Trump said that Obama lost Crimea

Trump said that Obama lost Crimea Moscow. June 15. INTERFAX.RU. The US President Donald trump said Friday that his predecessor at the post Barack Obama lost the Crimea. “President Obama lost the Crimea”, — he told reporters, his words broadcast by CNN. “President Obama lost the Crimea because President Putin doesn’t respect President Obama does not respect our country,” added trump. Earlier American portal Buzzfeed with reference to two diplomatic sources said that the President of the United States Donald trump during the G7 summit, held last week in Canada, said other world leaders that he believes the Russian Crimea. A White house spokesman Sarah Sanders stated that he did not know, did trump the leaders of the G7 summit in Canada that he considers the Crimea a Russian territory. At the U.S. Embassy in Russia, “Interfax” reported that the U.S. position on the status of Crimea unchanged. Press Secretary

Canadians are boycotting goods from the United States after the attack on Trudeau trump, told the media

Canadians are boycotting goods from the United States after the attack on Trudeau trump, told the media MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. Many Canadians began to boycott American products and to refrain from traveling to the United States after the deterioration of relations between U.S. President Donald trump and the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, the TV channel CTV. The differences between the trump and the canadian government escalated last week when trump had included Canada in the list of countries against which introduced protective tariffs on steel and aluminum. Also stalled negotiations in the U.S., Canada and Mexico on updating the free trade zones of NAFTA, which insists trump. Last week, trump openly criticized the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, accusing him of “unfair” trade barriers against the United States. As the channel, the Canadians began to use social media hashtags #BuyCanadian (buy canadian), #BoycottUSProducts (boycoting

The US imposed duties on Chinese goods

The US imposed duties on Chinese goods WASHINGTON, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The U.S. imposed a 25 percent duty on goods from China. This will affect approximately one-tenth of China’s exports to America, said Donald trump. Specifies that the new fees will affect imports of Chinese goods that contain important industrial technologies in the amount of $ 50 billion. “The United States can no longer tolerate the loss of our technology and intellectual property because of unjust economic action”, — said the American leader. If China will respond to this, Washington will impose additional import duties. These measures should become the first step in restoring the balance of trade with China, which now there is a huge deficit of the United States, concluded trump. Beijing has already declared that will promptly answer any protectionist measures of the United States.. Earlier it was reported that the new tariffs will come

Matviyenko called the condition of returning of Russia in the G8

Matviyenko called the condition of returning of Russia in the G8 If Russia will get an offer to return to the format of the G8, Russia would accept it, dialogue is necessary, said the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko on Friday, June 15. “We have somewhere to work — this “twenty”, and the SCO and BRICS. But if we follow the invitation to return, we will take it, a dialogue is necessary, we are convinced,” quoted Matviyenko “RIA Novosti”. Before the summit “the big seven” (G7), held on 8-9 June in Quebec, the US President, Donald trump declared necessity of returning of Russia in this format. The participants of the meeting “the big seven” in Canada from the EU (France, Italy, Germany and the UK) unanimously voted to return to Russia on an informal forum.

The U.S. Embassy in Russia has said that Washington does not recognize Crimea as Russian

The U.S. Embassy in Russia has said that Washington does not recognize Crimea as Russian Moscow. June 15. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. Position on Crimea’s status unchanged, it is part of Ukraine, said on Friday “Interfax” in Embassy of the USA in Russia. “As we have said many times: Crimea is part of Ukraine, and put us over Crimea sanctions (against Russia) will remain in force as long as Russia is not Ukraine will return control over the Peninsula”, — stated the press Secretary of the Embassy in response to a request for comment on reports that the US President Donald trump during the G7 summit was called the Russian Crimea. So the interviewee answered the question whether it is possible to assume that the U.S. position on the status of Crimea in connection with these messages has changed. Earlier American portal Buzzfeed with reference to two diplomatic sources said

United Russia will discuss measures to remove the age limit on hiring

United Russia will discuss measures to remove the age limit on hiring MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. “United Russia” intends to explore with the government the issue on elimination of restrictions in the employment age categories of citizens in the framework of the planned pension reform. This was stated on Friday, the Secretary of the General Council “United Russia” Andrey Turchak at the meeting of the Presidium of the General Council of the party. On Thursday the Russian government approved the draft law on the increase in Russia the retirement age to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. As expected, the document will be submitted to the state Duma in the near future. “I think that the fact that a gradual implementation of measures to improve the pension system will help to change people’s attitudes towards their health, contribute to longevity and to change attitudes of employers to

Peskov commented on the possible restoration of the “big eight”

Peskov commented on the possible restoration of the “big eight” MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The G20 is the most relevant because it includes the leaders of the world’s largest economies, while Russia will be happy to engage in dialogue with representatives of the G7 format, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. As explained Peskov, Vladimir Putin clearly spoke about the recovery in the format of “eight”. He said that Russia was not the initiator of the termination of such format as “the eight”, but President Putin will always be glad to see the leaders of this “seven” at a party, and to continue a dialogue with them.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation According to him, the most priority should be considered in the G20 format. “But in General, much more relevant is the format of “twenty”, where at one table to meet

Alexei Kudrin: tax in addition to VAT is not planned to be increased

Alexei Kudrin: tax in addition to VAT is not planned to be increased The Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin has declared to TV channel “Russia 24” that the growth of the value added tax from 18% to 20% — is “a moderate maneuver.” “While other taxes are expected to increase,” — said the former Minister of Finance. The VAT rise yesterday approved the government of Russia. The new tax rate will take effect from 1 January 2019. The Finance Ministry estimates, it will bring in 600 billion roubles. Before appointment to the Accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin opposed the change of the VAT. As Finance Minister, he criticized the reduction of the tax rate. As the head of the Center for strategic research, he spoke about inexpediency of increase of any fees within six years.

The Embassy of the Russian Federation reported on the refusal of the British cooperation in cases Glushkov and Skrobala

The building of the Russian Embassy in London © Ilya Dmitriev/TASS LONDON, June 16. /TASS/. The official London still refuses to cooperate on Affairs about murder of the former Deputy of the General Director “Aeroflot” Nikolay Glushkov and the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the UK. On Friday Russian media have reported the representative of the Russian Embassy in the United Kingdom.

Ryabkov discussed with the British Ambassador problems of implementing Iran nuclear deal

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov © Michael Pochuev/TASS MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov and British Ambassador in Moscow, Lori Bristow discussed on Friday the issues of implementation of the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program. This is stated in the message of the foreign Ministry.