The United States introduced from 1 June tariffs on steel and aluminum from the EU, Canada and Mexico

The United States introduced from 1 June tariffs on steel and aluminum from the EU, Canada and Mexico WASHINGTON, may 31. /TASS/ — the Minister of Commerce Wilbur Ross recalled that Washington announced the introduction of such fees in respect of a number of States on March 23. The American administration imposed from June 1, customs duties on import of steel and aluminum products from the EU, Canada and Mexico. This was announced on Thursday at a special briefing for journalists the Minister of trade United States Wilbur Ross. “As you know, the President [of the United States Donald trump] has introduced a customs duty on steel and aluminium from quite a large number of countries on March 23. And when he made that decision, he temporarily withdrew from the operation of these duties South Korea, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, the European Union and Canada with Mexico. The validity of these

Putin discussed with the security Council preparations for the world Cup

Putin discussed with the security Council preparations for the world Cup MOSCOW, may 31 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed on Thursday with the permanent members of the security Council of Russia issues on the domestic agenda, including preparations for the world Cup, reported the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “Was the discussion of current issues of domestic socio-economic agenda,” he said. “The sides also discussed issues related to preparations for the world Cup,” added the spokesman. “Putin also informed members of the security Council on his contacts on the sidelines of SPIEF, in particular, held talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President of France Emmanuel Makron” — said Peskov. The meeting was attended by the speakers of both boards of the Parliament Valentina Matvienko, Vyacheslav Volodin, the head of the Kremlin administration Anton Vaino, security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, interior Minister Vladimir

Poroshenko urged to condemn Russia in connection with the re-enactment of the murder Babchenko

Poroshenko urged to condemn Russia in connection with the re-enactment of the murder Babchenko The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko attending today Ivano-Frankivsk region in the West of the country, called to condemn the intelligence agencies of Ukraine and Russia in connection with the re-enactment of the murder of journalist Arkady Babchenko. The operation of the SBU, he called the brilliant, and its members — heroes who showed the “true face of our enemy.” “Are sending weapons, entire trucks, are sending money to kill Ukrainians, journalists, kill government officials. When caught him, saying we didn’t act this way. You need to not blame Ukrainians, and Russia. Ukrainians do everything possible to stay together and defend themselves. I assure you, this will continue,” — said Poroshenko. On the eve Poroshenko met with Babchenko, which the Ukrainian authorities on may 29 declared dead in the attack, and confirmed that it knew in

Golikova called the most difficult task in the may decree

Golikova called the most difficult task in the may decree MOSCOW, may 31 — RIA Novosti. The biggest challenge in the may decree of the President is to reduce poverty by half by 2024, said Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova at the expanded session of the Central headquarters of the popular front (onf). “Certainly, it (problem — ed) depends on how efficiently and at what rate will develop our economy, so the entire set of activities, which would develop not only social unit, and which will fulfill the entire government, is aimed primarily at increasing the rate of growth of the Russian economy in order primarily to ensure the welfare of our citizens”, — said Deputy Prime Minister. Russian President Vladimir Putin after his inauguration on 7 may signed a new “may” decree defining the main directions of development of economy and social sphere until 2024. Among the objectives to

Putin demanded that the MOE strengthen the control over the facilities of crowds

Putin demanded that the MOE strengthen the control over the facilities of crowds Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded that the new Minister for civil defence, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters Senicheva Eugene, who took office may 18, to strengthen the control of his Department over the objects of a mass congestion of people. “One of the most important tasks facing the new Minister and all personnel of the MOE, the monitoring of operation of objects associated with mass stay of people, the President said, speaking at the presentation ceremony of the officers and prosecutors who have received higher positions and higher ranks.— Special attention should be paid to ensuring fire safety in public places.” MOE was the center of attention after a fire in the Kemerovo shopping center “Winter cherry”, which killed 60 people, and another 79 were injured. In the framework of the criminal case was

Bashar al-Assad is ready to negotiate with Pro-American Kurdish forces

Bashar al-Assad is ready to negotiate with Pro-American Kurdish forces The President of Syria Bashar Assad in interview to television channel RT said he will invite representatives of the Syrian democratic forces (SDS), which consist of the Kurds and is getting support from Washington, “to live together with each other, as the Syrians with Syrians.” The existence of SDS in its current form, President Assad called “problem”. “After we liberated Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor, HOMS and Damascus now, in the deck of the U.S. there are fewer cards, — said Mr. Assad.— Their (USA.— “B”) main asset was a “Front EN-Nusra”, which was called “moderate”, until it became clear that this is the same “al-Qaeda” (both organizations are banned in Russia.— “B”), with which the United States was supposed to fight. Came the scandal, and the Americans began to look for a new card. She began the Syrian democratic forces,

Kim Jong-UN asked Lavrov about the health of “comrade Putin”

Kim Jong-UN asked Lavrov about the health of “comrade Putin” MOSCOW, may 31 — RIA Novosti. DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN during a meeting with Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday in Pyongyang asked how the health of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Video of the meeting of Lavrov and Kim Jong-UN published on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. “As the health of comrade Putin?” asked Kim Jong-UN. Lavrov said: “Health is beautiful”. According to the Russian Minister, Russia’s President “appreciates the kind words that you expressed on the occasion of his election to the presidential term.” He (Putin) sends you the warmest greetings and best wishes to those large undertakings which are now initiated on the Korean Peninsula.Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign MinisterDuring the download an error has occurred. See also: Lavrov met with Kim Jong-UN in DPRK Korea without Putin: what the outcome of the meeting of

Lavrov met with Kim Jong-UN in DPRK

Lavrov met with Kim Jong-UN in DPRK Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met in Pyongyang with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. Initially the meeting was reported by unnamed sources “Interfax”, RIA Novosti and TASS in the Russian delegation. The press service of the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs in his Telegram channel published photographs of politicians. Earlier, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia held in the North Korean capital, the talks with the foreign Minister of the DPRK ri Yong Ho. After talks with him, Lavrov said that Moscow is ready to support the agreement on the DPRK to meet the interests of all parties involved and passed on to the Agency. “But when these agreements will be subject to some consideration by the international community may have for the Security Council to support these or other initiatives, of course, we’ll be ready to speak for the concrete agreements

Lavrov became the first Russian who met with the current leader of the DPRK

DPRK leader Kim Jong UN and Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Valery sharifulin/TASS PYONGYANG, may 31. /Spec.Q. Julia Arifulina TASS/. The Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov concluded his visit to Pyongyang, where he met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, and foreign Minister ri Yong Ho. The Board of the Russian Minister landed in Pyongyang on Thursday morning. After a brief welcoming ceremony, the delegation Lavrov and his journalistic pool went to the negotiations. The road from the airport took about half an hour, but brought a lot of excitement around the rice fields and bike paths around their perimeter, workers in conical straw hats, law enforcement officers in dress uniform on the way of procession, line of children in red ties, landscapes, sometimes similar to Russian, with birch trees, goats and occasionally cows, another story of people in the same forms, all of interest to the first visit