OP is for all stages to work on the draft law on raising the retirement age
MOSCOW, 10 Jul — RAPE. Experts of Public chamber (OP) RF will work on improving the draft of the Federal law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of assignment and payment of pensions” until the moment of its adoption, this was announced by the Secretary of public chamber Valery Fadeev.
According to him, the pension reform has raised a lot of questions from different spheres of life, and the task of the OP to establish communication between society and government.
“Our representatives to the stage of the final formation of the law will be used to broadcast public opinion and work on the project. We assure that fulfill their function at 100%. We collect all the opinions and expert assessments. Preparing its position, we opeyemi the opinion of the pool of experts, not just a gut feeling,” — said in turn Deputy Secretary OP Lidia Mikheeva during a press conference on the results of the zero reading of the project.
Zero reading of the draft Federal law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of assignment and payment of pensions” had an OP the day before. Following the discussion, the OP will prepare recommendations which will be forwarded to the Executive and the legislature until July 19.
The Minister of labour and social protection RF Maxim Topilin during the hearing stated that all additional funds received as a result of raising the age of retirement, will focus on indexation and the receipt of payments under a pension system.