Us Senator asks the Finance Ministry to examine whether Kalashnikov USA with the authorities of the Russian Federation

Us Senator asks the Finance Ministry to examine whether Kalashnikov USA with the authorities of the Russian Federation NEW YORK, August 2. /TASS/ — Ronald Wyden claims that the company connected with “Russian weapons industry which is controlled by the government and is under the sanctions.” According to her, the Wyden claims that these companies have ties with “the Russian arms industry, which is controlled by the government and is under the sanctions.” Also, as reported by ABC, he said the need to study the business of these companies in connection with the recent arrest of the Russian women’s Butinai. It is, according to the prosecution, tried to use a connection with the National rifle Association of the United States to advance Russian interests. Also, as noted by the broadcaster, in his letter, Wyden mentions Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Alexander Torshin, which, according to

Spectacular Mueller gathered to interview the singer Emin Agalarov

Spectacular Mueller gathered to interview the singer Emin Agalarov Moscow. 2 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Russian singer may be questioned in the investigation of the “intervention” in U.S. elections. The lawyer of the Russian singer Emin Agalarov told NBC News that the U.S. spectracolor Robert Mueller with investigating the alleged intervention of Russia in the U.S. presidential election in 2016, wants to interview the singer in this case. Lawyer Agalarov, Scott Balber, told the TV station that “talks” about possible hearings with a special Prosecutor, however, “does not know how they will be organized.” NBC reminds us that peel was involved in the organization of the meeting of the US President’s son Donald trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya during the election campaign of Donald trump in 2016. In the message channel is not specified, does Mueller also to interview the father Agalarova — Russian and Azerbaijani businessman Araz Agalarov,

The current leader of Zimbabwe won the presidential election

The current leader of Zimbabwe won the presidential election MOSCOW, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. The current leader of Zimbabwe Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa won the presidential elections after the counting of votes in all ten provinces, the TV channel SABC, citing data from the electoral Commission. The latter was declared the voting results in the province of Mashonaland West. Their view of the Mnangagwa of the ruling party Zimbabwe “the Zimbabwean African national Union — Patriotic front” (ZANU PF), has received more than 2.46 million voters. His main rival is a candidate from opposition party “Movement for democratic change” (MDC), Nelson Chamisa gained about 2.15 million votes. This Camisa with more than twofold advantage won the elections in Harare: in the capital it receives more than 548 thousand people, and for the Mnangagwa only 204 thousand.

The head of N. I., the United States accused Russia in an attempt to influence the midterm elections to Congress

The head of N. I., the United States accused Russia in an attempt to influence the midterm elections to Congress WASHINGTON, 2 Aug. /TASS/ — the Daniel Coates stressed that Russia is not the only country interested in this. Russia continues to attempt to influence American society on the eve of the midterm elections in the U.S. Congress in 2018, however she is not the only country interested in this. With this statement made on Thursday by the Director of National intelligence Daniel Coates during a briefing for journalists. The President gave us specific instructions to do, the question of intervention in elections and protect our electoral process a priority. We act and continue to act in this way.Daniel Kotegawa of National intelligence According to him, “the intelligence community remains concerned about the threat of the upcoming American elections: as President in 2020, and intermediate in Congress” in 2018. “With

The candidate in mayors of Moscow from the CP initiates the pension referendum after the Communist party

The head of the municipal district Taganskaya Ilya Sviridov © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, August 2. /TASS/. The candidate in mayors of Moscow from “just Russia”, the head of the municipal district Taganskaya Ilya Sviridov will initiate a referendum against raising the retirement age on the issue, similar to the wording of the Communist party. “Pension reform is the main threat to Russia’s future, to stay away from this topic I can’t. So I decided to create an initiative group on holding a nationwide referendum on the issue of pension reform,” said he on his page on Facebook on Thursday.

In the state Duma commented on the statements by the head of us intelligence

In the state Duma commented on the statements by the head of us intelligence MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The statement of the head of the N. I. USA on the ongoing Russian intervention in the upcoming elections the U.S. — a continuation of the policy of the West in the formation of Russia as an enemy image, said the first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Dmitry Novikov. The head of the N. I. USA Dan Coates said on Thursday that Russia continues “a campaign” aimed at intervention in the coming in November 2018 interim parliamentary elections. All prominent representatives of the establishment in Washington trying to keep up with the context that is set today. In the US, the context associated with the permanent charges of Russia meddling in the Affairs of the European Union, meddling in the Affairs of the United States. The

The head of US intelligence has accused Russia of trying to meddle in the upcoming elections

The head of US intelligence has accused Russia of trying to meddle in the upcoming elections WASHINGTON, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Russia continues to “a campaign” aimed at “interference” in the upcoming November 2018 interim parliamentary elections, said on Thursday reporters the head of the N. I. USA Dan Coates. With regard to Russia’s intervention in the midterm elections, we continue to see a broad campaign by sending messages from Russia in order to weaken and divide the United States.Dan Coates the head of the N. I. USA According to him, intelligence also knows about the hacking attempts to get information, the purpose of which be the American officials. Midterm elections in the U.S. Congress will be held November 6. They will be fully re-elected house of representatives (lower house) and the 35-member Senate (upper house), there will also be elections for governors of several States and heads of

A group of US senators introduced the project of strengthening sanctions against Russia

A group of US senators introduced the project of strengthening sanctions against Russia One of the authors of the document said that innovation will be “devastating”. Moscow. 2 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — a Group of U.S. senators has offered a bill providing for tougher sanctions against Russia. “The current sanctions regime was not able to keep Russia from interfering in the upcoming midterm elections of 2018. Our goal is to change the status quo and to impose crushing sanctions against Putin’s Russia until it stops and will not abandon intervention in the electoral process in the United States, from cyber attacks against the infrastructure of the United States, will bring the Russian (troops — if) Ukraine will stop trying to create chaos in Syria,” — said one of the authors of the bill, Senator Lindsey Graham. He stressed that we are talking about the “most painful” of restrictive measures. In addition

Secretary General of the CSTO from Armenia go to Russia

Secretary General of the CSTO from Armenia go to Russia The lawyer of Yuri Khachaturov said “Kommersant” that he had not received written permission to leave. Secretary-General of the collective security Treaty (CSTO) Yuri Khachaturov was allowed to return from Yerevan to Moscow and back to get to work. This was said by the Special investigation service of Armenia. However the lawyer of mister Khachaturov Mihran Poghosyan told “Kommersant” that still has not received the written consent of his client. He is convinced that without this paper the trip to Moscow “can then be used against Khachaturov”. While the Armenian foreign Ministry has already stated that “addressed to the CSTO partners with a proposal to” replace the Secretary, as Mr. Khachaturov accused of a serious crime. “Elect against Yuri Khachaturov measure is not an obstacle to it in a certain period of time was absent in Armenia. The investigating authority