Nearly half of Americans called trump a racist

Nearly half of Americans called trump a racist Moscow. The 4th of July. INTERFAX.RU — the results of the survey Quinnipac University (USA) showed that 49% of Americans believe US President Donald trump a racist. However, according to data published on the website of the educational institution, 47% of American citizens do not believe that the head of state is racist. At the same time, the survey results indicate that most U.S. voters negatively assess the personality traits of the President. So, about 58% of the respondents believe trump an honest man, and about 55% of respondents think that the current US President does not have the necessary leadership qualities and does not care about the interests of ordinary Americans. In addition, the results of the survey showed that about 53% of American voters approve of trump’s upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The positive attitude of the meeting

The assets of “Gazprom” escape from “Naftogaz”

The assets of “Gazprom” escape from “Naftogaz” Ukrainian company barely returned to custody the shares of Nord Stream. “Naftogaz” stated that he was able to resume the arrest of the shares of Nord Stream AG Nord Stream AG 2, which he wants to recover as part of the obligations of “Gazprom” at $2.6 billion, which the Russian company should pay for the decision of the Stockholm arbitration. It turned out that Gazprom was able to remove a lien on these assets has already been imposed in late may, however, “Naftogaz” has filed an appeal against this decision and was able to resume custody, but only until the hearing of their appeal. So, now “Naftogaz” it is necessary to prove their case to the Swiss court despite the fact that the Swedish court had already invalidated a compulsory collection of us $2.6 billion from Gazprom. The litigation between “Naftogaz” and “Gazprom”

Minister of culture appreciated the organization of the 2018 world Cup with a quote from “Krovostok”

Minister of culture appreciated the organization of the 2018 world Cup with a quote from “Krovostok” The head of the regional Ministry of culture and tourism Andrey Ermak described the organization of the 2018 world Cup in Kaliningrad quote group “Krovostok”, the correspondent of “New Kaliningrad”. At a briefing on 4 July, on the results of the world Cup in Kaliningrad, the Minister said that the region held the championship matches “on a solid five”. At the same time Andrey Ermak noted the problems with the language training of tour guides, hotel staff, and staff stations. According to the head of mincultura arising from the tourists ‘ problems were mostly technical in nature and promptly resolved. Know how sings a wonderful group, “Have a plan B, plan B generic”. Yes? We had the universal plan B is a tourist information center with its resources, with its capacity for rapid response

AP: trump in 2017 discussed with advisers the possibility of an invasion in Venezuela

AP: trump in 2017 discussed with advisers the possibility of an invasion in Venezuela TASS, 4 July. The President of the United States Donald trump at one of the meetings in the White house in August 2017 discussed with his advisers the possibility of US military intervention in Venezuela. On Wednesday the Agency reported the Associated Press (AP), citing a source in the White house. “Due to the increasing security threat in the region, which comes from Venezuela, why the U.S. can’t just send troops in this troubled country?” — leads the Agency the words of trump, as they gave the source. According to the Agency, this question of the President of the United States came as a shock to those present at the meeting of officials, including former Secretary of state USA Rex Tillerson and former assistant to the President for national security Affairs Herbert McMaster. In the ensuing

Committee on intelligence of the Senate, the United States recognized Russia’s intervention in the American elections, the fact

Committee on intelligence of the Senate, the United States recognized Russia’s intervention in the American elections, the fact The intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate supported the conclusions of the special services of Russian interference in the elections of the us President in 2016. Thus, in contrast to the special Committee of the house of representatives, published their findings “Russian Affairs” in March this year, members of the Senate intelligence Committee to insist that Russia actively supported Donald trump, trying to create a negative environment around his opponent in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton. Himself Donald trump continues to insist on non-interference in Russia’s presidential elections and is preparing to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on 16 July in Finland. At the same time, the Chairman of the special Committee of the Senate on intelligence, Richard Burr, representing the Republican party, said that he sees “no reason to challenge

OP Secretary urged the activists not to be afraid to discuss pension reform

OP Secretary urged the activists not to be afraid to discuss pension reform MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RAPE. The Secretary of the Public chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation Valery Fadeev has urged the activists not to be afraid to discuss a bill to raise the retirement age, as reported on the official website of an Advisory body. On the online meeting with the regional chambers on the future of the pension system Fadeev noted that in some regions of the Russian Federation refused the idea of holding public hearings on the issue, citing the difficult social situation or calls by area leaders not to hold such events. “To discuss the bill is undoubtedly necessary. And it is our duty. At some point, it seemed that the Executive branch wants to avoid discussing, but it’s impossible: this is a complex reform, which applies to all, and impossible to push through

Rosturizm reassured Russians that they quietly planned vacation

Rosturizm reassured Russians that they quietly planned vacation MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Systemic crisis on the market of tourist services no, the problem is the individual tour operators are associated with the wrong assessment of the market situation, the Russians can easily plan your holidays, said the head of the Federal tourism Agency Oleg Safonov, whose words are in the message Department. “The reduction in Charter programs and the suspension of activities of private tour operators that currently take place in the Russian tourist market, due to wrong evaluation of tourist companies, market conditions, errors in forecasts of consumer demand and high expectations regarding the growth of outbound tourism in some areas”, — said Safonov. “Systemic crisis in the Russian tourist market there,” — he stressed. The head of the Federal tourism Agency has said that now in Russia there are 631 tour operator in outbound tourism, and

Siri interrupted the Minister of defence of the UK during speech on Syria

Siri interrupted the Minister of defence of the UK during speech on Syria MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Voice assistant Siri adjourned the meeting in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament responded to the word Syria. The incident occurred during the speech of the Minister of defence of Gavin Williamson. He talked about the fight against terrorism and mentioned the Syrian Republic. “This is what I found in the Internet at the request of Syria. Syrian democratic army, which supports…”, immediately reacted Siri in his smartphone. During the download an error has occurred. Williamson laughed and said that person rarely interrupted by his own mobile phone. The Minister has removed the smartphone in his pocket and continued his speech, after the hall was quiet laughter.

To Russia from Syria returned 27 aircraft and helicopters

To Russia from Syria returned 27 aircraft and helicopters Moscow. The 4th of July. INTERFAX.RU — From Syria to Russia brought nearly 30 aircraft and helicopters videoconferencing Russia, reported the Russian military. “Only in places of permanent deployment of the air base Hamim in Syria returned to Russian airfields, 27 aircraft and helicopters, the specialists of the flight crew, medical team and soldiers of the military police”, — stated in the materials distributed Wednesday at a meeting of the su-25 in Krasnodar Krai. In the southern military district said that three pairs of su-25 “Grach” landed at a military airfield in the Krasnodar region after a multi-day trip to Syria.

Topilin announced the increase of salaries of Russians

Topilin announced the increase of salaries of Russians MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. During the first months of 2018, real salaries grew by almost 10%, said the radio station “Moscow speaking”, the Minister of labour and social protection Maxim Topilin. “The decline in population of working age (happens in Russia. — Approx. ed.). We now have unemployment below 4%, this has never happened before. Real wages grow for three or four months of this year — almost 10%, this was not since the beginning of 2000-ies,” — said Topilin. According to him, now in the labor market is out of balance and not enough “workers”. Previously, the Central Bank reported that first-quarter growth of real wages amounted to 9.5%. The Bank suggested that this increase could be caused by, among other things, increased one-time payments of premiums to private companies. According to Rosstat, the growth of real wages in