Legislators of Yakutia supported the bill on pension reform

Legislators of Yakutia supported the bill on pension reform MOSCOW, July 10. /TASS/. The state Assembly of Yakutia supported the adoption in first reading of the bill on pension reform, made earlier in the state Duma by the Russian government. This follows from the formal opinion of the Yakut legislators on the bill, the text of which is available on the TASS. “The state Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) supported the bill in the first reading”, — stated in the opinion. However, to the consideration of the second reading of the Yakut parliamentarians introduced a proposal “to preserve and consolidate the pension laws of the Russian Federation standards, providing legislative support for the policy of priority development of the Far East and Arctic zone of the Russian Federation”. In the silt Tumen pay attention to the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin outlined the development of the

OP is for all stages to work on the draft law on raising the retirement age

OP is for all stages to work on the draft law on raising the retirement age MOSCOW, 10 Jul — RAPE. Experts of Public chamber (OP) RF will work on improving the draft of the Federal law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of assignment and payment of pensions” until the moment of its adoption, this was announced by the Secretary of public chamber Valery Fadeev. According to him, the pension reform has raised a lot of questions from different spheres of life, and the task of the OP to establish communication between society and government. “Our representatives to the stage of the final formation of the law will be used to broadcast public opinion and work on the project. We assure that fulfill their function at 100%. We collect all the opinions and expert assessments. Preparing its position, we opeyemi the opinion

Ilham Aliyev said Azerbaijan’s role in the change of power in Armenia

Ilham Aliyev said Azerbaijan’s role in the change of power in Armenia President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the extended meeting of the government said that his country had contributed to the change of power in Armenia. According to Mr. Aliyev, Azerbaijan’s isolation policy against Armenia is justified. “I mean, what is our role in exile from the political arena in Armenia the criminal regime of Serge Sargsyan. I don’t want to talk about it and inflate our role,” Mr. Aliyev (quoted by “Interfax”). He promised to continue the policy of isolating Armenia, until, until liberated by “all occupied lands of Azerbaijan”. He also expressed hope that the new government of Armenia will not repeat the mistakes of the previous government and “will take a constructive position in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.” On April 23 at the background of mass protests in Armenia was the resignation of Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan.

The new head of the foreign office spoke on “case Skrypalia”

The new head of the foreign office spoke on “case Skrypalia” The new head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of great Britain Jeremy hunt considers the important role of his predecessor Boris Johnson in the response to the poisoning of a British spy and a former employee of the Main intelligence Directorate (GRU) Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury. He stated this in an interview with Skynews. The Minister also thanked Johnson for his work and called it “one of the greatest forces,” the Kingdom’s policies. Hunt said he would support British Prime Minister Theresa may and the strategy of “soft” exit from the EU. “Part of that — strong, confident, globally oriented Britain. This time, when the world looks at us as a country, thinking what kind of country we will be after Brexit”, he added. Earlier, on June 6, during the consultation, members of the

Us Senator likened the Russian government with the mafia

Us Senator likened the Russian government with the mafia MOSCOW, 10 Jul — RIA Novosti. Us Senator John Neely Kennedy said after a recent visit to Russia, which Russian President Vladimir Putin “to restrain,” and he can’t be trusted, according to the associated Press. A group of us congressmen and senators arrived in Russia on June 30. On Tuesday the delegation met with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and held a meeting with Russian parliamentarians. In Russia there is no political philosophy. It’s still what to say, what is the political philosophy of the mafia. Their philosophy is money and power. It is a philosophy of Putin.John Neely Kennedycenter USA “Putin cannot be trusted. I think the best we can do is try to contain it,” said the Senator. While Lavrov he called a “tease”. The Senator also said he did not expect a diplomatic breakthrough

In the USA a year-old child appeared in court without parents

In the USA a year-old child appeared in court without parents In the USA a year-old child appeared in court in migration cases without the presence of parents. He drank milk from a bottle, played with a small ball, and finally hearing a loud cry. The court considered the right of the child to stay on the territory of the United States. In the end, the decision was made about his voluntary departure from the country, which gives the authorities the opportunity to send him to Honduras, where had already been deported, the father of the child. The trial judge said that he was incredibly hard to hide his embarrassment when he has to ask the lawyer knows his client is the essence of the matter. “I am ashamed to ask such a question, because I don’t know who you going to explain it. Only if you do not assume

Trump has offered to appoint a Supreme court judge Brett Cavanaugh

Trump has offered to appoint a Supreme court judge Brett Cavanaugh The President of the United States Donald trump announced that nominates for the vacant position of a judge of the Supreme court, conservative judge Brett kavanaugh. The position of one of the nine judges became vacant after the 81-year-old justice Anthony Kennedy announced the desire to finish his career. 53-year-old Brett Cavanaugh currently holds the position of judge of the Federal court of appeal for the district of Columbia (that is the capital of Washington). The judge must approve the post in the Senate. The leaders of the Republican majority in the Senate promised to approve it during the current session up to a possible transition of control of the house to the Democrats after the November elections. The Democrats promised to vote against any candidate proposed by trump, although several senators from the Democratic party of the United

The world Cup was eclipsed by the pension reform

The world Cup was eclipsed by the pension reform Thus, despite the presence of dissatisfied with the conduct of the championship, his positive perception of the dominated, the government was able to avoid incidents. At the same time, experts say, recently announced by the government in June, raising the retirement age prevented festive euphoria. According to the data of sociologists, the football was not able to kill the pension agenda. Thus, despite the presence of dissatisfied with the conduct of the championship, his positive perception of the dominated, the government was able to avoid incidents. At the same time, experts say, recently announced by the government in June, raising the retirement age prevented festive euphoria. According to the data of sociologists, the football was not able to kill the pension agenda. The reaction of the regional authorities on the reform of the Fund classified as follows: full sympathy with her

Poroshenko urged to seal the border with Russia

Poroshenko urged to seal the border with Russia President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called a way to stabilize the situation in the East of the country. His statement published on the official website of the President. “I believe that the only way to change the situation is to seal the uncontrolled part of the Russian-Ukrainian border with the aggressor state and to ensure the implementation of the Minsk agreements”, — he said. The President added that in all the controlled self-proclaimed republics in territory, including the border with Russia, you should see the UN peacekeeping force. Earlier, on 9 July, Poroshenko said that “Russia is waging war against the whole world to impose their “Russian world””. In his opinion, the best response to Moscow’s policy will become the strategic partnership between Ukraine and Poland. Relations between Kyiv and Moscow deteriorated sharply after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia in

In the United States has refused to consider the su-57 fighter of the fifth generation

In the United States has refused to consider the su-57 fighter of the fifth generation The Russian su-57 is still not got the engine of the second stage of “product 30”, so it can be considered the fighter of the fifth generation, writes Business Insider. The American edition notes that the su-57 with “article 30” is still in the testing phase and the first contract for the delivery of 12 new fighters involves the use of machines with the engine of the first stage of the AL-41F1. The first flight of the prototype of the Russian fifth generation fighter, the su-57 (a flying laboratory, the T-50−2), received the “article 30”), took place in Zhukovsky on 5 December 2017. Flight tests were resumed there in February 2018. Promising Russian fifth-generation fighter, the su-57 needs to distinguish between high maneuverability and modern electronic equipment, but low (compared to American counterparts) level of