Trump explained why Montenegro could drag NATO into a Third world war

Trump explained why Montenegro could drag NATO into a Third world war MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump in a Fox News interview said that new NATO member, Montenegro could drag the Alliance into a Third world war. During the interview, trump accused the citizens of Montenegro to “aggressiveness”. According to him, Montenegro is a tiny country with a “very aggressive people.” “They can get angry, and, congratulations, you have the Third world war”, — said the American President. In addition, trump questioned the need for collective defence of the countries-members of NATO, under the fifth article of the North Atlantic Treaty. In his view, US troops should not protect Montenegro, because “it is unfair because they don’t even pay”. However, he acknowledged that the Charter, the Alliance will have to protect Montenegro in case of a military conflict. Trump says he’s

Detained in the United States, the Russian told the court about his innocence

Detained in the United States, the Russian told the court about his innocence WASHINGTON, July 18. /TASS/. Citizen of Russia Maria Butina, previously detained by U.S. authorities, said on Wednesday in Federal court in the US capital about his innocence. The hearing was held in the district court of Washington. Chaired by the judge Deborah Robinson, the correspondent of TASS. Butino arrested in Washington on July 15. On Tuesday against her was indicted on two counts. 29-year-old Russian is accused of, firstly, participation in the conspiracy business in favor of a foreign state on the territory of the United States. Second, us intelligence agencies claim that Butina did the same activity without being registered with the Ministry of justice agent of a foreign state. About the detention of the Russian citizen the U.S. justice Department said on Monday. Meanwhile, the lawyer of Butynol Robert Neil Driscoll said that his client

Greece has accused the foreign Ministry of Russia of “disrespecting the country”

Greece has accused the foreign Ministry of Russia of “disrespecting the country” MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Greece, commenting on the briefing of the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, accused the Ministry of “disrespect to a third country”, the lack of understanding of the modern world and demanded an end to the “constant disrespect for Greece” and interference in internal Affairs. The statement by the Greek foreign Ministry was the first official reaction after the expulsion of two Russian diplomats and a ban on entry into Greece on two Russian citizens. On Wednesday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that acts such as the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Greece, do not remain without consequences. According to her, in Russia there is an understanding that “the Greek people have to deal with the Russian partner, the

The U.S. justice Department: Maria Butina was trying to get a job in exchange for sexual services

The U.S. justice Department: Maria Butina was trying to get a job in exchange for sexual services Russian Maria Butina, which was arrested in Washington on 15 July on charges of conspiracy to work as a foreign agent without registration, was in constant contact with Russian intelligence and tried to offer sex services in exchange for getting a job in a certain organization. On 18 July, reported National Public Radio, citing a statement by the U.S. justice Department. The Prosecutor’s office included this information in court proceedings, demanding to leave Butino in custody prior to trial because of the serious risk of her escape from the country. According to state charge, it says everything, including the “character (brought to Butenai) charges, the potential term, which she faces, the obvious evidence of her guilt, extensive contacts with foreign organizations and the lack of… significant relations with the United States.” Even the

The state Department called the accusations of Russia in the case of Browder absurd

The state Department called the accusations of Russia in the case of Browder absurd WASHINGTON, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Approval of the Russian side about participation in crimes of citizens of the United States, which Moscow would like to interrogate on the case of William Browder, is absurd, said on Wednesday reporters the U.S. state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. “The Russian allegations are absolutely absurd,” she said. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin after a meeting with the leader of the United States said that Moscow may allow the us officials for questioning Russians whom Washington accused of committing crimes, but on the basis of reciprocity — if the U.S. representatives questioned U.S. intelligence suspected in the case of the Fund’s Browder of Hermitage Capital.

Russian Ambassador to U.S.: Putin and trump has supported conservation agreements on start and INF

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. The presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump at a meeting in Helsinki voted for preservation of the treaties on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (start) and the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF). This was stated on Wednesday by the Russian Ambassador in Washington Anatoly Antonov in the air of the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

“It’s not too late to save “brakcet”. Boris Johnson said goodbye to the Minister and found a new job

“It’s not too late to save “brakcet”. Boris Johnson said goodbye to the Minister and found a new job Speaking on 18 July in the house of Commons of the British Parliament’s farewell address, the former Minister of foreign Affairs Boris Johnson has accused the Prime Minister Theresa may in indecision in formulating strategic direction in relation to negotiations with the European Union. And he has managed to find a new job — to bypass the rules. In the British Parliament there is a long tradition to provide the retired member of the Cabinet the opportunity to make a speech in which the former Minister could explain the reason for his resignation. Such speech can be very dramatic and have far-reaching political effect. News, “I have told you how to do Brexit. Mae didn’t listen” In his speech in the house of Commons by the former Minister, Boris Johnson repeated

The Network has paid attention to the face Melania trump after shaking hands with Putin

The Network has paid attention to the face Melania trump after shaking hands with Putin MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Twitter users drew attention to the unusual behavior of the spouse of the President of the United States Melania trump during a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. A published edition of the Daily Mail footage shows how Melania, smiling, shaking Putin’s hand, and then abruptly changes expression. Edition called the first lady look frightened, but readers in the social network with this definition, disagreed. “She looks scared,” wrote @hopeabovehate. “She’s always quick to change expression, but she’s not,” agreed in the comments. “Another lie, the Daily Mail,” summed up @BrianFantana15. Putin and trump met in Helsinki on 16 July. Talks between the two leaders lasted a total of about four hours. Behavior Melania trump in public repeatedly noticed. For example, in February, the first lady refused to make

Zakharova: Russia believes the US claim to the Russian’s Botinol “far-fetched”

Zakharova: Russia believes the US claim to the Russian’s Botinol “far-fetched” MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/ — Russia believes that the charges of the U.S. against the Russians Maria Butunoi unfounded, will do everything possible to protect its interests. About it declared on Wednesday to journalists by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Received with concern reports about the arrest on July 15 in U.S. Russian civil Maria Butunoi,” — said Zakharov. Judging by published on the website of the American Ministry of justice materials, Butina] is accused of unregistered activity as a foreign agent. These are absolutely far-fetched claim to our compatriot look strange.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry “For its part take all reasonable steps to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the citizen of Russia”, — the diplomat added. According to her, Moscow has the impression that the FBI is in

Zakharova: Russia believes the US claim to the Russian’s Botinol “far-fetched”

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. Russia considers the charges of the U.S. against the Russians Maria Butunoi unfounded, will do everything possible to protect its interests. About it declared on Wednesday to journalists by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Received with concern reports about the arrest on July 15 in U.S. Russian civil Maria Butunoi, – said Zakharov. – Judging by published on the website of the American Ministry of justice the materials she is accused of unregistered activity as a foreign agent. These are absolutely far-fetched claim to our compatriot look strange.”