Trump has agreed to visit the DPRK, and Kim Jong UN — USA

Trump has agreed to visit the DPRK, and Kim Jong UN — USA MOSCOW, 13 Jun — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump accepted the invitation of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN to visit the DPRK, in turn he agreed to come to the United States, according to North Korean Agency KCNA. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “Kim Jong-UN invited trump to visit Pyongyang at an appropriate time, and trump has invited Kim Jong UN to come to the US. The two leaders gladly accepted the invitation each other, confident that it will serve as another important event for relations between the DPRK and the USA”, — stated in the message. In Singapore, 12 June saw the first ever meeting of the leaders of the United States and the DPRK, based on its results trump and Kim Jong UN signed the document, from which it follows that Washington give Pyongyang

Turkey stated of readiness to use the s-400

Turkey stated of readiness to use the s-400 MOSCOW, June 12 — RIA Novosti. Ankara is ready to use Russian anti-aircraft missile systems s-400, if necessary, said President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It is reported by the newspaper Hurriyet Daily News. Erdogan also noted that for several years, Ankara has sought similar weapons from the United States, but was refused. According to the President, Turkey was “tired”. “Russia has responded to our requests pretty attractive proposition. They (Russian. — Approx. ed.) said that even go for joint production. They offered us quite a good terms of the loan,” — said the head of state. In December 2017, Turkey and Russia signed a credit agreement on anti-aircraft missile systems s-400. Ankara would buy the two batteries in SAM that will be covered by Turkish personnel. The parties also agreed on technological cooperation in development of production of s-400 to Turkey. Erdogan said

The clouds are gathering. The head of the IMF warned of the threat to the global economy

The clouds are gathering. The head of the IMF warned of the threat to the global economy MOSCOW, June 12 — RIA Novosti. The threat of trade wars between developed countries increases the risks for the world economy, said the head of the International monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde. “Clouds on the horizon, which we warned about six months ago, are gathering by the day” — quoted Lagarde to Bloomberg. This statement the head of the IMF was made on Monday after the G7 summit in Canada, in which she was involved, the newspaper reports. According to Lagarde, “the biggest dark cloud” over the global economy is the risk of the erosion of trust caused by the “attempt to question the methods of trading, interactions on the world stage and the work of international organizations”. Despite the criticism of protectionism, which was her more acute, the head of the IMF

Kiev filed in the court of justice the Memorandum demands from the Russian Federation financial compensation

Kiev filed in the court of justice the Memorandum demands from the Russian Federation financial compensation KYIV, June 12 — RIA Novosti. Kiev filed with the international court of justice Memorandum to the accusations against Russia demanded compensation, said in a statement the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Earlier in the day, Kiev has made to the court of justice Memorandum, in which Russia is accused of “financing terrorism” and “racial discrimination”. Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said that the document consists of 29 volumes and weighs about 90 pounds. The Memorandum will present at the International court in the framework of the process initiated by the Ukrainian authorities in the past year. For the period of the trial, the Ukraine was required to introduce “temporary measures” that would “freeze the conflict” until the court issued a final decision. Russia has repeatedly denied such accusations from both Kiev

The chair declared intention to stand in mayors of Moscow

The chair declared intention to stand in mayors of Moscow Showman Nikita Dzhigurda announced the intention to nominate his candidacy for the elections of the mayor of Moscow. He said this to his followers on Instagram. According to the artist, he goes to the polls for the sake of “millions of men in Moscow, infringed their rights and dignity”. He added that the real representative of the stronger sex can not do without the horse, now without a car. JAH-NNAT-HAN BRATASH G AL AIR❤ this is From Gigantism will not harm… in mayors of Moscow’s Nikita Dzhigurda! #chair #выборы2018 #mayor #measure #Moscow Publication of NIKITA DZHIGURDA (18+) (@instadzhigurda) Jun 12, 2018 at 4:28 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The chair has noticed that motorists are literally “squeezed out” of Moscow’s pedestrian streets. This year elections of the mayor of Moscow will pass in the uniform voting day

The dispute about the name is allowed. As it is now called Macedonia?

The dispute about the name is allowed. As it is now called Macedonia? One of the longtime diplomatic conflict is close to resolution: the government of Macedonia and Greece agreed to rename the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the North. “We agreed,” — said the Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras. The dispute about the name that erupted after the collapse of the former state of Yugoslavia, 27 years of complicated relations between countries, and also prevented the entry of Macedonia in NATO and the European Union. The Greeks objected to the fact that neighbouring Balkan country was called the same as the Greek historical region in Northern Greece, on the border with Macedonia, fearing a possible territorial claims. Apprised of the compromise, told the conference in Skopje the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev. The new name of Zaev and Tsipras agreed with the mediation of the special

Adviser to trump apologized for saying Trudeau

Adviser to trump apologized for saying Trudeau MOSCOW, June 12 — RIA Novosti. The Director of the office of trade and production policy of the White house Peter Navarro apologized to the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau’s statement that “it is a place prepared in hell,” according to the Twitter of the head of the Washington Bureau of the Wall Street Journal newspaper Gerald Ceiba. Previously, Navarro was on a TV program Fox News Sunday said that foreign leaders who conduct dishonest diplomacy in relations with U.S. President Donald trump, “a place prepared in hell.” “Let me fix a mistake made by me… Bringing that thought, I used the incorrect expression”, — quotes the words of SEB Navarro. On Sunday, a top economic adviser to the White house, Larry Kudlow stated that the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau has hit US “with a knife in the back”. Earlier,

USA invent enemies where it is not stated in the Russian foreign Ministry

USA invent enemies where it is not stated in the Russian foreign Ministry MOSCOW, June 12 — RIA Novosti. USA, introducing new sanctions against Russia, inventing the enemy where there is none, instead of to fight terrorism and other real threats stated in the comments of the Department of information and press of MFA of Russia in connection with new anti-Russian sanctions of the United States. On Monday, the head of the U.S. Treasury Steven Mnuchin said that five Russian IT-companies and three individuals added to the sanctions list, as they threatened the security of the United States and their partners. “The United States demonstrate evident lack of foresight, inventing the enemy where there is none, instead of seriously fighting against terrorism and other real threats. It’s not just vicious, and very dangerous politics, for which history will ask with its initiators,” — said in comments the Russian foreign Ministry.

Kiev sent UN almost “100 pounds of accusations” against Russia

Kiev sent UN almost “100 pounds of accusations” against Russia Kiev has transferred to the court of justice a Memorandum with accusations of Russia’s financing of terrorism and racial discrimination. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko wrote on the page in Facebook on Tuesday, June 12. “Presentation of the Memorandum in the case against Russia — an important step in the proof that for all their illegal actions, Russia will bear responsibility”, — he stressed. According to the foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, the Memorandum consists of 29 volumes and weighs about 90 pounds. Earlier, the international court of justice is half satisfied the requirements of Ukraine to establish temporary measures to Russia: on the claim of violation of the Convention on financing of terrorism court of Kiev did not listen, but agreed with the demands of racial discrimination. As a result of Russia ordered to refrain from infringing on the

Trump has suspended the sanctions against the DPRK

Trump has suspended the sanctions against the DPRK SINGAPORE, June 12 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that he had suspended the sanctions against the DPRK for 300 positions. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “I had 300 sanctions,” trump told reporters at a press conference. According to him, he decided not to enter because it would look “disrespectful”. “But we maintain the ability to continue to impose sanctions,” — said trump.