In Somalia was shot dead by American special forces

In Somalia was shot dead by American special forces One American soldier was killed and four were injured as a result of an ambush organized by the group “al-Shabab” in Somalia. It is reported by Telegram-channel 4 Directorate involved in the review of the activities of terrorists. The incident occurred last Friday. Us special forces have supported the local troops RAID against militants in the East, one of the poorest countries in Africa. The terrorists fired at the checkpoint near the town of Jamaame, mortars and small arms, after which the American-Somali forces decided to retreat to a nearby town, but were ambushed by the Islamists. On 25 January it became known that the us military helped the Somali security forces clash with militants, during which they killed a minor. The military operation was conducted in the region of lower Shabelle, on 18 January. During the firefight, killed five terrorists,

Merkel has opposed the return of Russia in the G8

Merkel has opposed the return of Russia in the G8 MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke against the resumption of the G8, according to ZDF. According to her, the return of Russia in the organization does not make sense to resolve the Ukrainian crisis. As reported in the article, her statement was supported by the leaders of Germany, France, Italy and representatives of the European Union. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump made a statement about necessity of returning of Russia in the “Big eight”.

Putin hopes for constructive dialogue with trump

Putin hopes for constructive dialogue with trump MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that his meeting with U.S. President Donald trump will be constructive. “He (trump) the person is thoughtful, he listens and responds to the following source arguments. All this gives me reason to believe that the dialogue can be constructive,” — said Putin on air of TV channel “Russia-24”.

The interior Ministry denied reports about the destruction of archival data on repression in the USSR

The interior Ministry denied reports about the destruction of archival data on repression in the USSR Moscow. June 8. INTERFAX.RU — Deputy interior Minister Igor Zubov has denied the information on destruction of the archival documents of the repressed in the USSR, reported the press service of the Council on human rights under the President of the Russian Federation. “Today at the meeting of the presidential interagency group to coordinate activities aimed at implementing the concept of state policy on perpetuating of memory of victims of political repression member of the group, the Executive Director of “Memorial” Elena Zhemkova raised the question about the fate of record cards with information about the repressed in the Soviet years” — said “Interfax” in press-service. “Participating in the meeting, another member of the interdepartmental group, state Secretary, Deputy Minister of internal Affairs of Russia Igor Zubov said that the cards are a document

McCain called trump’s offer to return to Russia in the G8 “a manifestation of respect for the opponent”

McCain called trump’s offer to return to Russia in the G8 “a manifestation of respect for the opponent” WASHINGTON, June 8. /TASS/. American Republican Senator, one of the oldest U.S. lawmakers John McCain on Friday criticized a proposal by President Donald trump to expand the G7 to the G8 format, again inviting him to Russia. The legislator considers it “a manifestation of respect for the enemy.” “The President, for unknown reasons showed towards our enemies, the reverence and respect that should be reserved for our closest allies,” — said in a statement McCain posted on his website. According to the Senator, the current us leader “with disdain” to the countries that share American values. “It is the antithesis of the so-called principle of realism and sure road to weakening America’s leadership in the world,” concluded McCain. Trump informed before heading to the summit of the group of seven in Canada,

Putin arrived in Qingdao to attend the SCO summit

Putin arrived in Qingdao to attend the SCO summit Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived from Beijing to the Chinese city of Qingdao on the eve of the summit of the Shanghai cooperation organization. According to “RIA Novosti”, in the framework of the summit the Russian leader will hold separate meetings with his counterparts in the SCO. Earlier on June 8, the President met with President of China XI Jinping in Beijing. The Chinese leader handed his Russian counterpart the order of Friendship of China — thus, Putin became the first winner of this prestigious award among foreigners. The presidents also traveled on the bullet train to Tianjin and visited a friendly hockey match between the two countries. About the plans of the Russian President to travel to Tianjin by high-speed train became known in late may. Information about the details of the visit of the President, “Izvestia” has confirmed its

The Executive Committee of the Bureau of the “Yabloko” believes that the Mitrokhin caused damage to party

The Executive Committee of the Bureau of the “Yabloko” believes that the Mitrokhin caused damage to party MOSCOW, June 8. /TASS/ — Previously, the Executive Committee did not agree on a candidate in the mayoral election. The Executive Committee of the Bureau of the “Yabloko” not only refused to agree the nomination of the candidate in mayors of Moscow, Chairman of the Moscow regional branch of the party Sergey Mitrokhin, but also accused him of causing political damage to the party. TASS said Friday in a press-service of the party. “The Executive Committee refused to register his candidacy, because he repeatedly gave the primaries for the nomination of the candidate in mayors of Moscow of negative evaluation, and expressed to the leadership of the party unfounded accusations,” — said the Agency interlocutor. “Such public actions of the Chairman of the regional branch of the city of Moscow aimed at discrediting

Tusk called for the strengthening of G7 without Russia

Tusk called for the strengthening of G7 without Russia QUEBEC city, 8 Jun — RIA Novosti. The return of Russia in the “Big eight” can compromise the integrity of the club of leading world powers. This opinion was expressed by the Chairman of the European Council Donald Tusk at a press conference in the framework of the G7 summit in Canada. He noted that the current format of interaction “unique” and distinguished by unity of its member countries. Today it is much more important to convince our American partners to strengthen our format, rather than look for something new, challenging.Donald Taskpredicate Of The European Council The President of the European Council also considers that in the case of expanding the G7 members “will be difficult to define a common goal,” this, in turn, will complicate cooperation with other countries of the world. Offer Trump Tusk’s comments came after the US

Peskov commented on the appeal of trump to bring Russia back into the G8

Peskov commented on the appeal of trump to bring Russia back into the G8 MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russia does not focus on the “eight”, and other formats, said RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Bloomberg cited on Friday the words of the President of the United States Donald trump that Russia should again be admitted to membership of the G8. The Reuters news Agency in turn reported that trump said about the need for presence of Russia at the G7 summit. “We focus on other formats,” Peskov told RIA Novosti, commenting on these statements of trump. The forum developed economies since 1998, was “the eight”, but in 2014 the events in Crimea, the members of the club decided not to go to the next G8 summit in Sochi and gathered without Russia in Brussels. Members of G7 have said they do not want to sit

Trump called for a return of Russia in the G8

Trump called for a return of Russia in the G8 The US President expressed his point of view before you go to the G7 summit. Moscow. June 8. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said Friday that he supports the return of Russia in the G8, reports Bloomberg. According to him, such a statement trump made to reporters before heading to Canada for the G7 summit. In March 2014, the “Big seven” in connection with the situation in Ukraine and Crimea at a meeting in the Hague decided that the G8 summit in June of the same year will be held in the G7 format in Brussels without Russian participation. Meetings of the G8 have been suspended until “until Russia does not change course and return the situation to where the G8 is able to conduct a meaningful discussion,” he said in a joint statement, the leadership of Canada, France,