In Tbilisi demolished tents of the protesters against hard drug

In Tbilisi demolished tents of the protesters against hard drug Moscow. May 13. INTERFAX.RU IN Tbilisi, the patrol police on Sunday morning demolished the tents on the square in front of the Parliament building, set at night with protesters who are protesting against the government’s tough counter-narcotics policy, have informed “Interfax” in the interior Ministry. It is reported that the police detained three young men on the square in a state of alcoholic intoxication, but they said they have nothing to do with the action. A few dozen protesters who spent the night in tents, described the police actions as a provocation, but did not resist, told reporters one of the organizers. Organized a youth protest began on Saturday of two Nightclubs Tbilisi special operation on detention of drug dealers. On the square in front of Parliament gathered several thousand people. The shares have been demands for the resignation of

Hypersonic complex “Dagger” called “the killer” of American aircraft carriers

Hypersonic complex “Dagger” called “the killer” of American aircraft carriers Russian hypersonic aircraft missile complex “Dagger” can be considered the main “killer of aircraft carriers” in the Pacific region — a weapon capable of making a defenseless American fleet and help Moscow and Beijing to reduce the military presence of the West in the Asia-Pacific region (APR), writes columnist for the magazine The Diplomat Abraham eyt. MOSCOW, may 13 — RIA Novosti. Before Washington most feared Chinese anti-ship ballistic medium-range missiles “Dongfeng-21D” (DF-21D), says an expert. Shells of this type could destroy an American aircraft carrier from a distance of 1.4 thousand kilometers from the coastline of China, which significantly expanded the ability of Beijing to provide patrols of the South China sea. In the United States Navy recognized its inability to defend against the DF-21D, and it forced Washington to behave more discreetly. To resolve a hypothetical conflict, demonstrative

Zakharova gave evidence of lies of Ukraine to the UN

Zakharova gave evidence of lies of Ukraine to the UN Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova gave evidence lies Ukrainian authorities, who stated that they organized the event on the propaganda and false news is being held under the auspices of the UN. On his page on the social network Facebook Zakharova posted a screenshot of the invitation postproductivist of Ukraine to the UN on action for combating propaganda and fakes, which reported that it held with the participation of the UN Committee on information. However, the Chairman of the Committee stated that any events under their auspices have not been and tried to explain it to the Ukrainian delegation, says the TV channel “Star”. During the download an error has occurred. In addition, according to the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry, the event was allegedly attended a sniper Yulia Matvienko, the participant of the project “Invisible

In the United States compared his hypersonic weapons from the Russian

In the United States compared his hypersonic weapons from the Russian USA almost on par with Russia and China in the development of hypersonic weapons, as Washington focused on the creation of non-nuclear missiles. It is stated in the material the American TV channel CNBC. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий Earlier, the author notes, the military leadership of the United States has repeatedly claimed that the country lags behind the Eastern States in this respect and, probably, unable to reflect the impact of hypersonic missiles. Military expert Zoe Stanley, Lokman, whose opinion leads the TV channel, said that the US has another goal: if Moscow and Beijing are engaged in nuclear development, Washington focuses on non-nuclear. Stanley Lokman says that non-nuclear hypersonic missiles aimed at the defeat of smaller goals, so for them, accuracy is important, but for nuclear — no. Thus, the United States can get ahead of the competition. This also applies

Chinese aircraft carrier of its own production went to test swimming

Chinese aircraft carrier of its own production went to test swimming BEIJING, may 13 — RIA Novosti. The first Chinese aircraft carrier of its own production went to the swimming test, according to China Central television. It is noted that the carrier left its homeport at 07.00 local time and began its test voyage. Second Chinese aircraft carrier Type 001A, which was the first own production, was launched in April 2017. It was built in 2013. The length of the carrier 315 m, width 75 m, weight — 70 thousand tons, cruising speed 31 knot. Chinese media reported that on Board can be 36 fighters “Jian-15” (J-15). During the download an error has occurred. China’s first aircraft carrier “Liaoning” was based on purchased from Ukraine in 1998 unfinished Soviet cruiser “Varyag”. Work on its transformation into an aircraft carrier began at a shipyard in the Chinese Dalian in 2005. The

Trump welcomed the closure of nuclear test site in North Korea

Trump welcomed the closure of nuclear test site in North Korea WASHINGTON, may 13 — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump welcomed the impending closure of the nuclear test site in North Korea, reported by state media in Pyongyang. “North Korea has announced that this month they will close down the nuclear test site before the big summit on 12 June. Thank you, very smart and kind gesture!” — tweeted trump, who plans to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN on June 12 in Singapore. North Korea has announced that they will dismantle Nuclear Test Site this month, ahead of the big Summit Meeting on June 12th. Thank you, a very smart and gracious gesture! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) may 12, 2018

Published a photo of the destroyed by Israel in Syria, the Russian “Shell”

Published a photo of the destroyed by Israel in Syria, the Russian “Shell” Journalist Alexander Kots in Twitter account published a photo of anti-aircraft missile and gun complex (zrpk) “Pantsir-S1”, destroyed by the Israeli military in Syria. “All missiles fired (seen on burnt tubes), radar — not in firing position, the place of impact of the missile, hydraulic stand up. That is, he simply had nothing to fight back, waited for recharge,” wrote Kotz. A photo of the destroyed Armour.It says that all the missiles fired (seen on burnt tubes), radar – not in firing position, the place of impact of the missile, hydraulic stand up.That is, he simply had nothing to fight back, waiting for recharge. The question of why the gun was silent. Alexander Kots (sashakots) 11 may 2018 On 10 may, the IDF published a video in which Israeli Spike NLOS missile hits in the anti-aircraft

Latvia again declared the Russian ships at the country’s borders

Latvia again declared the Russian ships at the country’s borders National armed forces of Latvia reported three Russian ships in the Russian economic zone. This was reported in the Twitter Department. “It was exciting to tug SB-121, a support ship SS-750 (class “Chestnut”) and a ship class “Ropucha””, — stated in the message. In late April, it was reported that two Russian warships were seen near the border of Latvia. The Navy identified a Russian frigate class “keepers”. Later, the armed forces of Latvia reported the discovery of a Russian tug class “Gorin” eight nautical miles from the territorial waters of the country.