Italy refused to accept the ship with six hundred migrants

Italy refused to accept the ship with six hundred migrants Moscow. June 11. INTERFAX.RU — Ministry of internal Affairs of Italy has banned humanitarian ship carrying more than 600 migrants to stick to the Italian shore and invited him to go to Malta, said on Sunday Agency Associated Press. The ship humanitarian group SOS Mediterranee transports 629 people, saved mostly by the coast guard of Italy and Spain or other ships in the Mediterranean sea. They sailed from the African coast on Saturday. About whether Malta was to take a refugee ship, not reported. In just the last year in the Mediterranean sea, killing nearly 800 migrants. In the first five months of 2018, European banks reached 27.5 thousand refugees.

Merkel called convincing arguments trump about the return of Russia to the G7

Merkel called convincing arguments trump about the return of Russia to the G7 BERLIN, 10 June — RIA Novosti. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the arguments of the President of the United States Donald trump about the return of Russia to the G7 unconvincing. “I can’t get the answer that led him (trump — ed.)… of Course, we asked him a question, but the answer is not convinced” — said Merkel on Sunday the TV channel АRD. She noted that the American leader said that “Russia plays an important role in issues of war and peace, which, of course, no doubt”, but in the format of G7 “sit States that share common values”. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump said about the need again to take Russia into the G8. However, the majority of European members of G7 summit in Canada opposed this. With the support of trump spoke only

Foreign Minister “channel four” will discuss in Berlin the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis

MOSCOW, June 11. /TASS/. The meeting of the foreign Ministers of Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France Heiko Maas, Sergey Lavrov, Pavel Klimkin and Jean-Yves Le Drian on the issue of settlement of the conflict in the East of Ukraine will take place on Monday in Berlin. The talks will be held in the Villa of Germany’s foreign Ministry “Borsig”. Negotiations “channel four”, which four years ago began attempts at a peaceful resolution of the situation in the Donbass, was not very long ago. Experts even started talking about the crisis in the Normandy format. The last summit of the leaders of the “Quartet” of Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and Petro Poroshenko took place on 19 October 2016 in Berlin. The key decision of the Berlin summit to establish a unified road map for the implementation of vинских agreements – remain unfulfilled. More than a year had no contacts

First zampolpreda the UN was attacked on Twitter because of his publications about MH17

The UN, on 10 June. /TASS/. First Deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Dmitry Polyansky became the target of attacks on Twitter from the British initiative group Bellingcat and its supporters for their publication with the requirement to allow Russia to participate in the investigation of the crash Malaysian Boeing in Ukraine. Bellingcat, famous for his investigation of the crash, was indignant with the statement of the Russian diplomat that its findings about his involvement in the tragedy of Moscow is based on untenable evidence.

Adviser to trump called the words of Trudeau at the G7 summit “stab in the back”

Adviser to trump called the words of Trudeau at the G7 summit “stab in the back” The G7 summit in Canada ended in a split. US President, Donald trump has refused to sign the final statement and blamed its partners in an attempt to cash in on American business. Germany and France said that will still stick to the document — whatever may be said of trump. Schism of the West can take advantage of Russia — and in many directions. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, leaning on the table and leaning forward, with a reproach looks at the American President Donald trump. He sits on the other side of the table and defiantly lightly, arms folded on his chest, looks in response. Over-the-shoulder peeking Merkel, the French leader Emmanuel macron. He also tries to look reproachful, but it turns out he’s worse than the German Chancellor. Around — a crowd

The British media found the connection sponsor Brexit with Russia

The British media found the connection sponsor Brexit with Russia The journalists of the Sunday Times gained access to the correspondence of the businessman Arrone banks, who was one of the sponsors of the campaign to withdraw Britain from the European Union (EU). In the paper argue that it is evidence of “secret” meetings of banks with the Russian Ambassador. Agree newspaper, banks affiliated with business schemes that are relevant to Russia. It is reported that his business he had discussed with Russian officials, in particular, he met three times with Ambassador of Russia to UK Alexander Yakovenko. One of the meetings was previously known, since he spoke about it in his book The Bad Boys of Brexit, which describes the campaign for the withdrawal of Britain from the EU, but about two meetings to the wider public was not known. In the paper it says, Jowenko invited British businessmen

In the United States called the statement Trudeau G7 “knife in the back”

In the United States called the statement Trudeau G7 “knife in the back” Chief economic adviser to the White house Larry Kudlow called the words of the canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about the US imposed duties on imports of aluminum and steel “a knife in the back”, reports CNN. According to Kudlow, Canada has “huge fees” for certain dairy and other products that make up 290% or 295%. “He (Trudeau — Газета.Ru) really literally hit us with a knife in the back. He has had a bad service for the whole of the G7,” said Kudlow. He added that the canadian Prime Minister made a mistake that needs to corrected, take it back and wish the Trump good summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. Earlier, Trudeau threatened us President Donald Trump a tough response if the U.S. side will continue to impose protective tariffs on steel and aluminum.

Ukrainian General said that Kyiv will return the Crimea and Donbass

Ukrainian General said that Kyiv will return the Crimea and Donbass MOSCOW, 10 Jul — RIA Novosti. Ukraine is unlikely to return the Donbass and Crimea in the near future, said on the air ObozTV former head of the main investigation Department of the security service, major General Vasily Vovk. “Soon — it’s 5-10-15 years”, — said the military. He noted that the vast majority of Donbas residents do not want to return to Ukraine, received a Russian passport. “We need to speak the truth and do not tell people that “the entire Donbass 99 percent ready tomorrow to return to Ukraine”. We know the real situation, not even the occupied territories, and those that are around them in the “gray area” and further more look in the direction of Russia”, — he added. According to the military, in the Crimea “hated Ukraine” and passport saved in order to enjoy

Netanyahu promised to save millions of Iranians from drought

Netanyahu promised to save millions of Iranians from drought TEL AVIV, 10 Jun — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to translate into Farsi and put it on the Internet advanced water use technologies that will help millions of Iranians to cope with drought and avoid famine. He voiced assessment of the Iranian authorities, according to which 96% of the country in one way or another affected by drought, and 50 million of its inhabitants may be forced to leave their homes due to climate change. “Israel knows how to prevent an environmental catastrophe in Iran. I want to share this knowledge with the Iranian people… We will launch a website in Farsi with detailed instructions how to recycle waste water to save crops and feed their families,” said Netanyahu, whose English-language video message published on social networks. “The Iranian regime shouting: “Death to Israel”. In response, Israel

Named the most expensive for the maintenance of the civil service

Named the most expensive for the maintenance of the civil service The Federal tax service (FTS) of Russia takes the first place by the number of employees and expenditures to ensure their activities among the Russian authorities. This is evidenced by statistics of the Ministry of Finance, published in the public domain. Data drew the attention of RBC. By the end of 2017, at the Federal tax service and its territorial inspections worked for almost 23 percent of the total number of Federal employees — almost 146 thousand people. The actual costs of the service amounted to 134,1 billion. In second place was the system of Federal arbitration courts, which occupied only 15 thousand specialists. The cost of maintenance amounted to 111.5 billion. Third place goes to the Prosecutor General’s office, which employs more than 40 thousand people (more than 55 billion). The cheapest for the state was with the