The Head of Ephraim caught in violation of the law because of the words on the bridge in the Crimea

The Head of Ephraim caught in violation of the law because of the words on the bridge in the Crimea MOSCOW, 7 Jun — RIA Novosti. The words of Michael Ephraim about the transfer of the Crimean bridge Ukraine are calling for the violation of the territorial integrity of Russia, said in an interview with RBC member of the international Committee of the Federation Council Senator from Crimea Sergey Tsekov. Earlier Yefremov in an interview with Yuri Dude suggested that in order “to make peace with Ukraine,” Russia needs to give her the Crimean bridge. The actor said that, in his opinion, “we need to deal with the Ukraine is money.” “Let them take the money for the fare, they will be delighted. Maybe Crimea will forgive me,” he said. “The Crimean bridge is the territory of Russia, in fact Yefremov calls for violating the territorial integrity”, — commented on

Lawyer trump said about asking “on my knees” on the summit Kim Jong Yne

Lawyer trump said about asking “on my knees” on the summit Kim Jong Yne The lawyer of the President of the USA Rudy Giuliani said that North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN allegedly persuaded the American Chapter on the meeting, “on my knees”. According to him, the DPRK authorities stated that can start a nuclear war with the United States and will win the victory. American authorities have stated that will not to hold the summit. Allegedly after Kim Jong-UN “on their knees” begged Washington not to cancel a planned meeting, writes “Federal news Agency”. In addition, Giuliani stressed that the U.S. government would like to see the leader of North Korea in that position, that is, on his knees. Press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders on 4 June reported that the meeting between trump and Kim Jong UN will be held in Singapore on June 12 at 9:00

The “Straight line” received 1.75 million questions

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, 7 June. /TASS/. The total number of hits on a “Straight line” made up as of 08:00 Moscow time almost 1.75 million, the Largest percentage of those wishing to ask a question to Russian President Vladimir Putin use the phone – there are over one million. As reported by the organizers of the “Straight line”, may 27, when I started collecting issues on the morning of 7 June in a program called 1 million 381 people. Your questions via sms sent almost 385 thousand, mms – over 41 thousand

NGOs-registered as foreign agents were forbidden to participate in the anti-corruption expertise

NGOs-registered as foreign agents were forbidden to participate in the anti-corruption expertise The Ministry of justice proposes to establish restrictions for professionals who conduct independent anticorruption examination of the Russian draft laws, resolutions and decrees. Such rules are contained in the government bill that June 7 will discuss the state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption (“news” acquainted with the document). Official status will not be able to foreign organizations, and NGOs-registered as a foreign agent. The ban will also be imposed for officials dismissed in connection with loss of trust, and citizens with a criminal record. “We cannot allow foreign agents made havoc in the political situation, intentionally incorrectly interpreted the provisions of the laws”, — told “Izvestia” the Deputy head of the Duma Committee on security Anatoly Vyborny (“United Russia”).

The United States called the most technologically advanced weapon of Russia

The United States called the most technologically advanced weapon of Russia Russian technology electronic warfare ahead of us and represent a special threat to the United States and NATO forces in Europe, said C4ISRNET analyst Samuel Bendett of the American Center for naval analysis. In his opinion, the Russian system is a “Mature technology that continues to develop after the collapse of the Soviet Union.” The expert believes that during the cold war, the United States could outpace the Soviet Union in such technologies, however, due to the “absence of a threat that Moscow represented to 1991,” has lost its leadership. “So over the last few years, the Americans suddenly faced with their depleted capabilities compared with Russian electronic warfare technology and concept of operations. Objectively speaking, the United States can catch up with the current Russian capacity, but it will take time,” said Bendett. The expert noted that the

Ex-NATO Secretary General told how many would have lasted the war between Russia and Ukraine

Ex-NATO Secretary General told how many would have lasted the war between Russia and Ukraine MOSCOW, 7 Jun — RIA Novosti. In the event of a military clash between Russia and Ukraine, the latter would have been defeated a few days, said in an interview with Die Welt, former Secretary General of NATO, freelance Advisor of the President of Ukraine Anders Fogh Rasmussen. “If Russia wanted to, Russian troops could occupy the Ukraine for a few days, despite the fact that Ukraine over the past two to three years have significantly built up its military capabilities in response to an attack on its territory,” said Rasmussen. NATO countries, he said, definitely prepared for the “massive attack of Russian tanks”, but the best way to maintain peace is to deter potential enemy. At the same time, Rasmussen said that Russia may join the Alliance at any time, provided that it will

The economic development Ministry is preparing a “block unpopular decisions”

The economic development Ministry is preparing a “block unpopular decisions” MOSCOW, June 6 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of economic development of Russia Maxim Oreshkin at the meeting with the deputies from “United Russia” said that the Ministry is preparing a block of unpopular decisions, said the MP from the faction Tatyana Tsibizova. “But there was one alarming moment when he said that the Ministry of economic development prepares a block of unpopular decisions”, — told reporters Cibizova following the meeting, intra-faction groups, adding that the statement was made.. She noted that the specific timing of decisions and their direction has not been announced.

“A serious threat”. Called “murderous” Russian plane

“A serious threat”. Called “murderous” Russian plane MOSCOW, June 6 — RIA Novosti. The equipment of the Russian supersonic fighter-interceptor MiG-31 hypersonic complex “Dagger” is “a serious threat” to potential opponents of Moscow, the magazine writes Military Watch. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий As the newspaper notes, the MiG-31 (NATO classification, Foxhound, translated as “Fox hound”. — Approx. ed.) — a truly “killer” aircraft that have no analogues in the weapons arsenals of other countries. The author emphasizes the uniqueness of the MiG-31 as an active participant in air combat and as a “hunter” of enemy ships. From the moment of adopting the HQs of the MiG-31 was significantly enhanced with modern radar and missile systems and today it is “the fastest modern fighter aircraft in the world,” the article reads.

In Kiev threatened to turn off communications “Naftogaz”

In Kiev threatened to turn off communications “Naftogaz” KYIV, June 6 — RIA Novosti. Kyiv city Council requires the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” to immediately resume the people of Kiev hot water, said Wednesday the press service of the city Council. Previously, the company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” has declared that does not want to enter into a contract for the supply of gas to the municipal enterprise “Kievteploenergo” while the city does not pay old debts. Some houses in Kiev remain without hot water. “Given the situation, we demand from the “Naftogaz of Ukraine” to urgently conclude an agreement with the utility “Kievteploenergo” for the supply of natural gas. We have prepared the corresponding request to the head of the NAC to A. KOBOLEV, with the only requirement — as soon as possible to restore supply of natural gas, to 3 thousands of homes again received the hot water. The

Merkel said about the impossibility of returning of Russia in the G8

Merkel said about the impossibility of returning of Russia in the G8 At the moment there is no way for Russia’s accession to the G7 format, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the framework of “government hour” in the Bundestag. MOSCOW, June 6 — RIA Novosti. She noted that the interaction of the participants of the “Big eight” based on respect for international law. “The annexation of Crimea was a flagrant violation of international law, therefore, the exclusion of Russia from the G8 format was inevitable”, — quotes the Chancellor of the tabloid Bild. While Merkel stressed that constant contact between Moscow and Berlin, as well as cooperation between the G7 remains. The German authorities periodically discuss the possibility of Russia’s return to the format of “big eight”. So, in April the foreign Minister Heiko Maas has called such a scenario “unrealistic.” Later, the Bundestag Sahra wagenknecht urged to rejoin