Shaken, not stirred

Shaken, not stirred Vice-Prime Minister and Ministerial levels of government have something to argue about. The new government of Russia on may 23, may meet in its first meeting — a decrees on appointments it was signed on Friday by President Vladimir Putin. The main feature of the new White house — most Deputy Prime Ministers and supervise their Ministerial career have little to do with each other and can easily have different views on the key issues to be addressed. If differences can be overcome quickly, previously not openly declared in Russia, but it is appropriate in the public administration principle — change of Manager does not mean the resignation of the employee could change the rules of the game throughout the administrative apparatus of the country. The President signed decrees appointing Vice Prime Ministers and Ministers — the government of Russia appointed. The first meeting may be held

Lavrov said about the desire of Western elites to punish Russia for independent course

Lavrov said about the desire of Western elites to punish Russia for independent course Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU and Political independence of Russia do not like Western elite, which seeks to punish Moscow, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “It seems that certain parts of the political elite in the West do not like the fact that Russia, successfully solves the problems of internal development and effectively defend the sovereignty, carries out an independent foreign policy course,” he said in an interview with the Argentine newspaper “Clarin”. Hence the desire to punish us, to contain our development, including through unilateral sanctions to establish in the media a negative image of our state.Sergei Europeanists of foreign Affairs of Russia Lavrov said that at present the Russian Federation with the West complicated relationship. “However, I don’t think it is appropriate to speak of a “second edition” of the cold war, the


Misgivings Will it be possible to solve the main problem of national defense. One of the key appointments in the new government will be the advent of the post of Deputy Prime Minister, who oversees the military-industrial complex Yuri Borisov, who until recently held the post of Deputy Minister of defense of Russia. What are the challenges facing the new curator of the defense industry — in the material of the portal To remain without a Navy The execution of the state armaments programme 2018-2027 year has not really started, and even contracts to be carried out in the framework, details has not been developed and submitted for the signature, but some results can already predict. If everything remains “as now,” by 2030, Russia in fact will lose fleet. No, of course, of the armed forces called the Navy of the Russian Federation will remain, but the maximum that

Putin promised Merkel to continue the transit of gas via Ukraine after the launch of Nord Stream 2

Putin promised Merkel to continue the transit of gas via Ukraine after the launch of Nord Stream 2 Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU Russian gas Transit through Ukraine will continue if it is economically feasible, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I want to emphasize that the supply will be continued if they are economically justified and appropriate for participants in economic activities,” he said Friday at a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Mekel. The President noted that Russia has always considered the “Nord stream 2” as a purely economic project, adding that he had discussed with the Chancellor the whole range of joint work in the energy sector. On its part, Merkel said: “We are convinced by Germany, and after the construction of the “Nord stream 2″ the role of Ukraine as a transit country should be maintained. It is of strategic importance, and Germany is ready to play its

Sergei Prikhodko became the first Deputy head of the government apparatus

Sergei Prikhodko became the first Deputy head of the government apparatus Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev appointed Sergei Prikhodko, first Deputy head of the government apparatus. About it reports a press-service of the government. Prikhodko Sergey Eduardovich was born on 12 January 1957 in Moscow. His father worked in the Academy of armored forces, mother was a research fellow at Cniichermet. In 1980 he graduated from the faculty of international economic relations MGIMO. While studying, I interned at the Prague Higher economic school. Since 1980 he worked as a reviewer, attaché of the Soviet Embassy in Czechoslovakia. Since 1985 — officer of the 4th European Department of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, 1986 — attaché, third Secretary, Department of socialist countries of Europe of Ministry of foreign Affairs. In 1987 he returned to the Embassy in Czechoslovakia, worked as the third, then the second Secretary. 1992 — second Secretary,

Lavrov canceled a visit to Argentina and Cuba

The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, may 19. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov canceled a visit to Argentina and Cuba because of activities of the government. This was reported by TASS, the Russian foreign Ministry, noting that the meeting of the heads of the “Big twenty” Russia will be represented at the level of Deputy Minister. “In connection with a series of events organised by the government, the visits of the Minister of foreign Affairs in Argentina and Cuba on the scheduled date will not take place, – have informed in dipvedomstva, – At the meeting of “twenty” in Buenos Aires Russia will be represented at the level of Deputy Minister.”

Trump was outraged by the “fake” accusations in the American media

Trump was outraged by the “fake” accusations in the American media MOSCOW, may 18 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that “fake media” deliberately announced what he called “animal” of all immigrants, not just members of the Central American gang MS-13, also known as “Mara Salvatrucha”. Trump used the word “animals” in California, at a meeting with local authorities. On the issue of gang members trump said that the US is trying to stop many people trying to enter their territory. Trump said that “these people are animals”. Democrats criticized the President, saying that he was talking about all immigrants. A White house spokesman Sarah Sanders previously said that the President had every right to be called “animals” members of the immigrant criminal groups. According to Sanders, trump said only on members of violent gangs, including the notorious MS-13 (“Mara Salvatrucha”). 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий

Reuters: Mexico expressed protest in connection with the statements trump on migrants

Reuters: Mexico expressed protest in connection with the statements trump on migrants TASS, may 18. The Mexican government expresses its protest in connection with the statements of the President of the United States Donald trump about illegal migrants. As reported on Thursday, the Agency Reuters with reference to Minister of foreign Affairs of Mexico Luis Videgaray, the foreign Ministry is preparing to send a note of protest to the us side. “President trump talked about some of the immigrants, perhaps he meant criminal gangs, … as animals, not as people said Videgaray in local television. — According to the Mexican government, is absolutely unacceptable, and we gather today to formally notify the U.S. Department of state”. On Wednesday the American leader spoke at a round table on the issue of granting of authorities California asylum immigrants. Commenting on the statements of one of the participants of organized criminal group MS-13,

Putin signed a decree appointing new Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers

Putin signed a decree appointing new Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed a decree appointing the new government proposed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. So, the first Vice-the Prime Minister — appointed Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. Olga Golodets was appointed Deputy Prime Minister. Thus she retained her post, but with modified functionality. Now Golodets will oversee cultural Affairs and sport. Yuri Trutnev , the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister, stated in the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Dmitry Kozak kept his position in the new government and the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Vitaly Mutko was appointed Deputy Chairman of the government and will be engaged in construction, while in 2016, he oversaw the sport. Yuri Borisov as Deputy Prime Minister to deal with the military-industrial complex, which the previous government was