Zakharov explained the U.S. decision to impose new sanctions

Zakharov explained the U.S. decision to impose new sanctions BELGRADE, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. USA impose new sanctions, since losing resources for further development, said the Director of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, RIA Novosti during his visit to Serbia. “It’s not Russia, it’s that maybe the US just realize that losing the resources for further development of, those resources they lacked to exit from the regular crises that are really experiencing the world. These resources are gone, and need new, we need real expansion, political, financial, economic, which we all see,” — said Zakharov, Recalling that Washington is now carrying out a tough sanctions policy in relation to China, Iran, and even its partner of the European Union. The diplomat confirmed that Moscow was preparing a response to the new sanctions package Washington. Now these (our — ed) responses are

CNN: North Korea has rejected all US proposals on nuclear disarmament

CNN: North Korea has rejected all US proposals on nuclear disarmament NEW YORK, August 10. /TASS/ — Among them, according to CNN, the idea of an accurate timetable for denuclearization. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий North Korea has rejected repeated U.S. proposals for nuclear disarmament, including regarding developing accurate time schedule of the process. This was reported with reference to diplomatic sources, the us television network CNN. According to one source, the United States did and continue to do North Korea “concrete proposals to begin to conduct to the final point fully amenable to certification denuclearization”. Pyongyang confidentially rejected all these proposals, describing them as “gangster at its core”. Informed information portal Vox reported that U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo in the last two months forward to the authorities of the DPRK concrete proposal for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, which Pyongyang reports of 60 to 70% of their nuclear warheads the

Gutenev offers to link the supply of titanium and the RD-180 in the U.S. with tougher sanctions against Russia

The head of the state Duma Committee for legislative support of defense enterprises Vladimir Gutenev © Vladimir Gerdo/TASS MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The head of the state Duma Committee for legislative support of defense enterprises Vladimir Gutenev believes that it is possible to link the issues of further deliveries of titanium and rocket engines RD-180 in the United States with tighter anti-Russian sanctions.

In Turkey, said that the new US tariff contrary to WTO rules

In Turkey, said that the new US tariff contrary to WTO rules ANKARA, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The actions of the US, which increased by half the duties on imported Turkish steel and aluminium, is contrary to the rules of the world trade organization (WTO), said in a statement the Turkish Ministry of trade on Friday. The US President Donald trump said Friday that sanctioned twice to raise taxes on aluminum and steel from Turkey — up to 20% and 50%, respectively, which caused another drop in the Turkish Lira to a historic low. It fell to 6.62 per dollar, having lost during the day nearly 20% of its value. Relations between the US and Turkey recently escalated, including the case of American pastor Andrew Brunson, detained in 2016 by the Turkish authorities. Last week the US Treasury imposed sanctions against the head of the Ministry of justice of

Pompeo in the conversation with Lavrov, said the desire to improve relations with Russia

Pompeo in the conversation with Lavrov, said the desire to improve relations with Russia Moscow. August 10. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in a telephone conversation with the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the United States wants to improve relations with Russia, said on Friday at the state Department. “The Secretary of state Pompeo confirmed that the United States wants to improve relations with Russia and agreed to continue the dialogue”, — stated in the message. Pompeo also discussed with Lavrov the imminent introduction of new U.S. sanctions against Russia and the situation in Syria, the report says. Earlier, the Russian foreign Ministry said that the conversation between Pompeo and Lavrov took place on the initiative of the American side, discussed issues on the international agenda, including Syria. In addition, “the Russian side had expressed a categorical rejection of the recently announced Washington’s new

Greece recalls Ambassador from Moscow, said a source

Greece recalls Ambassador from Moscow, said a source ATHENS, Aug 10 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Greece withdraws from Moscow its Ambassador Andreas Fryganas, told RIA Novosti on Friday a source in the government. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, this decision was made personally by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Greece Nikos Kotzias. The source said that in the coming days Fryganas return to Athens, to Moscow will be sent another Ambassador, but it is not known when it will happen. Information about the recall of Ambassador confirmed the Greek diplomatic source. The official comment of the foreign Ministry to get so far failed. The recall of the Ambassador comes at a time of crisis in the diplomatic relations between the two countries after the mutual expulsion of Greek and Russian diplomats. The relations of the countries In July, Greece has

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the British Minister of defence revealed the motives for the increasing expenditures of NATO countries

The British defense Secretary Gavin Williamson © EPA-EFE/MICHAEL REYNOLDS LONDON, August 10. /TASS/. The bellicose rhetoric of the Minister of defence of great Britain Gavin Williamson says about the true motives of increase of expenditures of NATO countries. This was stated at the Russian Embassy in London, commenting on the recent speech of the head of the British Ministry of defense at a seminar at the Atlantic Council in Washington.

In Moscow started the phase of election campaign in mass media

© Maxim Grigoriev/TASS MOSCOW, August 11. /TASS/. The period of campaigning in the media on the eve of elections of the mayor of the Russian capital kicked off on Saturday, it will last until the “day of silence” on 8 September. Within 28 days of the candidate in mayors will be able to participate in election debates, and on urban television and radio channels will be broadcasted campaign videos. Elections will be held in a single voting day on 9 September.