The U.S. Congress published two thousand pages Russian investigations

The U.S. Congress published two thousand pages Russian investigations WASHINGTON, may 16 — RIA Novosti. The Senate judiciary Committee, U.S. published materials, consisting of almost two thousand pages, to investigate alleged Russian interference in the presidential elections of 2016 and including the meeting of Donald trump Jr. with a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The materials consist of a transcribed interview with the son of the American President and those who met in the summer of 2016 at Trump Tower in new York city with a Russian lawyer. Earlier it became known about the meeting in June 2016 Donald trump Jr., the former head of the electoral headquarters of the trump Paul Manafort and son-in-law of the President of the Jared Kushner with a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, which was allegedly “ties to the Kremlin” and which promised to give him dirt on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. It was reported that

Big business has spoken out strongly against criminal liability for execution of sanctions

Big business has spoken out strongly against criminal liability for execution of sanctions Moscow. May 16. INTERFAX.RU Large Russian business has sharply opposed the draft law “On amendments to the criminal code of the Russian Federation” establishes criminal liability for the enforcement of foreign sanctions. As stated in the RSPP, on Wednesday held a meeting of the Board of the Union, during which were discussed adopted by the state Duma in the first reading of the bill. “The members of the Board (it includes the largest entrepreneurs of Russia — if) came to the conclusion of categorical inadmissibility of adoption of the bill”, — stated in the message. The bill, according to members of the Board, “contrary to the President’s policy on waiver of excess criminal responsibility and creates conditions for administrative pressure on business.” “Under the bill the sanctions are excessive. Criminal legislation should not provide for sanctions against

“RIA Novosti”: EU to buy Iranian oil in euros instead of US dollars

“RIA Novosti”: EU to buy Iranian oil in euros instead of US dollars As reported by “RIA Novosti” a diplomatic source in Brussels, the European Union does not intend to refuse purchases of Iranian oil because of U.S. sanctions. “I have information that the EU is going when paying for Iranian oil to switch from dollar to Euro”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini held talks in Brussels with the foreign Ministers of France, Germany, great Britain and Iran. The parties agreed to find a solution to the deepening economic and trade relations of the EU with the middle Eastern state, despite US sanctions. Agreement on the failure of the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions was concluded in 2015. The US President Donald trump called nuclear deal is unfair, and Washington withdrew from the agreement.

MFA: Skripal remains a citizen of Russia

MFA: Skripal remains a citizen of Russia Ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, poisoned in the British Salisbury, did not refuse the Russian citizenship. This was stated at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, RIA “Novosti”. “Sergei Skripal a Russian citizenship is not deprived, voluntarily out of it, as we understand it, did not come out. He has every right to communicate with the Russian consuls, and Russia has every right to communicate with him,” she said. According to her, the Russian side should ensure the welfare of Russian citizens. At the same time, said Zakharov, the statements of the British side does not satisfy Moscow. “Through our Embassy in London we will continue to demand the opportunity to personally communicate with Kripalani. If they don’t need our help, let the British side will give them the opportunity to tell you myself,” said foreign Ministry spokesman. Zakharov

Zakharova reminded the position of Russia in the “case Skripal”

Zakharova reminded the position of Russia in the “case Skripal” KERCH, may 16 — RIA Novosti. Moscow considers the incident in Salisbury in the plot to assassinate Russian citizens, London is not interested to identify the perpetrators of the crime, said at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. She stressed that Russia rejects the reasons for which London denies consular access to Scriply. “You could say, in fact, just understand that the British continue to use some guesswork on the basis of which continue to propagate unfounded accusations against the Russian Federation. And once again, this confirms our opinion about the disinterest of the British authorities to clarify the true motives and identify the perpetrators of the crime in Salisbury,” said Zakharov. “Since the Russian side has still not presented compelling evidence to the contrary, believe that we are dealing with the attempt on the

Moody’s assessed the scenario of Western sanctions against Russia

Moody’s assessed the scenario of Western sanctions against Russia MOSCOW, may 16 — RIA Novosti. International rating Agency Moody’s believes the very low likelihood that Western sanctions against Russia will develop according to the scenario of Iran, said in an interview with Bloomberg, the managing Director of Moody’s sovereign risk Lemay, Yves (Yves Lemay). He added that such a possibility is not the baseline scenario for Moody’s in the rating of the Russian Federation. According to the Agency, the economy’s ability to adapt and withstand the additional sanctions is an important element for rating decisions. “The key credit risks for the sovereign rating of Russia is still a geopolitical factor and the difficulty of predicting how the situation will evolve over time,” added Lemay. In January of this year, Moody’s raised the Outlook on the sovereign rating of Russia from stable to positive, affirming it on the level “Ba1”. One

Zakharov: on the outcome of the OPCW in the Duma it will be possible to draw conclusions before the end of may

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS KERCH, may 16. /TASS/. The report of the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) in the Syrian town of Duma near Damascus will not be published before the end of may. About it declared on Wednesday to journalists by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The Guardian: Julian Assange hacked into the network of the Embassy of Ecuador in London

The Guardian: Julian Assange hacked into the network of the Embassy of Ecuador in London The British newspaper the Guardian and the Ecuadorian portal for investigative journalism conducted its own investigation of the circumstances of the detention of the founder of the WikiLeaks website Julian Assange in the Embassy of Ecuador in London, where he was granted asylum in 2012. Journalists got acquainted with the documents that show that the Embassy staff was very serious about the safety disgraced journalist, extradition sought by Sweden and the United States. During the time that Mr Assange in the Embassy of Ecuador has spent at least $5 million for a secret operation “Hotel”, permission for which was given by the President and the foreign Minister of Ecuador. In operation, the Embassy has been installed surveillance cameras, hired security firms and used undercover agents to thoroughly test all contacts of Julian Assange, the surveillance

Russia will leave the ships with the “Gauges” in the Mediterranean sea in constant duty

Russia will leave the ships with the “Gauges” in the Mediterranean sea in constant duty Russian ships with cruise missiles “Caliber” will be held on permanent duty in the Mediterranean sea, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting on military construction in Sochi. The meeting was attended by the leadership of the Ministry of defense and the heads of enterprises of the military-industrial complex. According to the President, in 2018 planned 102 of the trek ships and submarines of the Russian Navy. This means maintaining nepravilnosti Navy at a record 2017 “In view of persistent threats of terrorist attacks in Syria in the Mediterranean sea our ships with cruise missiles “Caliber” will be held constant fighting watch”, — Putin said at the meeting. The President stated expanded in recent years, the presence of the Russian Navy, primarily in the Mediterranean and in the North Atlantic and in