Foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson resigned

Foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson resigned MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigned, said the office of the British government. The resignation of Johnson was the second in recent days. On the eve of the post of Minister for Brexit left David Davis. Both dismissals are connected with the aggravated in recent days by disagreements within the government regarding the approach to Brexit. Johnson and Davis were key Ministers in the Cabinet may, they were supporters of “Brexit hard”. The controversy surrounding Brexit Last Friday, may has announced its intention to soften the terms of the withdrawal of Britain from the EU. The Prime Minister said that the United Kingdom would offer the EU to create a free trade area, and to define the list of industrial products and agricultural products that do not fall under future limitations. This program did not suit

Foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson resigned

Foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson resigned MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigned, said the office of the British government. The resignation of Johnson was the second in recent days. On the eve of the post of Minister for Brexit left David Davis. Both dismissals are connected with the aggravated in recent days by disagreements within the government regarding the approach to Brexit. Johnson and Davis were key Ministers in the Cabinet may, they were supporters of “Brexit hard”. The controversy surrounding Brexit Last Friday, may has announced its intention to soften the terms of the withdrawal of Britain from the EU. The Prime Minister said that the United Kingdom would offer the EU to create a free trade area, and to define the list of industrial products and agricultural products that do not fall under future limitations. This program did not suit

On a two-page basis

On a two-page basis What can agree Vladimir Putin and Donald trump in Finland. In exactly one week, on Monday, July 16, in Helsinki will host a meeting of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. This will be their first full-fledged summit — last year they met twice, but only in the context of other events. According to sources “Kommersant” in the government agencies of the USA, Moscow gave Washington a two-page draft joint statement of the presidents. The American side is ready to take this document as a basis, but insisted that the summit in one form or another reflected the concerns of the White house about the “Russian interference in the elections of 2016” and had given assurances that “the future this will not happen again”. The meeting place can be changed The capital of Finland is an important place of the Soviet-American and

Foreign migrants off from production

Foreign migrants off from production The new rules prohibit the registration of their place of employment. In Russia come into force amendments to the law prohibiting foreigners put on the migratory account in the place of work. Now migrants can be arranged in apartment, hotel, hospital and even in jail, but the office — only in case of actual residence. For default rules to foreigners threatened with expulsion from the country. Experts believe that the amendments will create problems for the companies, placing qualified professionals: employers face fines of up to 800 thousand rubles. Amendments to the Federal law on migration registration of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation come into force on 8 July. The document clarifies the concept of “place of stay” arriving in Russia a foreigner, if earlier, in his capacity could act as a shelter and the organization, now migrants can be issued at the place

Patrushev said about saving in the Crimea, the destabilization threat

The Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS SEVASTOPOL, July 9. /TASS/. The threat of destabilization of the situation in the Crimea remain, said Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev at a meeting in Sevastopol. “The threat of destabilization of socio-political and socio-economic situation is maintained. They are primarily associated with destructive political aspirations of the current Ukrainian authorities and especially with the aggressive activities of Ukrainian nationalists who do not accept the will of the peoples of the Crimea on reunification with Russia”, – said Patrushev.

Article on “reposted” decided to decriminalize only partially

Article on “reposted” decided to decriminalize only partially It is proposed to introduce administrative liability for “repost” extremist materials, but only on the first offense. Moscow. July 9. INTERFAX.RU — Article on the responsibility for “repost” and “like” messages in social networks, containing signs of extremism, the improvement can be partially decriminalized: for the first violation is supposed to introduce administrative liability for the re — write of criminal reported “Interfax” a source familiar with the preparation of the document that is currently being debated in the expert community. “Most likely, the bill in the finalization, will be introduced the concept of administrative prejudice, when for the first offense provides for administrative liability for subsequent criminal,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Thus, the “unintentional, accidental actions of Internet users do not fall under the criminal article” — said the Agency interlocutor. One of the authors of the bill Deputy from

By 2024, the average pension of pensioners will increase by 35%

By 2024, the average pension of pensioners will increase by 35% MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti/Prime. The average pension pensioners in Russia will grow by 35% in 2024 compared with the level in 2018, to about 20 thousand rubles, said first Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “The amount of pension of old-age pensioners next year will increase on average in the amount of one thousand rubles. By the end of the six-year period in 2024 — we expect an average pension of about 20 thousand rubles, growth to the level 2018 by 35%,” — said Siluanov, speaking at the parliamentary hearings in the state Duma on the theme “Main directions of budget and tax and customs tariff policy in 2019 and the planning period of 2020 and 2021 years”. The task set by the President, it is the pension increases rate above inflation. Prepared changes in

British military sometimes breaking the Internet with subs

British military sometimes breaking the Internet with subs The Navy of great Britain in the North Atlantic efforts to counter the growing threat, the Admiral said Jones. The Royal Navy of great Britain will strengthen its presence in the North Atlantic ocean to monitor the actions of the Russian Navy. Lord-Admiral Philip Jones said about the spectacular possibilities of the Russian fleet and reported that the Russian submarine can sink to the bottom of the sea cables, which transferred 97% of global Internet traffic, in particular, information on the financial transactions 10 trillion dollars a day. “We know that the Russians can find the cables [of the Internet] and to work with them even in such difficult conditions on a very great depth,” said Jones in an interview with Sky News. The fact that their ships go exactly where are these cables, and release a submarine floating base, already tells

Media: a private jet, Kim Jong-UN remarked in Vladivostok

Media: a private jet, Kim Jong-UN remarked in Vladivostok TASS, 9 July. Personal aircraft of the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN was spotted on Monday in Vladivostok. As reported by South Korean Agency Yonhap, the Board has stayed in the airport for about three hours, after which it flew to Pyongyang. Presence in the plane of the leader of DPRK Kim Jong-UN is not, according to the Agency. Citing sources it said that it could arrive North Korean officials, who are preparing for a possible visit of Kim Jong-UN for the upcoming in September, Eastern economic forum. Previously, the invitation of the DPRK leader to visit Russia the visit gave the Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov during his visit to Pyongyang. Later, Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov said that Kim Jong-UN invited to the Eastern economic forum in Vladivostok. Pyongyang has not yet given an official response. See

Agreed, the presidents of Russia and the United States

Agreed, the presidents of Russia and the United States History of the issue. The first meeting of Russian President Boris Yeltsin and U.S. President George H. W. Bush was held on 31 Jan — 1 Feb 1992 in camp David. The parties signed a Declaration officially ended the cold war. The document proclaimed that the United States and Russia no longer regard each other as potential enemies. January 3, 1993, during George Bush’s visit to Moscow, was signed the Treaty between Russia and USA on further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (SNV-2). On 3 and 4 April 1993 in Vancouver, Boris Yeltsin and bill Clinton signed the Declaration expressed their loyalty rate for effective Russian-American partnership. To confirm his intentions, the American President signed a package of joint economic programs and promised to give $1.6 billion to support Russian reforms. January 15, 1994 during the visit of bill