The Prime Minister of Italy called for the revision of sanctions against Russia

The Prime Minister of Italy called for the revision of sanctions against Russia Moscow. June 5. INTERFAX.RU Conte has paid special attention to those measures which “inhibit civil society in Russia.” The Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte stated that he supports the revision of the European sanctions against Russia, reports on Tuesday Agency ANSA. “We will be Champions of openness towards Russia, which has strengthened in recent years, its international role in addressing various geopolitical crises. We will be the initiators of the revision of the system of sanctions, starting with those that oppress civil society in Russia,” said Conte, speaking in the Italian Senate. At the same time, Conte confirmed the intention of Italy to remain an ally of the United States and to preserve NATO membership. We intend to confirm a confident affiliation of our country to NATO, keeping the USA as a privileged ally.Giuseppe Conte, Prime

Simferopol and Kiev argued about the causes of the Crimean drought

Simferopol and Kiev argued about the causes of the Crimean drought On the Peninsula do not associate the emergency with the overlap of the North Crimean channel. Ukrainian MP Mustafa Dzhemilev, said that the drought in the three Northern regions of the Crimea caused by the overlap of the Ukraine, the North Crimean channel. It on the Peninsula until 2014 did the water from the Dnieper river, which was used for irrigation of agricultural land. We will remind, on the eve of the Crimean authorities introduced a state of emergency because of the drought and destruction of part of the grain harvest in Krasnogvardeysky, Nizhnegorsky, Soviet and Pervomaisk areas. Respondents ‘ b ‘ experts the statement of mister Dzhemilev called contrary to the laws of geography and ecology. The Crimean authorities have assured that the emergency arose because of the element, which is natural, and drought threatens only to farmers.

Mutko was appointed co-chair of the intergovernmental commissions with Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Mutko was appointed co-chair of the intergovernmental commissions with Abkhazia and South Ossetia MOSCOW, June 5. /TASS/ — Earlier this position was occupied by Alexander Khloponin. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appointed Deputy Prime Minister Vitaliy Mutko with a Chairman of the Russian parts of the intergovernmental Commission on socioeconomic cooperation with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The corresponding order dated may 31, published on the official portal of legal information. “To approve of Deputy Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko Chairman of the Russian parts of the intergovernmental Commission on socio-economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia and the intergovernmental Commission for socioeconomic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia, have been exempted from these duties, Alexander Khloponin”, — the document says. As previously reported by the press service of the government, the new government Mutko supervises socio-economic cooperation

The Crimea, Syria and photos of Siberia: what Putin said in an interview with ORF

The Crimea, Syria and photos of Siberia: what Putin said in an interview with ORF The Russian President talked with an Austrian journalist on the eve of the visit to Vienna. Russian President Vladimir Putin will conduct on Tuesday a working visit to Austria, during which it will discuss key issues of bilateral and international agenda. On the eve of the Russian President answered the questions of the presenter of the Austrian broadcasting company ORF Armin wolf. TASS has selected the most important quote of Putin from that conversation. About the relationship with Vienna We have Austria a long-standing, very good, deep relationships. Austria is a traditional and reliable partner in Europe. Despite all the difficulties of previous years, with Austria we have never interrupted dialogue nor in politics, nor security, nor in Economics. About “section of the European Union” We have no goals of anything or anyone to divide

Putin arrived in Vienna on a working visit

The Minister for foreign Affairs of Austria Karin Kneissl and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS VIENNA, 5 June. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday arrived on a working visit to Vienna, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the exports of domestic gas to Austria. This is the first foreign visit of Putin after his inauguration on may 7 in the position in the current presidential term. As reported a press-service of the Kremlin, during the visit of the Russian leader planned “to discuss the state and prospects of Russian-Austrian relations in various fields and to exchange views on key issues on the international agenda.”

Putin discussed with the President of Austria the situation in Syria and Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Austrian President, Alexander van der Bellen © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS VIENNA, 5 June. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with President of Austria Alexander van der Bellekom the situation in Ukraine and Syria. This is the Russian leader told journalists after the meeting with the President of Austria.

Zharov will remain head of Roskomnadzor

Zharov will remain head of Roskomnadzor Moscow. June 5. INTERFAX.RU — this was stated by the head of Minsitry Konstantin Noskov. The head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov retained his post, said the Minister for digital development, communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation Konstantin Noskov. “It’s hard to answer about the future. Yes, he stays,” said the Minister to journalists in Khanty-Mansiysk on Tuesday. Earlier, a source in the government reported that Zharov, will likely retain his post. Meanwhile, in late April, some mass media, information resources and telegram channels dealing with news in the IT sector, there is information about possible fast resignation Zharova from his post. Criticism of Roskomnadzor sounded in connection with the blocking of the messenger Telegram. The Agency is trying to restrict access to the application in the territory of the Russian Federation, blocking IP addresses that messenger uses and block bypass. However, during

Who lost her family in “Winter cherry” won the primaries “United Russia” in the Kuzbass

Who lost her family in “Winter cherry” won the primaries “United Russia” in the Kuzbass Who lost her family in a fire in the Kemerovo SEC “Winter cherry” Igor Vostrikov won the primaries “United Russia” in its affinity group. About this “Kommersant” said a source in the Kemerovo regional branch of the party. According to preliminary data, mister Vostrikov defeated in a territorial group № 9 in the city of Kemerovo. Now to the elections in the Kemerovo regional Council of people’s deputies Igor Vostrikov, as the source said, can go either as a single-seat districts, or to lead the list of one of the party territorial groups. “Make the decision itself will be inserted. It can be both a spisochnik, and single-seat districts”, — said the interlocutor of Kommersant. He added that theoretically this option is possible, though usually in the “United Russia” he is not practiced. Mr. Vostrikov

Germany apologized to the gay

Germany apologized to the gay The President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier has apologized for the persecution of homosexuals, to which they were subjected as in the 1930-ies, in the following decades. About this reports Deutsche Welle. On 3 June in Berlin hosted the official ceremony on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the opening of the monument to the homosexuals who were persecuted under national socialism. The politician said that he apologizes to representatives of sexual minorities “for all the suffering and injustice and ensuing long silence.” Steinmeier said that during the time of national socialism private life, love and the dignity of tens of thousands of homosexuals “in the most derogatory manner was subjected to encroachment, denial, and assault.” “They were tortured and sent to labor prisons and concentration camps ( … ), Tens of thousands of these men died,” he explained. He also added that after the