions against Russia

The Pentagon may be allowed to deviate from sanctions against Russia According to Bloomberg, citing a draft of the Pentagon’s budget for fiscal year 2019, there included the possibility to deviate from sanctions against Russia. The paper will consider the Committee on armed services, house of representatives, U.S. Congress. “The measure would give the administration (Donald) trump and the armed forces of the United States the opportunity to deviate from some of the sanctions if the allies had connections with Russia, or buying equipment from Russia, will prove that they directly support the guidelines of the US national security”, — the document says. Such countries, according to the draft budget, will have to prove that he had terminated the relationship with Russia in the defense sector or have reduced their dependence on Russian sectors of defense and intelligence community. The representative of the Committee on armed services of the house

Armenian students achieved the resignation do not let them to meetings Director

Armenian students achieved the resignation do not let them to meetings Director Director of secondary school № 11 named after Monte Melkonyan in Yerevan Ruzanna Azizyan resigned after protests demanding her resignation. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The Director of the school in Armenia which was not allowed their students to the rallies, has resigned after protests demanding her resignation. About it reports “Interfax” on Saturday, may 5. Ruzanna Azizyan, who led the secondary school № 11 named after Monte Melkonyan in Yerevan, has already sent a letter of resignation to the mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan. The representative of the city hall reported at the meeting of the teaching staff in the school. The protest demanding the resignation] was held in Yerevan on may 4. It was attended by several hundred people. Students, their parents and human rights activists argued that the Director did not allow adolescents to participate in protests organized by

In Israel, spoke about the “hot line” with Russian air base in Syria

In Israel, spoke about the “hot line” with Russian air base in Syria A “hotline” to prevent accidental clashes between the Israeli and Russian military successfully operating in 2015. This was told by the former head of the Ministry of defense of Israel Moshe ya’alon in an interview to “RIA Novosti”. According to him, emergency channel between the airbase “Hamim” and the command center of the “Kyrie” in tel Aviv earned almost simultaneously with the emergence in Syria of aircraft of the Russian Federation. “At the beginning of the Russian presence was a case when one Russian pilot almost crossed our border on the Golan heights. We realized that it was Russian plane, and used the “hot line” for communication with [the Russian air base in Syria] Hamim: “Your plane is about to enter our airspace. Be careful!” The issue was resolved immediately,” ya’alon told the Agency. According to him,

Ukrainian Admiral called for a blockade of the Strait of Kerch

Ukrainian Admiral called for a blockade of the Strait of Kerch MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. Kiev needs to be prepared for the organization of the convoy escort ships and the blockade of the Strait of Kerch from Russia, said former Deputy Minister of defence of Ukraine, Admiral stock Igor kabanenko in an interview with “Obozrevatel”. Earlier, the Ukrainian state border service said that the Russian side daily stops in the Azov sea next to Ukraine of the court for inspection. In the Crimean Department of the FSB explained that inspections of foreign vessels conducted in accordance with international law of the sea. Claims from shipowners have been received, said the Agency. Commenting on this information, Kabanenko said that the Ukrainian border it is necessary to study the possibility of organizing a convoy escort merchant vessels warships. According to him, in this case, “any detention or inspection of vessels

NYT: a team of spectacular USA interviewed Viktor Vekselberg

NYT: a team of spectacular USA interviewed Viktor Vekselberg Working in a team of spectacular USA Robert Mueller Federal agents two months ago in the airport in new York stopped the Chairman of the Board of Directors of group “Renova” Viktor Vekselberg for conversation, The New York Times reported, citing sources. According to the newspaper, Vekselberg is not suspected of committing any offenses. “Federal investigators working with Mueller, stopped Vekselberg in the airport area of new York and tried to inspect his electronic devices and interrogate it,” — said the source. The publication does not report what questions were asked Vekselberg. Previously, the Federal judge in the United States told the team of the special Prosecutor Robert Mueller during hearings on the case of ex-campaign Manager Paul Manafort due to the fact that they are allegedly lying about the extent of the investigation and are more interested in the overthrow

In Ukraine published data on the number of suicides in the APU

In Ukraine published data on the number of suicides in the APU The chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios gave information on the number of participants of military operations in the Donbass, who have committed suicide since the beginning of 2018. “For the period of this year, this data ERDR (Unified register of pre-trial investigation in Ukraine. —, to date, committed suicide 33 soldiers. Mostly in the area of ATO (anti-terrorist operation. — The reasons vary — from family problems to mental rejection fatigue”, — quotes the statement of the Prosecutor in the program “Evening Prime” “Strenia”. 24 APR Matios reported that out of 326 thousand of the Ukrainian military involved in military operations in the Donbass, at least 554 people have committed suicide. “Since the beginning of ATO status of combatants received almost 326 thousand people, 8489 of them maimed and wounded, 3784 soldiers were killed.

The US and China failed negotiations for a trade war

The US and China failed negotiations for a trade war The US and China failed negotiations to end the trade war between the two countries. This was reported by Bloomberg on Friday, 4 may. U.S. demanded China to reduce the trade deficit between the two countries is not less than $200 billion by 2020, and China, in particular, demanded from Washington to stop the investigation of the theft of American intellectual property by Chinese companies, a waiver of 25 percent of duties for Chinese goods and access to Chinese companies the market of electronic payments. Both parties retain commitment to continue negotiations. Negotiations between the U.S. and China was held in Beijing on may 3-4. The American delegation was headed by the Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin, which was to negotiate on equal terms in trade. In late March, the President of the United States Donald trump signed a Memorandum

USA has recreated the Second fleet of the Navy, citing “competition of the great powers”

USA has recreated the Second fleet of the Navy, citing “competition of the great powers” WASHINGTON, may 4 — RIA Novosti. USA has recreated the Second fleet, disbanded in 2011, citing “competition of the great powers”, according to the U.S. Navy. On the re-establishment of large units of the fleet, it was announced at the naval base in Norfolk on 4 may. “The second fleet will provide the operational and administrative management of the ships, aircraft and ground forces on the East coast (USA) and in the Northern part of the Atlantic ocean”, — reads the statement of the fleet. “In our new national military strategy makes it clear that we were back in the era of competition of great powers, as in our environment, a growing number of challenges, it becomes more complex. Therefore we expose today is the Second Navy to meet these challenges, particularly in the North

The foreign Ministry of Ukraine demanded the release of detained off the coast of the Crimea, the ship and its crew

The foreign Ministry of Ukraine demanded the release of detained off the coast of the Crimea, the ship and its crew KIEV. /TASS/. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed their protest and demanded the release of detained by Russian border guards, the Ukrainian fishing vessel off the coast of the Crimea, as well as members of his crew. On Friday reported the press service of the foreign Ministry. “Ukraine expresses its categorical protest against the illegal detention of the Russian Federation of Ukrainian fishing vessel “NMR-0041″ and its crew near the Crimean coast, — stated in the message. — Ukraine demands immediate release of the fishing vessel and its crew”. In a press-service of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry accused Russia of violating the UN Convention on the law of the sea and customary international law. Earlier on 4 may, the press service of border Department of the FSB