Vladimir Putin announced a sudden check the combat readiness of the troops

Vladimir Putin announced a sudden check the combat readiness of the troops MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. On the instructions of Vladimir Putin today at 5:00 MSK began a sudden check the combat readiness of the formations and military units of the Central (CVO) and the Eastern military district (BBO), airborne troops, Distant and Military-transport aviation. The check will include a set of 16 special exercises to be held in the eve of large-scale maneuvers “Vostok-2018”, said defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. According to him, to assess the actions of the troops during the exercise, three working groups: two of them will check the military headquarters and forces of the CVO and TSB, and the third will assess the quality and completeness of mobilization deployment. Sudden readiness test will last for five days, from August 20 to August 25. “Pay special attention to the organization and maintenance of continuous and

Lavrov told about the secret ban of the UN to participate in rebuilding the Syrian economy

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lebanon Gebran Bassil and Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, August 20. /TASS/. The UN Secretariat secret Directive banned the structures of the world organization to participate in any projects aimed at the restoration of the Syrian economy before the country will be made a political transition. This was stated on Monday the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov following talks with Lebanese counterpart Gibran bassil a.

Iran called on the EU, Russia and China to save nuclear deal

Iran called on the EU, Russia and China to save nuclear deal The European Union, Russia and China should make efforts to preserve the Iranian nuclear deal, said the official representative of the foreign Ministry of Iran Bahram qasemi. “The Europeans and other signatories to the agreement (China and Russia.— “B”) tried to salvage the deal, but the process was slow. It needs to be accelerated”, — quoted Mr. qasemi Reuters. Recall, July 14, 2015 Iran, USA, France, UK, China, Russia and Germany signed a Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD), which provides for the freezing of Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. May 8, 2018 US President Donald trump has announced the release of the deal, saying that it was “based on lies”. In early August, Donald trump said he was willing, without preconditions, to engage in direct negotiations with Iran. Tehran has rejected this initiative, demanding

Vasilyeva has not approved the initiative to ban on adoptions of more than three children

Vasilyeva has not approved the initiative to ban on adoptions of more than three children MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Minister of education of Russia Olga Vasilyeva declared that categorically against legislation reducing the allowable number of adopted a family of children to three. Document about tightening of adoption was not agreed neither with the Minister nor with the Ministry of education, she said. Earlier it became known that the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation is preparing a legislative initiative on toughening of requirements to the candidates for adoptive parents and reduce the allowable number of adopted a family of children. “I am categorically against reductions up to three children specified in the project. This is the wrong approach, and he and the rest of the document as a whole, has not been agreed neither with me nor with the Ministry of education, whose composition is

Khasbulatov told about regards to the meeting Yeltsin to escape to the U.S. Embassy during the coup

Khasbulatov told about regards to the meeting Yeltsin to escape to the U.S. Embassy during the coup Former Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation Ruslan Khasbulatov confirmed that Russia’s first President Boris Yeltsin tried to escape to the American Embassy during the coup of 1991. He told this to RBC. Khasbulatov said that he himself told about it the former Vice-President of Russia Alexander Rutskoi. It is a fact already known. Correctly says Rutskoi, the only witness was me. He [Yeltsin] was trying to convince me to run with him. When I refused, he too was forced to withdraw. [Yeltsin] will not just offer [to run] and persuaded: “Give, and not what will kill us in half an hour the storm” — and so on.Ruslan Hasbulatova-the head of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation He added that he had proposed to Yeltsin to leave, but he

Trudeau announced participation in the parliamentary elections of 2019

Trudeau announced participation in the parliamentary elections of 2019 OTTAWA, August 20. /TASS/. The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau has announced that it will participate in the parliamentary elections of 2019 as the leader of the ruling Liberal party of the country. The corresponding statement he made on Sunday in Montreal at the party Congress. “Today I present my candidacy [and will participate in the parliamentary elections of 2019]. 2019 will come soon,” he said during his speech, which was broadcast on his page in social network Facebook. “Let’s make Canada a better country for all Canadians,” he urged his supporters, Trudeau. 43rd parliamentary elections in Canada will take place on 21 October 2019. The main struggle for the 338 seats in the lower house of Parliament — the House of Commons — traditionally will be between the three major parties: Liberal, Conservative and New Democratic. On 2015 elections,

Ushakov: in the Kremlin, not waiting for the arrival of Kim Jong-UN on the forum

The Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov © Alexey Nikolsky/TASS MOSCOW, August 20. /TASS/. DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN and South Korean President moon Jae-In, was not expected to arrive at the Eastern economic forum which will pass in September in Vladivostok. This was stated by the Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia” published on Monday.

In Kiev, said the U.S. on charges of treason

In Kiev, said the U.S. on charges of treason The leader of the Ukrainian Radical party, Oleg Lyashko commented on the American media that the domestic company “Motor Sich” contrary to the interests of the United States supplied China engines for combat aircraft. About this he wrote in his Facebook. “If the Americans don’t want we sold to the Chinese, let them buy our aircraft engines. And we allowed the Chinese to sell and do not buy, and in the end the alternative for the “Motor Sich” — one is the bankruptcy of businesses and thousands of new highly skilled, but unemployed Ukrainians”, — said the politician. According to him, Ukraine is one of five countries that produce modern aircraft engines, so the plants must work at full capacity. Earlier in August, the Washington Times reported that the company “Motor Sich” signed a contract, involving the delivery to China of