The Russian armed forces this year should receive 160 aircraft, Putin said

The Russian armed forces this year should receive 160 aircraft, Putin said BOCHAROV Ruchei, may 17 — RIA Novosti. The armed forces of Russia in the current year needs to obtain 160 aircraft, 10 combat ships, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, opening another war meeting. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “Most of the contracts (defence procurement – ed.) has concluded, in accordance with Russia’s armed forces should receive more than 160 aircraft, 10 combat surface ships”, — said Putin. The President said that in the aviation part of the Russian Federation have to do these planes and helicopters, as the su-35S, su-34, Mi-28. “In the aviation unit needs to receive new aircraft operational-tactical aircraft — the su-34, su-35S, su-30SM and modern attack helicopters Mi-28, Mi-35 and Ka-52”, — said Putin during a military meeting. He also added that the missile troops have to do the 14 space systems, and an Arsenal of

Ultimatum trump: US Merkel threaten a trade war over the “Nord stream-2”

Ultimatum trump: US Merkel threaten a trade war over the “Nord stream-2” The German Chancellor warned Washington that the EU will conduct trade negotiations with the United States only on their own terms. The US President Donald trump has threatened the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, the transatlantic trade war if Berlin will continue to support the project of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”. This was announced on Thursday, may 17, the Agency Dow Jones referring to the German, American and European government officials. According to them, the meeting in Washington in April this year, the White house said Merkel, that Germany should abandon support for the project “Nord stream-2”. And in return, the US will start negotiations with the EU on a new trade agreement. If the question is about a new trade agreement is not settled, since June 1, the EU may be faced with protective tariffs, the US on

Medvedev will present to Putin proposals on the personal composition of the Cabinet of Ministers

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev © Ekaterina Shtukina/press service of the Russian government/TASS SOCHI, may 18. /TASS/. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev is expected on Friday, will arrive in Sochi, where this week working President Vladimir Putin to provide him with the list of candidates for the posts of Vice-premiers and Ministers. If the President approves the proposal, it can in the same day to sign the decrees on appointments.

The United States considered “Nord stream-2” telescope

The United States considered “Nord stream-2” telescope Washington sees the project reconnaissance capabilities. U.S. authorities increase the pressure on Germany in the matter of the gas pipeline “Nord stream-2”. According to them, the tube could be used by Russia for the installation of exploration equipment in the Baltic sea, said the Deputy assistant Secretary for energy Sandra Odekirk. She also recalled that the adopted last year act CAATSA allows the U.S. President to Donald Trump to impose sanctions for investment in the Russian gas pipelines may be affected by the European partners of “Gazprom”. Laying of “Nord stream-2” may be a means to install a new intelligence system in the Baltic sea, said Thursday in Berlin, the Deputy assistant Secretary of state for energy Sandra Odekirk. “If we look at the ability of governments and companies to use infrastructure as a means to embed devices and technologies that can listen,

SK filed a case against the journalist, calling to blow up the Crimean bridge

SK filed a case against the journalist, calling to blow up the Crimean bridge MOSCOW, may 17 — RIA Novosti. SC opened a criminal case against American journalist Tom Rogan, “recommending” Ukraine to blow up the Crimean bridge. This was reported by the official representative of Department Svetlana Petrenko. Provocative article with the headline “Ukraine should blow up Putin’s Crimean bridge” was published in the edition of the Washington Examiner on Tuesday. According to the investigation, it has “seen signs of public calls to terrorist activities on the territory of the Russian Federation”. The comprehensive psycho-linguistic examination. Began investigations to establish all the circumstances of the crime. In addition, conducted preliminary examination in respect of the editor of the Washington Examiner. What is called the author The author of the Washington Examiner called the bridge “an outrageous affront to the very essence of Ukraine as a state.” “Fortunately,” he writes,

The US has threatened sanctions against the “Nord stream — 2”

The US has threatened sanctions against the “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, may 17 — RIA Novosti. Deputy Director of the Department of energy the US Department of state Sandra Odekirk said Washington’s intention to prevent the implementation of the project “Northern stream — 2”. It is reported by Spiegel. During his speech in Berlin, Oudkerk said that USA does not exclude introduction of sanctions against the “Nord stream — 2”, however, I hope that it will not reach the restrictive measures. “We would be happy if the project did not take place”, — said Oudkerk. In response to journalists ‘ question whether the US position with a desire to sell in Europe liquefied natural gas, Oudkerk said that Washington is guided by geopolitical and energy reasons. The project “Northern stream — 2” involves the construction of two pipelines with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas

In Poland detained a Russian saboteur

In Poland detained a Russian saboteur In Poland detained a Russian citizen suspected of anti-state activities and conducting a hybrid war. This was announced by the representative of the Agency of internal security of Poland Stanislav Garin, reports Wiadomosci. A woman named Catherine C., which was located on the territory of Poland since 2013, will be deported. In addition, another four foreigners whose nationality was not specified, for five years will be denied entry into the country. Garin added that they often come to Poland. All five are accused of “consolidation of Pro-Russian circles”. In addition, four unnamed man is suspected of inciting hatred between Poland and Ukraine, including in questions of historical policy. According to Zarina, the detention of foreigners — the result of the Agency’s work to eliminate the two networks, the leading hybrid and informational war against the Polish state on Russia’s side. He added that the

Matvienko invited the officials to postpone the vacation for the sake of Putin’s decree

Matvienko invited the officials to postpone the vacation for the sake of Putin’s decree The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko has proposed civil servants to postpone vacation until the following year to work on the may presidential decree. “The main thing now — all without delay to roll up their sleeves and begin work [on implementation of the decree],” said Matvienko (quoted by TASS) at meeting in administration of the Volgograd region. She recalled that according to the decree, the government has to draw up the main objectives of Russia’s development in 12 priority projects that should be ready before October 1, 2018. “Who in authority was going on vacation at this time, will have to move to the next year”, — said the speaker of the upper house of Parliament. New the may decree of President Vladimir Putin, the government aims to target up to 2024 is

Matvienko spoke about the possibility of raising the retirement age

Matvienko spoke about the possibility of raising the retirement age VOLGOGRAD, may 17 — RIA Novosti. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko does not exclude that the retirement age for women in Russia can be raised to 60 years. “I think it (an increase in the retirement age) should be a very smooth transition quiet period. Stretch increase in the retirement age necessary for 10 years and every year to increase for six months age of retirement for both men and women,” she told reporters. “That is if, conditionally speaking, will be raised age for women to 60 years — although it should be discussed in society, then only after 10 years he comes,” — said Matvienko.

The state Duma has demanded from Kiev to immediately release the journalist Wyszynski

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, may 17. /TASS/. The state Duma meeting on Thursday adopted a statement in which they demanded from Kiev to immediately release the editor-in-chief of Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine” and Kirill Vyshinsky urged the Council of Europe and the OSCE to take a principled position on violations of journalists ‘ rights in Ukraine. The document prepared by the deputies of two profile committees of the lower chamber – on information policy, information technologies and communications, as well as on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots.