Trump will announce the decision on the Iranian nuclear programme on Tuesday

Trump will announce the decision on the Iranian nuclear programme on Tuesday Moscow. May 7. INTERFAX.RU the President of the United States Donald trump is set to announce its decision regarding the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program on Tuesday at 14:00 local time (21:00 Moscow time). “I will announce my decision on the Iran deal from the White house tomorrow at 14:00”, — stated in the message trump on Twitter. Previously, trump has repeatedly criticized the agreement, noting that the document does not cover a number of important issues, particularly the problem of Iran’s development of ballistic missiles. Trump also expressed doubts about the legality of the actions of former Secretary of state Jim Carrey while working on the agreement and threatened until may 12 to announce the withdrawal from the Treaty if it will not be changed. In turn, a number of European allies propose to maintain in force

Trump congratulated Putin on assuming the office of the President of Russia

Trump congratulated Putin on assuming the office of the President of Russia The President of the United States Donald trump congratulated Vladimir Putin with assuming office of Russian President. This was announced by White house spokesman Sarah Sanders. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий According to her, trump expressed hope for the normalization of relations between the two countries and “looking forward to it.” The last phone conversation between trump and Putin was held on March 20. Call the American leader has caused a great interest both in the US and beyond. Thus, the administration trump put a note on the Desk with a large inscription “to congratulate”, but he did not listen and still congratulated Putin on his victory in the presidential election. Putin won the election on March 18, typing 76,69% of the votes (of 56.4 million people). On 7 may he took the oath and assumed his duties. This is the fourth

The Russian government has resigned

© Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, may 7. /TASS/. The government resigned before a final on Monday as President Vladimir Putin. As reported the press service of the Cabinet, “Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on resignation of the government of office to the newly elected President of Russia.”

The organizers of the “Immortal regiment” agreed to hold a procession in Minsk

The organizers of the “Immortal regiment” agreed to hold a procession in Minsk The organizers of the “Immortal regiment” agreed to hold the annual procession in Minsk. About it said the Chairman of coordination Council of heads of Belarusian public associations of Russian compatriots Andrey Gerashchenko. The publication notes that the application was filed to Minsk city Executive Committee April 25, and may 7, the organizers came refusal. The authorities explained that on 9 may will be held other shares. “Maybe an application filed later, but not denied for this reason. In the answer of Minsk city Executive Committee says that there are similar promotions: “Belarus remembers”, “They fought for the Motherland”, when the pioneers are the portraits of the heroes of the great Patriotic war. But the essence of the “Immortal regiment” that people carry portraits of their ancestors,” — said Gerashchenko. He noted that, in his opinion,

The opposition rally is held in Republic square in Yerevan

The opposition rally is held in Republic square in Yerevan YEREVAN, may 7. /TASS/. The opposition rally on the eve of voting in the National Assembly (Parliament) of Armenia on the candidacy of the Prime Minister held at the Republic square in Yerevan. About it the correspondent of TASS from the event. The rally was attended by applying for the post of Prime Minister, the opposition leader Nikol Pashinian and the American singer of Armenian origin Serj Tankian, who arrived in Armenia tonight. Nikol Pashinyan, Armenia”s absurdly popular opposition leader, is holding a pre-victory rally with System of a Down singer Serj Tankian. To bolster his man-of-the-people image he called him Serzh Sargsyan – the longtime leader recently deposed he – by mistake, to laughs all round — max seddon (@maxseddon) may 7, 2018 On Republic square, according to TASS, the total number of gathered more than 10 thousand

Media: Anton Siluanov will combine the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

Media: Anton Siluanov will combine the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov new Russian government will oversee the entire economic bloc, while retaining the post of head of the Ministry of Finance. About it report sources “RIA Novosti news Agency” and “Interfax”. Today took place the inauguration of President Vladimir Putin, after which the government resigned. Later, the President submitted to the state Duma the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev for the post of Prime Minister. Mr. Medvedev at the meeting with “United Russia” was announced, who will become deputies of the updated government. Mr Siluanov, in particular, should take the position of first Deputy Prime Minister. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий

Putin may decree instructed to study the projects in 12 directions

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 7. /TASS/. The Russian government by October 1, to develop or adjust national projects in 12 directions. This is stated in signed on Monday the decree of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin “About the national goals and strategic objectives development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”. Document published on the Kremlin website.

“Supporters of Navalny on Tverskaya openly provoked the police”

“Supporters of Navalny on Tverskaya openly provoked the police” “Someone even threw bottles at police and stones”. MOSCOW, 7 may 2018, 18:10 — REGNUM. The state Duma it is time to consider the laws stiffening penalties for unauthorized rallies, according to Professor of National research University “Higher school of Economics” Oleg Matveychev. The scientist that almost everything that had to do with the action of the supporters of the Fund of struggle against corruption on Saturday, the fifth of may, was a provocation. “Provocation was the fact that the fifth of may, the share of supporters of Alexei Navalny was scheduled just before the inauguration of Vladimir Putin. That the Navalny supporters took to the inconsistent place — they were offered their usual good place on Sakharov Avenue, but they went on Pushkin square. I understand why it was done — Sakharov would have been obvious that supporters of Navalny

Right: experts told why the police lawfully detained the protesters Bulk

Right: experts told why the police lawfully detained the protesters Bulk MOSCOW, may 7 — RAPSI. Law enforcement officers during an illegal stock 5 may acted strictly within the law by detaining their participants, according to lawyers interviewed by RAPSI. The experts also recalled that the right to security are not only ordinary citizens but also the police themselves, who also have wives, children and elderly parents. Last Saturday in the capital was inconsistent campaign blogger Alexei Navalny, in which, according to the police, was attended not more than half a thousand people. In other Russian cities similar activities were calm, with low turnout and no incidents. Despite this, the Internet extends the information on the hard arrests and violations of rights of citizens by police officers. RAPE asked the experts whether the right of the participants of unsanctioned events to do what you want and where you want. An

The Ministry of justice has proposed to establish “emergency lights” in paddy wagons for faster transport

The Ministry of justice has proposed to establish “emergency lights” in paddy wagons for faster transport Moscow. May 7. INTERFAX.RU — the Ministry of justice proposes to equip the “flashing lights” transport for escorting arrested and convicted persons (paddy, AZ) with the aim of unimpeded travel on the busiest roads to ensure public safety. The Ministry has placed on the Federal portal of projects of normative legal acts notification of the beginning of the development of amendments to the presidential decree “About streamlining of use of devices for giving special light and sound signals installed on motor vehicles”. NewsIn Ufa showed paddy Deluxe The authors of the document note that in accordance with article 12 of the RF Law “On institutions and bodies executing criminal penalties of imprisonment” by the special units of the penal system escort is a escort at the planned routes contained in the institutions of the