Consul of Ukraine went to Yeysk to demand the release of the sailors

Consul of Ukraine went to Yeysk to demand the release of the sailors Consul of Ukraine left in Yeysk to clarify the circumstances of the detention of two Ukrainian fishermen and demanding their release. “The border service of the city of Yeysk (Russia) refused to provide information about a possible stay there missing in the Azov sea Ukrainian citizens, the Consul went to the scene to ascertain the causes and circumstances of the detention and immediately release them,” — said in comments to the Ukrainian Agency UNN Deputy Director of the Department of consular service of the MFA of Ukraine — head of the consular activities of Vasily Kirilich. We will remind, relations of Russia and Ukraine erupted into a new conflict threatening confrontation in the Azov and Black seas. His escalation was provoked by the detention of Russian border guards off the coast of Crimea, the Ukrainian fishing vessel

In Ukraine, explained why Kiev can claim to Crimea

In Ukraine, explained why Kiev can claim to Crimea MOSCOW, may 12 — RIA Novosti. Editor online Odessa edition “Timer” Yuri Tkachev praised the possibility of Kiev to include the Crimea and came to the conclusion that Ukrainians are unable to call the Peninsula their own. According to the journalist, Russia for five years (2015-2020) will be spent on infrastructure development of the Peninsula about 25 billion dollars (according to the government decree on the implementation of the Federal target program of development of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020 allocated to more than 825 billion rubles. — Approx. ed.). In Ukraine in 2013 in the Crimea has allocated only nine million dollars, said Tkachyov. “When political Ukrainians claim that Crimea they will ask, and they have the money for the Crimea is?” — the journalist wrote to Facebook. He also suggested that Ukraine would not have enough money to “tidy

In Armenia appointed a new government

In Armenia appointed a new government The President Armen Sargsyan signed a decree approved the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers. Moscow. May 12. INTERFAX.RU -President of Armenia Armen Sargsyan on Saturday signed the decrees appointing new Ministers in the led by Nikol Pashinyan of the government. With these decrees the government is fully formed. As the press service of the President, the Deputy of Parliament, member-led informed Pashinyan of the opposition faction “EFC” mane Cantilan appointed Minister of labor and social Affairs. Former Deputy Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan appointed Minister of Finance. Member of opposition faction “EFC” Artak Zeynalyan appointed Minister of justice. Minister of health appointed Armen Torosyan. Arthur Khachatryan was appointed Minister of agriculture. Levon Vardanyan — Minister of sport and youth Affairs. Former Minister of sport Hrachya Rostomyan was headed by the MOE. Minister of energy infrastructures and natural resources appointed Arthur Grigoryan. The Minister

Donald trump will be able to withdraw from the INF Treaty

Donald trump will be able to withdraw from the INF Treaty The Committee of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress on the armed forces approved a measure that would allow the President to Donald Trump to withdraw from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF) if Russia violates it. About this newspaper The Washington Post. Appropriate changes were made to the draft defense budget of the United States in 2018. Initiated by the Republicans. The measure does not provide any additional defense spending and is symbolic. One of the authors of the amendment, Republican Mike Gallagher called the measure an attempt “to push Russia to respect” the contract about rsmd. Another Republican Michael Turner noted that “you cannot be in agreement with himself”. Recall that in March the message of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, partly devoted to

In Tbilisi there passes a protest action demanding resignation of the Prime Minister

In Tbilisi there passes a protest action demanding resignation of the Prime Minister In the center of Tbilisi held a major protest demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Quercialsale and interior Minister Georgi Gajaria after held on the eve of a special operation involving special forces to apprehend narkodilerov in night clubs, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. TBILISI, may 12 — RIA Novosti. In the night of Saturday the organizers of the Nightclubs said in social networks that the institution was raided and law enforcement officers. They called on all supporters to gather in a show of support. During the whole night in front of the Parliament gathered hundreds of people who expressed protest in connection with the special operation of the interior Ministry. In a special operation of the interior Ministry arrested eight narkodilerov. According to the TV company “Rustavi 2” all the clubs were

Pyongyang announced the beginning of work to close the largest nuclear test site

Pyongyang announced the beginning of work to close the largest nuclear test site The official closing ceremony, which allowed journalists, will be held at the end of the month. Moscow. May 12. INTERFAX.RU North Korea announced that are working on the closure of the landfill, Pungere, which conducted a nuclear weapons test, said on Saturday the South Korean Agency “renkhap” with reference to the official media of the DPRK. The foreign Ministry of the DPRK said that North Korea “takes technical measures aimed at the closure of the Northern landfill.” This is done as the Ministry said, “to ensure transparency as regards the cessation of nuclear tests.” In addition, Pyongyang plans to hold 23 to 25 may ceremony to mark the closure of the landfill. According to Yonhap, the DPRK authorities warn that only journalists from Russia, USA, South Korea, China and the UK will be allowed to cover the

Russian frigate set up surveillance of a US aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean sea

Russian frigate set up surveillance of a US aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean sea According to British media reports, the ship of the Russian Navy, is visible from the American side. Moscow. May 12. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian Frigate “Yaroslav the Wise”, equipped with antiship missile system “Uranus” watching nuclear US Navy aircraft carrier “Harry Truman” (USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75)), which is located in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean sea, said the British TV channel ITV. According to the published pictures of journalists ITV located on the aircraft carrier, Russian frigate is visible from the side of the “Harry Truman”. Thus, according to the American sailors, the ships of carrier strike group US Navy “Harry Truman” maintain regular communication with the Russian frigate, marks the channel. The journalists themselves have heard these talks on the radio.

In Moldova arrested a former senior official

In Moldova arrested a former senior official He inflicted the state a damage of 1.5 million euros. A former adviser Vyacheslav Negruta arrested on charges of organizing a fake tenders for the purchase of crusts for passports with an integrated chip. The Prosecutor’s office for combating corruption has confirmed the arrest of Vyacheslav Mamaliga, a former adviser to the Ministry of Finance, in the period when the office was headed by Veaceslav Negruta. Mamaliga is accused of abuse of power that led to serious consequences and damages in excess of 1.5 million euros. “We’re investigating the legality of the conduct of tenders for the procurement of crusts for passports with an integrated chip. A criminal case was launched on 18 may 2017. The accused Veaceslav Mamaliga, which at the time was the Chairman of the interministerial working group to conduct these tenders, was detained on 3 April 2018, and on

USAID will allocate $125 million for the development of the economy of Donbass

USAID will allocate $125 million for the development of the economy of Donbass KIEV, may 12 — RIA Novosti. The U.S. Agency for international development (USAID) will provide Ukraine aid worth $ 125 million for the development of the economy of Donbass, said the Agency in Facebook. The report said that next Tuesday in Slovyansk for this reason will be a joint press-conference of the Deputy administrator and Director, Bureau of USAID for the countries of Europe and Eurasia Brock Birman, special representative of the us state Department on Ukraine, Kurt Volker, the US Ambassador in Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch. It “will be announced to provide additional assistance in the amount of 125 million US dollars for Donbass”. “This additional technical assistance will be aimed at further stabilization and consolidation of Ukrainian communities in the region, increasing the stability of the local economy and accelerate its development”, — stated in the

Environmentalists are trying to disrupt the construction of “Nord stream — 2” in Germany

Environmentalists are trying to disrupt the construction of “Nord stream — 2” in Germany Union for the protection of nature (NABU) of Germany is seeking injunction to prevent the start of construction of the “Nord stream — 2” in Greifswald Bay. In NABU fear that the decision may be made by the court after the start of construction, which is scheduled for may 15 and “will cause significant damage” to the environment, reports “RIA Novosti”. The higher administrative court in Greifswald earlier accepted the complaint of NABU on the decision of the mining Department of the city of Stralsund, which approved the construction and operation of the pipeline in German territorial waters. April 12 agreed with the project said Finland. “Gazprom” also expects to receive permission from Sweden and Denmark. “Nord stream — 2” involves the construction of two pipelines from Russia through the Baltic sea to Germany.