Poroshenko said the number of Russian soldiers in the Donbass

Poroshenko said the number of Russian soldiers in the Donbass Moscow. May 8. INTERFAX.RU. According to the Ukrainian side, 50% of those who are now fighting in the Donbas against Ukraine are Russian citizens, said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in an interview to CBS News. Answering the question how many Russian soldiers are in Eastern Ukraine, Poroshenko said: “We have confirmed figures that in different periods of their number was from 10 thousand to 2.5 thousand regular Russian troops in the occupied territory.” “Plus they have almost 50 thousand troops of the so-called “Russian volunteers” that were recruited through the Russian mobilization system and sent there. However, they pretend that they are not soldiers of the regular army. But they — the Russians, they are ethnic Russian, they are Russian soldiers. They use Russian weapons and ammunition,” — said Poroshenko, quoted on Tuesday a press-service of the head

Zyuganov reiterated the position of the Communist party on the candidacy of the Prime Minister

Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, may 8. /TASS/. The Communist faction on the basis of consultations with the candidate for the post of Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has decided to vote against giving consent to his appointment. About it to journalists on Tuesday said the Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov.

Russia has received responses from the OPCW on the incident in Salisbury

Russia’s envoy to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin © REUTERS/Michael Kooren The HAGUE, 8 may. /Offset. TASS Vitaly Chugin/. Permanent mission of the Russian Federation received from the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) the answers to the issues raised by the Russian side after the publication of the report of the OPCW on the incident to British Salisbury. This was reported on Tuesday in an interview with TASS, Russia’s permanent representative at the organization of Alexander Shulgin.

Open government

Open government On the eve of voting for the candidate in the premiere of the deputies called the members of his team. Dmitry Medvedev will once again become a full-fledged head of government, after the state Duma will give the President consent to his appointment. Unlike 2008 and 2012, may 8, 2018, the deputies will vote, knowing the name is not the only candidate for Prime Minister but also his deputies. Among those who did not get into the government, several important officials, including first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov and the President’s chief of staff Sergei Prikhodko. Even published changes, in particular, the appointment of the head of the government staff assistant to the President — the chief of control Directorate Konstantin Chuichenko, show that the unexpected move, HR horizontal. The first meeting of the new government is scheduled for may 17. That Vladimir Putin has made on a

In the United States evaluated the effects of a nuclear attack from Russia

In the United States evaluated the effects of a nuclear attack from Russia In the USA Professor at Georgetown University Matthew Kroenig in the book “the Logic of the American strategy: why strategic superiority important” calculated possible losses to the American side of nuclear strikes against Russia. It is reported by The National Interest. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий According to his calculations, the first Russian nuclear strike on the United States will be destroyed 131 of the city. In addition, affected 70 million people. Kroenig also took into account that while Russia will oppose retaliation from the American side. It is noted that in the destruction the counter USA part of the Russian nuclear Arsenal second gift on American soil will lead to the deaths of 28 million people and destruction of 12 cities. According to Kroenig, with the elimination of the United States as their Arsenal of Intercontinental ballistic missiles, the number

In the U.S. Congress proposed to impose sanctions against suppliers of the defense industry of the Russian Federation

In the U.S. Congress proposed to impose sanctions against suppliers of the defense industry of the Russian Federation Moscow. May 8. INTERFAX.RU — the house of representatives Committee on the armed forces of the United States Congress proposes to give the us President authority to impose sanctions against suppliers of the Russian military-industrial complex. A proposal submitted to the bill funding the US Department of defense and its policies for 2019, which is posted on the Committee website. “This section would require the imposition of sanctions on persons providing certain support to the Russian industry, with a focus on the supply chain of the Russian defense industry related to the development or production of key military equipment samples and advanced conventional weapons,” — said in the text of the draft law. According to the document, the section “will contain extended sanctions to the governments of state sponsors of terrorism that

For the appointment of Medvedev as Prime Minister will vote in only two of the four factions

For the appointment of Medvedev as Prime Minister will vote in only two of the four factions On Tuesday afternoon, the state Duma will discuss the issue on giving consent to the President on the appointment of the Prime Minister. On Monday Vladimir Putin, the fourth time entered the office of the President, proposed to leave on this post of leader of “United Russia” Dmitry Medvedev. On the same day, a candidate for Prime Minister in consultations with the factions met with members of the same party and the liberal democratic party. Both meetings were attended by the Chairman of the Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, who plans to visit on Tuesday and on consultations with Medvedev, Communist party and “Fair Russia”. To submit the candidacy of Prime Minister on regulations and has the right presidential envoy, but the interlocutors in the Duma claim that there on Tuesday waiting for Putin himself.