Israel evacuated from Syria of members of the “White helmets”

Israel evacuated from Syria of members of the “White helmets” TEL AVIV, 22 Jul — RIA Novosti. Israel evacuated from Syria activists of the “White helmets” together with their families, reported the press Secretary of the local foreign Ministry, Emmanuel Nahshon. “At the request of the US, Canada and European countries, Israel completed a humanitarian operation to rescue members of the Syrian civil organizations (White helmets) and their families,” Nachshon wrote in the microblog Twitter. “They were evacuated from the combat zone in southern Syria to a neighboring country”, — he added. Bordering Israel to the South of the country gradually came under the control of government troops who force and negotiations being squeezed out to the opposition groups. Local media reports that during night operations, approximately 800 people were transported through Israel to Jordan. Organization “White helmets” received wide acclaim and support from Western governments through the videos on

Vice-President of the United States commented on trump’s meeting with Putin

Vice-President of the United States commented on trump’s meeting with Putin MOSCOW, 22 Jul — RIA Novosti. Vice-President Mike Pence said that the American President Donald trump was ready to go on the political risk prior to meeting with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, informs television channel ABC. “This week the American people have witnessed as the President returned from a successful foreign trip,” said Pence. He met with allies in Europe, even met with the President of the Russian Federation, saying, he said that he would rather have gone to political risk for peace, than would risk the world for the sake of politics.Mike Pensuite-President of the United States The first full meeting of Putin and trump took place on 16 July in Helsinki. The first presidents for more than two hours talking tete-a-tete, after which the delegation had lunch in the extended format and then answered questions

Britain has threatened to refuse to pay the EU Brexit

Britain has threatened to refuse to pay the EU Brexit Great Britain refuses payment of compensation to the European Union if Brussels does not agree to the new trade agreement after “divorce” with the EU. About it in interview to the newspaper The Telegrapf said the new Minister for Brexit Dominic Raab. Under the current arrangements, Britain will pay the European Union £ 39 billion (51 billion euros) for the withdrawal from supranational Association. The previous Minister for Affairs Brexit David Davis left his post due to disagreement with the actions of Prime Minister Theresa may, demanding a more hard scenario out of the country from a supranational Association. With him resigned the head of the foreign Office, Boris Johnson. The latter stated that the current policy of London will lead the country to “palubeckaite that will break the UK economy in a trade agreement with the EU without the

The white house declassified the request of the FBI surveillance of the member of staff trump

The white house declassified the request of the FBI surveillance of the member of staff trump The administration of the President of the United States declassified documents relating to the surveillance of a former adviser to us President Carter page. The data were transferred to the New York Times and other news organizations that requested them in accordance with the law of free access to information. The documents include a request from October 2016 on conducting surveillance of Mr. Paige in the framework of the Law on the monitoring of foreign intelligence (FISA). A part of the document remained hidden. “The FBI believes that Paige was the object of targeted recruitment by the Russian authorities”, — the newspaper quotes excerpts from the FBI document. Requesters claimed that the Advisor to Donald trump “has entered into an agreement with the Russian authorities” and “established relations with the Russian officials, including Russian

U.S. General spoke about the reduction of the DPRK in the number of field exercises

U.S. General spoke about the reduction of the DPRK in the number of field exercises The DPRK military began to hold smaller field exercises. This was said by the commander of us forces in Korea General Vincent Brooks at a forum on security issues in aspen in Colorado. According to him, the reason for this may be lack of fuel for military equipment and from political agreements at the highest level. Vincent Brooks confirmed that any nuclear and missile tests since last year, North Korea does not conduct. However, he added that North Korea continues to produce nuclear materials. “We have not yet seen the complete closure of the production of nuclear materials, we have not seen that they have removed the fuel rods,” said the General. On June 12 in Singapore, a meeting of the President of the United States Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim

The CIA said about the cold war China vs USA

The CIA said about the cold war China vs USA , A CIA expert on the Asian region Michael Collins said that China is a cold war against the United States. According to Collins, Beijing intends to displace the United States “from the position of leading world power”. He added that the Chinese authorities do not intend to enter into an open confrontation with the United States, however, are trying to undermine Washington’s position in the world. “How they act against us, in essence, is the cold war, but it’s not the cold war, which we have seen”, — quotes the words of an expert of the CIA on NBC. In June, the President of the United States Donald trump announced the commissioning of a 25 percent duty on Chinese goods by $50 billion. In response, the Ministry of Finance of China announced the introduction of a 25 percent duty

In Nicaragua, protesters demanding the resignation of President

In Nicaragua, protesters demanding the resignation of President MEXICO city, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. Mass demonstrations demanding the resignation of President Daniel Ortega took place on Saturday in the capital of Nicaragua is Managua. “It’s not the President, and criminal,” “May they go”, “Ortega and Somoza (the former dictator of Nicaragua — approx. ed.) is one and the same”, “Down with Ortega”, — such slogans carried by the marchers. Saturday marks 95 days since the start of mass protests, which already claimed the lives of over 350 people, about 2 thousand were injured. Of clashes with government supporters on Saturday held a March in support of Ortega until no messages. See also: The United States drew attention to the lack of democracy in Nicaragua Venezuela has threatened to make US “another Vietnam”

Italy has estimated losses from anti-Russian sanctions

Italy has estimated losses from anti-Russian sanctions GROZNY, 21 Jul — RIA Novosti. Sanctions against Russia have caused significant harm to the economy of Italy, every day, the country suffers losses amounting to 7 million euros, said Saturday the former Italian Senator Roberto Mura at the meeting with head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. On Saturday in Grozny three-day visit of a delegation of Italian Republic headed by the former Senator. The delegation also representatives of some Italian companies. They have scheduled a meeting with members of the governments of the region, introduction to its investment potential and tourist attractions. “The sanctions are very badly damaged our economy. The data that I have, saying that Italy every day bringing a loss of 7 million euros. We lost 10 of thousands of jobs since, as sanctions were imposed. Therefore, sanctions are not only a problem of Russia but also a huge problem

In France announced the beginning of a trade war between the US and Europe

In France announced the beginning of a trade war between the US and Europe MEXICO city, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Minister of economy and Finance of France, Bruno Le Mayor said Saturday about the actual beginning of a trade war between the US and Europe. “Everyone in the “group of twenty” I understand that a trade war is a reality, there is a risk for global growth”, — quotes Reuters the words of Le Mayor at the meeting, “financial twenty” in Buenos Aires. According to the Agency Europa Press, the Minister noted the need for the US to take the first step to dialogue, without which the Commission could not formulate its own proposals. I ask the United States to return to common sense and respect as a global rule, and their allies.Bruno Le Mayor, the Minister of economy and Finance of France He also said that in

Ex-CIA chief urged trump to disclose the content of talks with Putin

Ex-CIA chief urged trump to disclose the content of talks with Putin Moscow. July 21. INTERFAX.RU — the Content of negotiations “tet-a-tet” between presidents Donald trump and Vladimir Putin during their summit in Helsinki must be made public, said Saturday in an interview with Fox News former CIA Director Leon Panetta. Approval of the TV channel, Putin assured trump that in the coming November mid-term elections in the U.S. Congress there will be no Russian interference. Previously, the newspaper The Washington Post wrote that before the meeting with Putin, Trump has been presented about 100 pages of material that was supposed to help the President of the United States to develop a tough stance on Russia, but he decided to act at their own discretion. That U.S. authorities have indicted 12 alleged members of the Russian intelligence services, said the Deputy US attorney General Rod Rosenstein. According to him, we