Trump suggested the business to choose between the US and Iran

Trump suggested the business to choose between the US and Iran Moscow. 7 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Tuesday reminded businesses that, after the recovery of the us sanctions against Iran will have to choose with whom to continue to maintain relations with Iran or the United States. “Iranian sanctions formally took effect. This is the most sensitive sanctions ever imposed, and in November they will grow to the next level. Anyone who does business with Iran will not be doing business with the United States,” wrote trump on Twitter, commenting on the restoration of the first block anti-Iran sanctions. His words are addressed primarily to European companies and organizations. In the EU, 7 August becomes effective updated Block the Charter, the provisions of which are aimed at protecting European companies from the impact of extraterritorial US sanctions. Trump emphasized that the goal of his policy toward

In Germany announced the beginning of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”

In Germany announced the beginning of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2” The company-operator Nord Stream AG 2 started laying the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”, said financial Director of the German energy company Uniper (one of the participants of the project) Christopher Delbrück. “Laying the first pipes in Germany began at the end of July” — quoted by “RIA Novosti”. The Russian project “Northern stream — 2” involves the construction of two pipelines from Russia to Germany through the Baltic sea with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year. The building permit has already issued the authorities of Germany, Finland and Sweden, the exclusive economic zone which crosses the pipeline. With permission to strip draws only Denmark. Member of the Board of Directors of the Austrian oil company OMV, Manfred Leitner August 2, said that Nord Stream — 2 AG has developed an alternative route for

The EU promised to promote the company’s expanding business with Iran to counterbalance the US sanctions

The EU promised to promote the company’s expanding business with Iran to counterbalance the US sanctions Moscow. 7 Aug. INTERFAX.RU the European Union would welcome an expansion of European companies doing business with Iran, said in Wellington, the EU high representative for foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini during his visit to New Zealand. The United States on Tuesday restored the restrictive measures against Iran due to the fact that the President of the United States Donald trump has announced the release of Washington from the international deal with Iran on the nuclear issue, known as the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD). “We will do everything we can to Iran remained in the framework of the agreement to the Iranian people from the economic benefits agreement, because we believe that it is in the interests of security, not only of the region but of the whole world”, — the diplomat said

The United States restored the first block of sanctions against Iran

The United States restored the first block of sanctions against Iran Moscow. 7 Aug. INTERFAX.RU the restrictive action fall of the Iranian companies and foreign firms that do business with Tehran. The United States on Tuesday restored the restrictive measures against Iran due to the fact that the President of the United States Donald trump has announced the release of Washington from the international deal with Iran on the nuclear issue, known as the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD). In the us administration earlier announced that US sanctions against Iran resume on Tuesday at 00:01 Eastern summer time (07:01 MSK). According to the Director for policy planning in the U.S. Department of state Brian hook, these sanctions constitute a first block of the restrictive measures will concern the automotive sector of Iran, as well as trade in gold and other metals. Western media like to specify that by means

Named regions of Russia, where you can change governors

Named regions of Russia, where you can change governors Fund “the Petersburg policy” in the monthly ranking in July 2018 as the regions where the September elections after a possible rotation of governors. MOSCOW, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. Fund “the Petersburg policy” in the monthly ranking in July 2018 as the regions where the September elections after a possible rotation of governors. “After the voting day window of opportunity for the next wave of replacement of heads of regions… Most attention will be focused on the regions, the heads of which is in 2019, completing the term of office. It is noteworthy that of the 33 regional leaders, elected or approved in 2014, your posts to date, retained only 17”, — stated in the Fund’s rating. Among regions with high, in the opinion of the Fund, the risk of rotation of operating heads of regions — Altai Republic, Bashkortostan,

Medvedev has called NATO’s expansion absolute threat to the Russian Federation

© Ekaterina Shtukina/TASS MOSCOW, 7 Aug. /TASS/. NATO enlargement is not a cause for concern in Moscow, since the military capabilities of the Alliance, including nuclear weapons aimed at Russia. This was stated in interview to the newspaper “Kommersant”, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. He noted that NATO “from all sides, trying to encircle the Russian Federation”, despite the fact that there is no confrontation between the two blocs – NATO and the Warsaw Pact”. “NATO not only continues, it expands and an increasing number of countries are trying to involve the North Atlantic Alliance. We can not remain indifferent, because it has not been canceled nuclear parity in the world, has not been canceled that for military commanders is extremely important to understand the relationship between the strategic nuclear forces of the various States. And NATO States that whatever is said by our colleagues from

The European Union imposes rules abolishing the EU sanctions against Iran

The European Union imposes rules abolishing the EU sanctions against Iran BRUSSELS, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. The EU will introduce 7 Aug legislation abolishing the EU extraterritorial effect of US sanctions against Iran. “Since the first series of the newly imposed US sanctions against Iran comes into force, (August 7 — ed.) comes into force and updated the Blocking Statute of the EU (Blocking Statute) to mitigate their impact on the interests of EU companies, the leading legitimate business in Iran”, — stated in the message of the European Commission. We are talking about the update of the Statute in 1996. “The update will be published in the EU official journal and will enter into force on 7 August,” — said the EC. The President of the United States Donald trump in early may announced that Washington is out of agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. He announced