Europe questioned the U.S. ability to defend against Russia

Europe questioned the U.S. ability to defend against Russia Europe began to understand that protection from a number of challenges, including Russia, you can’t rely on U.S. aid. This was stated by the President of Latvia Vejonis Raymont, reports TVnet. According to him, NATO is now facing several threats: instability in the South of the Alliance, Syria, North Africa, the growing influence of China. The politician said that one of the challenges is “showing off their muscles Russia”. Vejonis noted that the unity of the West is under threat and called for the strengthening of “soft security”, including the fight against hybrid threats. Earlier, on 3 June it was reported that NATO will create a 30-strong reserve for prompt reflection of a Russian attack. The connection, which must be alerted within 30 days, will have at its disposal a few hundred fighters and ships. Russia has expressed concern about the

The Japanese foreign Ministry: the US presented North Korea requirements for 47 points for the complete denuclearization of the

The Japanese foreign Ministry: the US presented North Korea requirements for 47 points for the complete denuclearization of the TOKYO, June 17. /TASS/. USA under the agreement with North Korea on the denuclearization of the presented claims for 47 points, said on Sunday the head of the Japanese foreign Minister Taro Kono in an interview with NHK. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo during his visit to Pyongyang has communicated to North Korea that the United States include the term “complete denuclearization” elimination in a verifiable and irreversible nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction — chemical, biological, and missiles and all relevant objects. North Korea in this regard was submitted claims for 47 positions. If the requirement of full denuklearizatsii in this sense will fail, and sanctions against North Korea will not be removed”, — he said. The DPRK did not depart from its commitment to undertake full

In the United States recognized the superiority of Russian helicopters over American

In the United States recognized the superiority of Russian helicopters over American American helicopters UH-60 Black Hawk, which the U.S. began to supply the Afghan armed forces to replace the Russian Mi-17, less effective and harder to maintain. This is stated in the report of the office of the inspector General of the Pentagon. “The transition from a Mi-17 UH-60 creates a number of difficulties that have not yet been solved”, — said in the document, which is on Saturday, June 16, quoted by the portal Drive. According to the report, helicopters from the United States do not have the capacity like Mi-17. “You need almost two of the Black Hawk helicopter, to relocate the same cargo of Mi-17”, — the report says. It is also noted that U.S. helicopters could not fly at high altitudes and therefore cannot be used in remote regions of Afghanistan, where the work of

The Ministry of labor explained one pension will grow after the increase in retirement age

The Ministry of labor explained one pension will grow after the increase in retirement age Moscow. June 16. INTERFAX.RU — As noted in the Department, it will affect only retirees. The promised increase in pensions, a proposed increase in the retirement age will only affect pensioners, explained the Ministry of labour. “Increase in 2019 monthly insurance pensions by an average of 1,000 rubles is planned to be made through the indexation of pensions. This means that the increase in pensions will affect pensioners”, — noted in a press-service of the Ministry on Saturday. On 14 June Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova told journalists that the government has no plans to return to indexation of pensions for working pensioners. In the current scheme of pension is indexed only after the pensioner will cease to work. Earlier on Saturday, Golikova said at a meeting of the Russian tripartite Commission on regulation of

Poroshenko invited Him to visit Ukraine

Poroshenko invited Him to visit Ukraine KIEV, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on the phone, invited the President of France Emmanuel Makron to visit Ukraine on a visit, said on Saturday the press service of the Ukrainian President. “The President has invited the French President to visit Ukraine on a visit”, — is spoken in the message. According to the press service, the Makron congratulated Poroshenko with the progress in reforms and especially with the adoption of the law “On Higher anti-corruption court.” The parties also discussed preparations for the summits Ukraine-EU and Ukraine-NATO, which will be held in July in Brussels, said the press service. The presidents of Ukraine and France also expressed their satisfaction with development of bilateral economic relations. The Verkhovna Rada on Thursday adopted a presidential law on the establishment of the Supreme court anti-corruption in Ukraine. Its creation is one

Germany accused of spying on the IAEA, the OSCE and the government of Austria

Germany accused of spying on the IAEA, the OSCE and the government of Austria The Federal intelligence service of Germany has been spying on communication networks of the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA), the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE), foreign diplomatic missions and the Austrian industrial enterprises. It is reported by the magazine Profil. According to the journalists, they received information about activities of the German intelligence service in Austria since the late 1990-ies. All the surveillance was exposed nearly two thousand objects, including ministries, departments, universities, mosques and non-governmental organizations. According to the publication, since the early 2000s, Germany started to follow the networks of foreign diplomatic missions, the IAEA, the OSCE, the UN office on drugs and crime and other organizations. It is noted that special attention was paid to the foreign version of the Austrian press Agency. The Austrian side refused to review the

India will raise duties on American goods

India will raise duties on American goods NEW DELHI, June 16 — RIA Novosti. India will raise import duty on 30 products from the USA. This decision was made in response to a Washington imposed import duties on steel and aluminum, the newspaper reports the Indian Express. The corresponding list of goods new Delhi has already submitted to the world trade organization. Some metal products, the share of the agricultural production, a number of models of motorcycles and other goods tariffs will rise to 50 percent. As reports the edition, in total India hopes to gain from economic retaliation in the order of 239 million dollars. As stated in an interview with RIA Novosti Indian Minister of Commerce and industry Suresh Prabhu, protectionism and the policy of sanctions does not bring the desired results and impact adversely on the global economy. In his opinion, such unilateral actions are detrimental to

Putin told Kadyrov that Chechnya invest in safe and profitable

Putin told Kadyrov that Chechnya invest in safe and profitable Russian President Vladimir Putin during a working meeting with head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov said that to invest in the development of this region, safely and profitably. Transcript of the meeting published on the Kremlin website. He added that such investments are necessary to create investment climate. “Then not only investors from Arab countries but from other countries too, will go to the North Caucasus, and in Chechnya in particular”. In response, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that his country has already cooperated with the Arab countries, noting the good direction of development in investment cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. “Emirates, we have opened five-star hotel, established a joint Fund for development of small and medium business, build an international University, — said Mr. Kadyrov.— In Saudi Arabia the same — promise to invest in the development of

The government submitted to the Duma a bill to raise VAT to 20%

The government submitted to the Duma a bill to raise VAT to 20% Moscow. June 16. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on introducing to the state Duma draft laws on amendments in the legislation on taxes and duties, said on Saturday the press service of the Russian government. “The draft law envisages the increase of the basic VAT rate from 18% to 20%; a reduction in the overall rate of insurance contributions to state non-budget funds with 34 to 30%; the retention of the right to deduction of VAT amounts paid when acquiring the goods, works and services through subsidies or public investment, for organizations in the automotive industry for the period until January 1, 2019”, — stated in the message. It is also proposed to amend the Federal laws “On mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation” and “About bases of obligatory social insurance”, setting the

The government introduced a bill on pension reform

The government introduced a bill on pension reform MOSCOW, June 16 — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on introducing to the state Duma a bill on amendments to the pension system, the press service of the government. The bill provides for a phased increase in the age at which insurance is assigned to the old age pension. “The General retirement age is proposed to be fixed at 65 years for men and 63 years for women,” the message reads. As explained earlier, the Prime Minister, the reform will start in 2019 and will be phased to achieve a certain document retirement age is expected in 2028 for men and 2034 for women. According to the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the lower chamber may consider the bill before the end of the spring session, but hurry up and violate the rules parliamentarians will not.