May called the condition of returning of Russia in the G8

May called the condition of returning of Russia in the G8 MOSCOW, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. British Prime Minister Theresa may in a speech in Parliament called the conditions to start negotiations about returning of Russia in “group of eight”. The Prime Minister noted that there was “good cause” for which the G8 has become the G7. Any talk about the possibility of Russia’s return to the table (of negotiations G8 — Approx. ed.) cannot take place as long as Russia does not change its attitude (the question of the Crimea — Approx. ed.).Teresa Mypremier Minister Last week during the summit “the Big seven” in Canada, the President of the United States Donald trump said about the necessity of returning Russia to the organization. Statement of the American leader most of the participants met with some harsh criticism. Only the Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte said that he

The American carrier returned to the Mediterranean sea

The American carrier returned to the Mediterranean sea WASHINGTON, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Carrier strike group the U.S. Navy led by the nuclear aircraft carrier “Harry Truman” on Sunday entered the Eastern area of the Mediterranean sea, to once again take part in operations against ISIS* in Syria and Iraq, said in a statement on the official Navy website. “With the support of air strikes by carrier strike group led by “Harry S. Truman” returned to the fight against ISIS*. It sends a strong signal to our partners that we are committed to maintaining peace and security in the region and everywhere where there is a threat of terrorism” — are reported words of the commander of the group of rear Admiral Eugene black. Earlier the American media, in particular magazine Defense News reported that the other aircraft carrier and its accompanying ships can stay in the Mediterranean for

Spain will ship with migrants, which is not allowed other countries

Spain will ship with migrants, which is not allowed other countries MOSCOW, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. The government of Spain has agreed to accept the ship with several hundred illegal refugees, for which other countries have closed their ports. On Board Aquarius in international waters, there are more than 600 workers. Italian authorities earlier ordered to close their ports to the vessel, offering to take him in Malta. However, the island nation said that has nothing to do with a situation with an Aquarius and also refused to give him a berth. “For this reason, it is our duty to help in the quest to avoid a humanitarian disaster and to offer a “safe port” these people perform obligations in international law”, — reads the statement of the government of Spain. It is noted that the ship will be sent to the port city of Valencia. The ship under

Pashinyan announced a new stage in relations between Armenia and Russia

Pashinyan announced a new stage in relations between Armenia and Russia YEREVAN, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan at the meeting with the new Ambassador of the Russian Federation Sergey Kopyrkin said that relations between the two countries began a new phase, according to the press service of the government. “Pashinyan stressed that the friendly and allied relations between Armenia and Russia began a new stage that the government is interested in developing cooperation in all spheres”, — stated in the message published on the website of the Cabinet. According to the press service, the head of government noted the importance of effective cooperation in the framework of the EEU and the CSTO with the aim of solving the existing problems and improve the efficiency of integration processes. “Kopirkin Pashinyan congratulated on his appointment and expressed confidence that as a result of his cooperation with

In the state Duma reacted to the extension of anti-Russian sanctions

In the state Duma reacted to the extension of anti-Russian sanctions MOSCOW, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. Deputies of the State Duma Anton Morozov and Alexey chepa has responded to the introduction of Russian IT companies to the sanctions list of the USA. On Monday, the head of the U.S. Treasury Steven Mnuchin reported that five Russian companies and three individuals were in the sanctions list. In his words, they “represented a threat to the security of the US and its partners.” According to a member of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Anton Morozov, a similar decision of the us authorities is an attempt to “prick” Russia. The MP called US measures useless, because IT can register in any other jurisdiction. I doubt that the real harm they some can cause, because it’s just another politicized move, trying to stab Russia and Russian companies.Anton Morozov, a member of the

Putin told how he wrote his resignation during the coup

Putin told how he wrote his resignation during the coup St. PETERSBURG, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin said that he wrote the official report about resignation during the events of the 1991 coup, when he held the position of head of the Committee for external relations of the city hall of Leningrad. “On the one hand, I worked with Anatoly Sobchak, he was on the side of the authorities, Yeltsin and so on. But on the other hand, the attempt of the coup and the security forces, they were on the side of those who did it. I couldn’t be there and there at the same time. I said I have already made a choice,” said Putin in an interview for the film “Sobchak Case”. He added that said Sobchak, “he could not rush here and there”. I should feel confident, therefore, in this situation the right thing

The Russian aircraft helped prevent breakthrough militants at Palmyra

The Russian aircraft helped prevent breakthrough militants at Palmyra MOSCOW, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. Syrian troops with the help of Russian troops prevented in the South of the province of HOMS attempted to break the fighters, said in a Center for conciliation of the warring parties. It is noted that the militants tried to break out of the district of al-TANF in the direction of Palmyra. “Breakthrough of the militants was foiled, five militants, a pickup truck and one motorcycle destroyed”, — stated in the message. It is also reported that the surviving extremists retreated in the direction of the Et-Tapa. According to the Center, at the U.S. base located in the area of Et-Tapa, military train and arm representatives of armed Syrian opposition groups. The base was illegally deployed last year under the pretext of fighting militants. Near the base is a refugee camp, Ryban. The Russian side

USA imposed new sanctions against Russian companies

USA imposed new sanctions against Russian companies The U.S. Treasury has imposed sanctions against three Russian companies. The relevant document on Monday, June 11, posted on the Agency’s website. In the sanctions list includes the St. Petersburg company’s Digital Security and “Dayvtekhnoservis” and FGUP “scientific research Institute “Kvant”. In addition, it has made two related to Digital Security structure based abroad — Embedi that works in Israel and Erpscan, the mission of which is located in Amsterdam, Prague and tel Aviv. It is noted that they are included in the list of the U.S. Treasury, which includes suspects or accused Washington of committing cyber attacks and allegedly linked to the Federal security service (FSB) of Russia. In addition to the companies under sanctions and individuals from Russia, Oleg Chirikov, Vladimir Kagan and Alexander the Stands of the “Divetechnoservice”.

The head of the CEC of Ukraine has told, who discreditied the upcoming elections

The head of the CEC of Ukraine has told, who discreditied the upcoming elections KYIV, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. The head of the CEC of Ukraine Mikhail ohendovsky believes that the main threat to the Ukrainian elections is in the Ukraine and comes from Ukrainian politicians, the press service of the CEC on Monday. The presidential elections in Ukraine held on 31 March 2019, and in the autumn of the same year parliamentary. “Okhendovsky said that the greatest danger and most serious cyber threats the Ukrainian elections will come not from the territory of the Russian Federation, as say some, and not with the United States of America, as others. The main threats will be traditionally appearing from the territory of Ukraine”, — stated in the message of the CEC. According to him, unfortunately, no one can do more to “discredit the Ukrainian elections and undermine public confidence in