France condemned the statement of the trump of 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris

France condemned the statement of the trump of 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. France condemned the statement of US President Donald trump about the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015, according to a statement the Ministry of foreign Affairs of France. Previously, trump said that the victims of the terrorist attacks in November 2015 in Paris would be less if France had a law on the carrying of weapons and the restaurant staff in Paris would have the ability to neutralize the terrorists. “France expresses its firm condemnation of the statement of the President of trump regarding the terrorist attacks 13 November 2015 in Paris and demands to respect the memory of the victims,” — said in a statement. The evening of November 13, 2015 three groups of terrorists carried out a coordinated series of attacks in Paris and its near suburb of

The US air force aircraft conducted reconnaissance at the borders of Russia on the Baltic sea

The US air force aircraft conducted reconnaissance at the borders of Russia on the Baltic sea Moscow. May 5. INTERFAX.RU Two reconnaissance aircraft of the USA on Saturday made the next hours of flights near the land and Maritime borders of the Kaliningrad region, from the monitoring data, the Western aviation assets. According to them, strategic reconnaissance aircraft, the U.S. air force RC-135V tail number and call sign 64-14844 TOKEN42 taking off from an air base Mildenhall in the UK for more than three hours cruised near the southern border of the Kaliningrad region, while in the airspace of Poland and its Maritime borders in the skies over the Baltic. Meanwhile, another American reconnaissance patrol anti-submarine aircraft of the US Navy P-8A Poseidon tail number and call sign 168998 LANCR88, rising from the airbase ämari airbase in Estonia, a few hours of circling to the West of the Maritime boundary

Protests in Russia in General has gathered a large number of participants

Protests in Russia in General has gathered a large number of participants MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. Protests in the regions of Russia, some of which have not been agreed, has not collected a large number of participants, the serious violations of public order is not allowed, reported RIA Novosti on Saturday, the press centre of MIA of Russia. “Today in different regions have been socio-political activities. According to the organizers, their goal was to draw attention to the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. In most cities the events were held with a small number of participants,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the shares participated 3, Kursk — 15, eagle — 30, in Petrozavodsk — 40 people. Shares in Veliky Novgorod, Vladivostok, Abakan, Ulan-Ude, Ulyanovsk, Rostov-on-don, Pskov, Volgograd, Orenburg, Yaroslavl, Tver, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Stavropol, and has collected from 50 to

RF MFA: most of the participants of the forum in Geneva reaffirmed support for SVPD

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, may 5. /TASS/. Most of the participants of the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Conference to review the operation of the Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT), which completed its work in Geneva on 4 may, reiterated their support for sustainable implementation of the Joint comprehensive plan of action on Iran’s nuclear program (SVPD). About it on Saturday said the foreign Ministry.

USA abolished the preferential import 155 types of goods from Ukraine

USA abolished the preferential import 155 types of goods from Ukraine KIEV, may 5. /TASS/. The United States canceled the duty-free importation into its territory of 155 kinds of products from Ukraine. About it reports on Saturday, the Ministry of economic development of Ukraine. “Under the restrictions were 155 types of goods, including some food, light, woodworking industry, mechanical engineering, some electrical appliances”, — is spoken in the message. According to authorities, the effect of Generalized system of preferences, which allows duty-free import into the United States, more than 3,500 kinds of products from Ukraine, April 26, was suspended for 155 of them. Office of the U.S. trade representative has introduced these restrictions 120 days after the publication of the relevant proclamation of the President of the United States from December 22, 2017. “Economic development is in constant dialogue with the US government and working to solve the problem. At

The police used tear gas to disperse protesters in Paris

The police used tear gas to disperse protesters in Paris PARIS, may 5 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The Paris police have used tear times to disperse the protesters at place de La Bastille, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. After Hiking a column of peaceful demonstrations against President Emmanuel Macron, timed to the first anniversary of his coming to power, has reached the end point of the route — Bastille — radical youth began to lash out at journalists. The police arrested one of the thugs, after which the protesters began to demand that the young man was released. While he was escorted to a police car, a group of hooligans went along with police officers, throwing them bottles and stones. To pacify them, the police were forced to use tear gas. The arrests started. But radicals do not calm down and even jostle the police. #Paris #Macron —

In Paris a March against the Makron began to turn violent

In Paris a March against the Makron began to turn violent PARIS, may 5 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. Many thousands March, timed to the first anniversary of coming to power in France, the President of Emmanuel Macron, came to the place de La Bastille in Paris and threatens to end the unrest, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. In the area of 14.00 local time (15.00 GMT) peace column, which was, according to the organizers, 160 thousand people, and according to police — 40 thousand, moved from the square near the Opera Garnier in the direction of place de La Bastille. The procession took place under police control and were not accompanied by serious clashes. However, when the convoy arrived at the end point of the agreed route, dressed in black hooligans began to lash out at working on promotion of journalists. So, in a mobile Studio installed in the

Donald trump has supported the rights of Americans to bear arms

Donald trump has supported the rights of Americans to bear arms The President of the United States Donald trump at a meeting of members of the National rifle Association in Dallas, assured that his administration will fight for the right of Americans to bear arms guaranteed by the Second amendment to the Constitution. It is reported by CNN. Mr. trump said that while he is President, the rights of Americans will not be infringed, despite all attempts. We will remind, one month after the incident in Florida, where 19-year-old boy was shot 17 students of his former school, the administration of U.S. President announced a set of measures aimed at ensuring safety in schools. It is planned to reinforce preventive measures and train shooting school staff. See also: young people in the United States came in the largest protest since the Vietnam war Helpgun Control and gun lobby in the

In the contracti found a threat to the authority of Russia

In the contracti found a threat to the authority of Russia Duma energy Committee criticized the draft bill. Implementation of the draft law on the response to the “unfriendly actions of the United States” may cause to the reputation of Russia “serious damage”, and Russian companies working in the field of nuclear energy, “significant financial loss”, according to the conclusion of the Duma Committee on energy. The co-sponsor, speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, most likely, have agreed with the Kremlin “on a more restrained response to American sanctions,” experts say. The bill on the counter, entered April 13, Mr. Volodin and the leaders of four Duma factions (later it was signed by more than 360 MPs and several senators), involves the “termination or suspension of international cooperation” Russia in the nuclear industry with the United States and other foreign States and entities under their jurisdiction (clause 4, article

Trump 22 may, will be in the White house of the President of the Republic of Korea

Trump 22 may, will be in the White house of the President of the Republic of Korea The two leaders will discuss the forthcoming meeting of Donald trump with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. WASHINGTON, may 5. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump may 22, will take the White house by the President of South Korea, moon Jae-In. This is stated in a statement on Friday, the press service of the White house. As noted, this meeting is meant “to underline the strength of U.S.-South Korean Alliance and a strong friendship between the two countries”. “The leaders will also discuss the upcoming meeting of the President of trump with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN,” reads the document. Currently Washington and Pyongyang continue to discuss details of the meeting between the two leaders. Earlier, the head of the White house announced that the summit could take place in the border