Ukraine came up with a way to reduce the damage from the “Nord stream — 2”

Ukraine came up with a way to reduce the damage from the “Nord stream — 2” After the launch of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2” Ukraine should conclude an agreement with Russia, which guarantees the continuation of gas transit through the territory of the Republic. This was stated by the permanent representative of Ukraine to the Council of Europe Dmitry Kuleba. “If the project “Northern stream — 2″ are still being implemented, should be a legal guarantee. Not like the Budapest Memorandum, and specific inter-state agreement. And not bilateral, but trilateral — between Germany, Ukraine and Russia on the subject, for example, that the specific volumes of gas Russia under any circumstances transportere through the Ukrainian system,” he said in an interview to “RBC Ukraine”. According to Kuleba, the supply of gas to Europe through the “Nord stream — 2” will lead to “enormous loss” for Ukraine, and Kiev

Putin appointed Dmitry Artyukhov, Deputy head of the YANAO

Russian President Vladimir Putin and acting Governor of the YNAO Dmitry Artyukhov © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, may 29. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has appointed the Vice-Governor of Yamal Dmitry Artyukhov, acting head of the region after the transition of Dmitry Kobylkin, the Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation. The corresponding presidential decree published on the Kremlin website.

The armed forces reform the system of training of sergeants

The armed forces reform the system of training of sergeants Sergeants and warrant officers of the Armed forces after the end of military educational institutions now distributes the Main personnel Directorate of the Ministry of defence (GUK MO). About the changes made to the order “On measures for implementation of legal acts on the organization of military service under the contract in armed forces of the Russian Federation”, “news” was told in the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. Sergeants began to prepare in the military departments of civilian universities. The younger officers have received a significant package of social benefits. Thus, the Ministry of defense responded to the increased role of sergeants, which are the basis of combat readiness of the army. “The decision to prepare such personnel at leading civilian universities — a boon for the military. This allows you to attract into the army promising staff

The United States decided not to expand sanctions against the DPRK

The United States decided not to expand sanctions against the DPRK Washington decided to delay the introduction of new sanctions against North Korea, given the progress on negotiations of the President of the United States Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN. On Monday, may 28, the newspaper reported The Wall Street Journal. “The actions were prepared in response to the recent bellicose rhetoric of Kim, which led to trump last week suddenly cancel scheduled for next month summit”, — the newspaper writes. It later emerged that the opportunity for negotiation remains and this is the imposition of sanctions, which I’d like to declare may 29, was cancelled. 24 may trump in an official letter refused to meet with North Korean leader due to tough official rhetoric of Pyongyang. The American leader also said that the leader of North Korea “missed the opportunity to establish a lasting

In the United States called the vulnerability of the F-22 and F-35 before Russia

In the United States called the vulnerability of the F-22 and F-35 before Russia System of search and tracking, operating in the wavelength region of infrared radiation, which is being developed by China and Russia, in 2020-ies will be able to detect American stealth fifth generation fighter F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II, reports The National Interest. American journal notes that the Russian MiG-29 and su-27 almost since its inception, has been equipped with systems infrared search and track, which in recent decades has been continuously improved. Promising fifth-generation fighter, the su-57, the magazine writes, also receives such sensors. The magazine believes that at the present time the Russian system of finding and tracking work in the medium-wave region of infrared radiation, but in the future will have the sensors far field. The publication notes that, most likely, they will develop China before Russia. The journal notes that this can

Matvienko: the blurring of boundaries between non-military and military forms of conflict in the world is dangerous

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Press service of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation MOSCOW, may 29. /TASS/. The boundary between non-military and military forms of conflicts in the world is eroded, and this entails danger. This was stated on Tuesday by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. “The exercise of leadership by constraining economic and other development, the desire to limit the sovereignty and capabilities of actual and potential competitors, the practice of regime change – condemning the international order of degradation. The world continues to slide to new struggles and antagonisms. Thus threatening to blur the boundary between non-military and military forms,” said Matvienko at the opening ceremony of “Acceptance readings.”

The Russian defense Ministry denied the interception of the su-34 Israeli F-16 in skies of Lebanon

The Russian defense Ministry denied the interception of the su-34 Israeli F-16 in skies of Lebanon Moscow. May 28. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian military has denied reports about the interception by the aircraft of VC two Israeli fighters into Lebanese airspace. “In the Russian air group in Syria multifunctional su-34 bombers are not used for departures to intercept air targets and do not perform tasks in the airspace of Lebanon”, — stated in the message of the defense Ministry, released on Monday. “The information spread by one of the Israeli news sources about the alleged intercept Russian su-34 two Israeli F-16 in the air space of Lebanon — amateurish nonsense,” — said the defense Ministry. On Monday, The Times of Israel wrote that the Russian fighter-bombers, possibly accompanied by two F-16 military-air forces of Israel in the skies over Lebanon. Lebanese Agency, “al-Mazdar” in turn, said that Russian military aircraft

Adviser to Vladimir Putin may become Dmitry Peskov from ASI

Adviser to Vladimir Putin may become Dmitry Peskov from ASI New Advisor of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin can become the Director of the direction “Young professionals” Agency for strategic initiatives (ASI), Dmitry Peskov. It is reported by RBC with reference to two sources close to the Kremlin. The appointment may take place in the coming days, said one of them. As Advisor to the President Mr. Sands will oversee the same directions as in the ASI, said the sources. At the Agency he oversees training issues, including the reform of secondary vocational education. Dmitry Peskov in particular was involved in organizing the championship of working professions WorldSkills. Mr. Sands is also the coordinator of the program “national technology initiative”, co-leader of the band “talent and education” programs “Digital economy”. Dmitry Peskov in response to the question about his possible appointment said: “I currently continue to work in ASI

Roman Abramovich received Israeli citizenship

Roman Abramovich received Israeli citizenship Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich received Israeli citizenship. This was reported by the RTVI source in the Israeli government. The information is also confirmed by the interlocutors of the newspaper “Israel a-Yom”. “Israel a-Yom” may 24 wrote that the billionaire is going to come into the country to get an Israeli passport. In the same article stated that Abramovich is building a “big house” in one of the districts of tel Aviv. The correspondent of RTVI reported that the Ministry of repatriation to Israel “knows nothing” about Abramovich plans to obtain citizenship of the country. Well as a representative of billionaire contacted the TV channel “Rain”, but he did not comment on the situation. May 20 edition of the Bell told that the Kingdom did not extend Abramovich investor visa. The previous has expired, and the new was delayed, so the billionaire has not arrived at

FSB: risk of penetration into Crimea of Ukrainian saboteurs continue

© Vitaly Nevar/TASS SIMFEROPOL, may 28. /TASS/. The border with Ukraine seriously, and has protected, however, the risks of penetration into Crimea of Ukrainian saboteurs continue, said on Monday to journalists the head of the FSB Department in Crimea and Sevastopol Viktor Palagin. “They [the risks of penetration], I guess, in theory, as the sea of Azov and the Black sea is shallow, the depth is a maximum of 1.5-2 meters from the shore, and passes these possible. In General, the border currently has is so serious that the mouse will not fly unless somewhere in bribery, corruption or recruited people,” said Palagin.