The average age of members of the new Cabinet has decreased by a year

© Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, may 18. /TASS/. The new government approved on Friday President Vladimir Putin on the proposal of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, was one year younger. The average age of members of the new Cabinet at the time of appointment is 51,25 years vs 52.5 years in government, which finished work. In the new composition of the Cabinet of Ministers and 10 Deputy Prime Ministers, one of whom – Anton Siluanov also holds the post of Finance Minister. In addition, the government is still 21 the Minister. Together with the Prime Minister the total number of members of the Cabinet 32, as in the same composition. The youngest in the updated government, as in the previous composition of the Cabinet is the Minister of economic development 35-year-old Maxim Oreshkin. Over all the government – the Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, who in March was 68 years. As

Petro Poroshenko has put into effect the NSDC decision on sanctions against Russia

Petro Poroshenko has put into effect the NSDC decision on sanctions against Russia The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko enacted the decision of national security Council and defence of Ukraine (NSDC) on the introduction of personal sanctions against Russian legal entities and individuals. This is stated in the order dated may 14, published on the website of the presidential administration. “To enact the decision of national security Council and defense of Ukraine from may 2, 2018 “On the application and cancellation of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)”, — the document says. It is noted that the decision comes into force from the date of publication. Sanctions list of individuals and companies is not specified. Recall that the national security Council under the chairmanship of Mr. Poroshenko took the decision to introduce restrictive measures similar to the us sanctions, it became known on 2 may. The United States

In the state Duma introduced a bill on prison time for refusing to refute

In the state Duma introduced a bill on prison time for refusing to refute In the State Duma introduced two bills introducing criminal and administrative liability for failure to execute a court decision on the termination of distribution or refutation of unlawful or unreliable information. Relevant documents published in the database of the state Duma. First, the authors of the bill propose to amend the article 315 of the criminal code in order to punish “willful failure” of such judgment by deprivation of liberty for a term up to one year or arrest up to three months. It is also possible the application of the penalty to 50 thousand rubles or in the amount of six months salary, or by compulsory works for a term up to 240 hours, or correctional labor for a term up to one year. The second bill contains amendments to the administrative offences code of

Germany have uncovered the reason for actively blocking US “Northern stream-2”

Germany have uncovered the reason for actively blocking US “Northern stream-2” Lock project “Northern stream-2” does not guarantee US an increase in sales of U.S. liquefied natural gas, the cost of which is higher than the price of fuel flowing through the pipelines. On Friday, may 18, said the Minister of economy and energy in Germany Peter Altmaier, according to Reuters. The United States have an extensive infrastructure of terminals for liquefied natural gas, which they must use to their advantage, he said. “But liquefied natural gas would be considerably more expensive than the gas supplied via pipelines, so lock the “Nord stream-2″ by itself will not guarantee exports,” said Altmaier. “US — our friends and partners, but we want to protect our common values,” — said the Minister. If Washington says that puts its economic interests in first place, he should expect that the Europeans will do the same,

Russia called on members of the OPCW to reject an initiative to hold meeting in June

Russia’s envoy to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons Alexander Shulgin © AP Photo/Peter Dejong The HAGUE, may 18. /TASS/. Russia calls on members of the OPCW to reject the initiative to hold a special session of the Conference of States parties of the organization at the end of June. This was stated at a briefing to the OPCW permanent representative of the Russian Federation Alexander Shulgin. The text of his speech published Friday on the website of the Russian permanent representative.

Putin signed decrees appointing a new government

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, may 18. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed decrees appointing a new government. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. “The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has signed decrees on appointments in the government of the Russian Federation”, – stated in the message. A separate decree the President approved the candidacy of the 10 Deputy Prime Ministers and 22 Ministers. In the list of Deputy heads of government were: First Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov, Deputy Prime Minister Konstantin Chuichenko (head of the government apparatus), Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets (sports and culture), Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova (health care and pension reform), Vice Prime Minister Vitali Mutko (construction and regional policy), Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak (industry and energy), Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev (the presidential envoy in

The US air force has apologized for a joke about Laurel and Jenni

The US air force has apologized for a joke about Laurel and Jenni In the us air force has apologized in connection with the joke that had to do with became popular on the Internet audio illusion. This was reported in the official Twitter of the Agency. According to The Guardian, the US air force made a joke about the attack of Taliban in the Afghan town of Farah, where the U.S. military has used against them a-10 attack aircraft. Placed in the post stated that “the Taliban are more likely to hear “Laurel” or “Jenny” than BRRRT (referring to the machine gun. — Газета.Ru) from the A-10″. “We apologize for the previous tweet regarding the A-10. This was a bad joke, and we are conducting an internal investigation. The tweet has been deleted”, — stated in the post. “Газета.Ru” spoke in detail about the sound of the illusion that

What will be discussed in Sochi, Putin and Merkel

What will be discussed in Sochi, Putin and Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives on a visit to Sochi, where she will hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On the agenda — Iran, Syria and Ukraine. All these questions are important for both sides, especially in the context of increasing US pressure on the EU. What to expect from the negotiations, says “Газета.Ru”. May 18, German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet with Vladimir Putin in Sochi. On the eve of the visit, she told reporters that he plans to discuss with Russian President key issues on the international agenda: “I will speak with Russian President [Vladimir Putin] about the agreement with Iran, about Syria and about the situation in Ukraine”, — said the Chancellor of Germany. Today, the fate of the Iran nuclear deal was crucial for Germany, which, like all leading European countries opposed the US withdrawal from

The foreign Ministry said about the position of the BRICS on the US sanctions against Iran

The foreign Ministry said about the position of the BRICS on the US sanctions against Iran WASHINGTON, may 18 — RIA Novosti. BRICS countries oppose unilateral US sanctions against Iran, this issue will be discussed at the forthcoming Ministerial meeting of the Association members in South Africa, told RIA Novosti head of the Department of the BRICS, the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Kalugin. “Of course, the subject of Iran’s nuclear program, SVPD, is one of the important topics of foreign Ministers (BRICS) in Pretoria on June 4,” said Kalugin. He recalled that all members of the BRICS have “fairly developed” ties with Iran and opposes unilateral sanctions that the United States after release from SVPD threaten to impose against countries trading with the Islamic Republic. BRICS has consistently opposed foreign intervention in the internal Affairs of States and against the use of rudimentary practices are counterproductive unilateral sanctions… We defend