Britain has threatened to refuse to pay the EU Brexit

Britain has threatened to refuse to pay the EU Brexit

Great Britain refuses payment of compensation to the European Union if Brussels does not agree to the new trade agreement after “divorce” with the EU. About it in interview to the newspaper The Telegrapf said the new Minister for Brexit Dominic Raab.

Under the current arrangements, Britain will pay the European Union £ 39 billion (51 billion euros) for the withdrawal from supranational Association.

The previous Minister for Affairs Brexit David Davis left his post due to disagreement with the actions of Prime Minister Theresa may, demanding a more hard scenario out of the country from a supranational Association. With him resigned the head of the foreign Office, Boris Johnson. The latter stated that the current policy of London will lead the country to “palubeckaite that will break the UK economy in a trade agreement with the EU without the ability of the state to influence the situation”. Mei is a supporter of the “soft business” decision.

A referendum on British exit from the European Union took place on 23 June 2016. The majority of voters decided to support the country’s withdrawal from the EU. It was originally planned that transition period, after which the country will eventually leave the European Union, will last until 2020. However, later it appeared that British Prime Minister Theresa may will ask the EU to extend it until 2022. The reason for this is the border between an EU member Ireland and Northern Ireland, part of great Britain.

