Rutskoi and the company. What happened to the participants in the August coup?

Rutskoi and the company. What happened to the participants in the August coup? Former Vice-President of Russia spoke in an interview about the events of the August coup in 1991. From 19 to 21 August 1991 in Moscow there was a political coup, which was the overthrow of the government. The main reason was the results of the reforms and dissatisfaction with the policy of perestroika, which was held by Chairman of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev. NewsKhasbulatov told about regards to the meeting Yeltsin to escape to the U.S. Embassy during the coup Gorbachev was forced to resign his office and disband the Communist party, the Cabinet of Ministers, national ministries and other state bodies, and Vice President Gennady Yanayev announced the creation of a new public authority — the emergency Committee, composed of the first Deputy Chairman of the Council of defense of the USSR

The EP will seek transfer to the FIU seized from corrupt billion — Turchak

The EP will seek transfer to the FIU seized from corrupt billion — Turchak MOSCOW, Aug 20 — RAPSI. Confiscated from corrupt officials billions are transferred to Pension Fund of Russia, said Monday the Secretary of the General Council “United Russia”, Vice-speaker of the Federation Council Andrey Turchak. “People ask at meetings, where billions Zakharchenko, where billions of Mr. Slabikova, and other corruption? Our party must insist that all funds seized from corrupt officials and bribe-takers, as well as from the sale of confiscated their property, sent directly to the Pension Fund,” said Turchak at the joint meeting of the General Council and the Council of leaders of factions EP. See also: Billions Colonel Zakharchenko was transferred to the budget of the Russian Federation

The Kremlin has called the new anti-Russian US sanctions harmful and illegal

The Kremlin has called the new anti-Russian US sanctions harmful and illegal US sanctions against Russia, which will take effect on August 22, the illegal, they are harmful to international trade, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, answering the question “Kommersant FM”. He also believes that “such a restriction is certainly doing harm to the entire international trade”. “We know that the bill was prepared, we know the text of the bill, it is published on the relevant Internet resources. We carefully studied it. We believe that this is the continuation of hostile and illegal from the point of view of international law actions,” — said Mr Peskov told reporters. Recall, August 8, the U.S. State Department announced new sanctions against Russia, which are linked to a case of poisoning in British Salisbury former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. The first package of restrictions

Ryabkov said that Russia will not be the first to place weapons in space

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Michael Pochuev/TASS MOSCOW, August 20. /TASS/. Moscow does not intend to be the first to place weapons in space, and expects that this position will be a signal for Washington. This was stated by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov in an interview to the magazine “international life”.

Donald trump threw out the furniture chosen by his wife, from the White house

Donald trump threw out the furniture chosen by his wife, from the White house According to the New York Times, the President of the United States Donald trump got rid of the furniture in the White house, which was picked up by his wife Melania. As sources told the NYT, close to the entourage of the first lady, she chose the interior in a minimalist style shortly before moved to her husband in Washington. However, Donald trump has changed them to gold-plated products in the Baroque style in the spirit of king Louis XIV. According to sources close to Melania trump, with this gesture, the U.S. President wanted to demonstrate that it is not ready for anything to yield to the whims of his wife. However, a spokesman for Melania Stephanie Grisham said that to get rid of furniture was a mutual decision of the spouses. We will remind, Melania

Austrian media are not agreed about the visit of Vladimir Putin to the wedding

Austrian media are not agreed about the visit of Vladimir Putin to the wedding Dance with the bride, a toast in German, touching the inscription on the car, the Kuban Cossack choir and gifts in the form of the rural landscape, macovigilance and Tula samovar: the visit of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the wedding of the head of the Austrian Ministry of foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl made Austria a lasting impression. “Газета.Ru” they learned what the press wrote of Austria about this event. The arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the wedding, the foreign Minister of Austria Karin Kneissl and multimillionaire Wolfgang Meilinger last week shook the whole of Austria. The wedding ceremony took place in located in southern Styria, gamlitz the on 18 August, but a few days before and after the wedding, the Austrian media were discussing the wedding, the security measures taken in

In the “United Russia” proposed to maintain the benefits and social payments for people 55-60 years

In the “United Russia” proposed to maintain the benefits and social payments for people 55-60 years MOSCOW, August 20. /TASS/. Deputy head of the faction “United Russia” in legislative Assembly of Stavropol region Valentina Muravyeva suggested to maintain all existing benefits and social benefits in the transition period to improve the pension system for people 55-60 years. The initiative she announced on Monday at a joint meeting of the General Council and the Council of leaders of factions of the party, a discussion of bill about changes in the pension system. “In our country there is a system of social benefits that people receive after retirement, our residents are really asking is that these benefits are preserved. And it is very important to not change the time [of benefits] with the change of the retirement age for a transitional period,” said Muravyov, who is also Chairman of the Committee on

Peskov has called the sanctions against the “Nord stream – 2” violation of world trade

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 20. /TASS/. The sanctions that the United States intend to impose on participants in the project of construction of the pipeline “Nord stream – 2” are in violation of world trade, they cannot be justified on any ground. This was stated press Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov.

Elections of the heads of DND and LNR going to postpone

Elections of the heads of DND and LNR going to postpone Moscow. August 20. INTERFAX.RU — the Election of heads of self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk national republics, scheduled for November of this year can be transferred to 2019. As reported “Interfax” in the Council of Ministers of the DNI, the decision to postpone the election of the President can be due to several preconditions. “Among them are problems with financing and coming in 2019 presidential elections, after which the approach of Kiev to implement the Minsk agreements can change,” said the Council of Ministers. Meanwhile, in the government of the self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic “Interfax” also said that “most likely, the new date for the vote would have been for 2019”. Formally, the decision to postpone the election of the heads of the breakaway republics have not yet been processed. “The publication of such decisions,” — said the “Interfax”, the

Please remember, the Center responded to the words Rutskoi about the attempted escape of the former President

Please remember, the Center responded to the words Rutskoi about the attempted escape of the former President EKATERINBURG, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti, Olga Erachina. First Deputy Executive Director of the Yeltsin Centre Lyudmila Telen called false statements of the former Vice-President of Russia Alexander Rutskoi that Boris Yeltsin during the coup in August 1991, “went to a three-day binge, and several times tried to flee to the American Embassy.” Rutskoi informed in interview to the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” said that during the coup he “gave Yeltsin to disgrace and to flee to the American Embassy” and “risking their lives”, brought Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev from foros in the Crimea Moscow. “This is a shameless lie. It is well known that in these days of Boris Yeltsin behaved very bravely, leading the resistance of the citizens of Russia to the coup. This is confirmed by the participants in the events,