In the United States came into effect additional tariffs on imports from China worth $16 billion

In the United States came into effect additional tariffs on imports from China worth $16 billion Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — China has protested and imposed the same duties on American goods. Upstairs In the United States on Thursday entered into force the import duties on goods from China worth $16 billion, as previously planned, warned Washington. Beijing announced a similar step in respect of imported American goods. U.S. customs has confirmed that from 00:01 (07:01 GMT) on Thursday goods from China worth $16 billion, in accordance with the established list will be taxed at 25%. The Ministry of Commerce of China issued a statement in which he emphasized that “in this regard, China maintains a strong protest and forced to continue to take retaliatory steps.” At the same time the statement said that China in response to the actions of the United States will submit a claim to arbitration,

Britain will present a plan in the event of failure to reach deals on Brexit

Britain will present a plan in the event of failure to reach deals on Brexit LONDON, Aug 23 — RIA Novosti, Natalia Kopylova. British Minister for Brexit Dominic Raab on Wednesday will present a plan of action of the authorities and recommendations for citizens just in case London and Brussels fail to reach agreement on the terms Brexit, announced the British government. Upstairs It is expected that the Minister will give a speech to introduce the first part of technical advice to business and citizens in case a deal is not reached. The report notes that, although the government is confident that the agreement most likely, the authorities must be ready for any outcome of the negotiations, including the option of “no deal” under which the parties will not be able to 29 March 2019 to negotiate the terms “divorce”. We must be willing to consider an alternative. We as

The DPRK stopped dismantling rocket range Sohe

The DPRK stopped dismantling rocket range Sohe Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — North Korea suspended the dismantling of the rocket range Sohe in the West of the country, said on Wednesday the portal 36 Notrh, which monitors the status of missile and nuclear activities of the DPRK on the basis of data from satellite imagery. Upstairs Observers note that from 3rd August at the site was not subject to any significant dismantling. The remains of previously demolished structures laid on the ground and not removed. Soha — the main missile range of the DPRK, had launched Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Closing it, apparently, was discussed at the meeting of the President of the United States Donald trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN in Singapore. HelpWhat has changed after meeting Kim and trump? Explain in 300 wordsread More

The foreign Ministry explained the reluctance to discuss the lifting of US sanctions

The foreign Ministry explained the reluctance to discuss the lifting of US sanctions GENEVA, Aug 22 — RIA Novosti, Elizabeth Isakov. The United States will continue to impose new sanctions against Russia, regardless of its actions, because of the restrictive ideological, said RIA Novosti Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Upstairs According to Ryabkov, it is clear that the United States will continue to impose sanctions and further. Meeting with Bolton Against the backdrop of difficult relations between the two countries tomorrow in Geneva will host a meeting of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and the national security Advisor of the United States John Bolton. As noted Ryabkov, the Russian delegation intends to explain the failure of the current policy of Washington against Moscow. “Of course, during tomorrow’s talks will address this theme in terms of clarification of depravity, irrationality and doom us sanctions policy as a method of foreign policy.

As US presidents went through impeachment proceedings

As US presidents went through impeachment proceedings Former counsel to Donald trump Michael Cohen confessed to several charges, including violations during the election campaign of the President. The New York Times hinted at possible impeachment of the 45th President of the United States. As American leaders were faced with impeachment in the material “Kommersant”. Upstairs July 10, 1842, Congressman John Botts introduced a resolution of impeachment of the 10th U.S. President John Tyler (took office as Vice President after the death of William Harrison). The occasion was the veto, which is the head of state imposed on the tariff bills of Congress. The resolution was rejected by 127 votes to 83 (offset necessary two-thirds majority). February 24, 1868 the House of representatives voted for the impeachment of the 17th U.S. President Andrew Johnson (got the chair as Vice-President after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln). The impeachment procedure was initiated after

“The worst day in the life of trump”

“The worst day in the life of trump” The former lawyer of the President has admitted to committing crimes on his behalf. Upstairs Worse day in the life of the President of the United States Donald trump was not. Writes about Tuesday, August 21, the Washington Post commentator Jennifer Rubin. Similar assessments were made by other American media: “the worst hour” (CNN), “a terrible day” (Bloomberg), “very bad day” (Chicago Tribune). On Tuesday two supporters of trump has been in the courts. In new York the former personal counsel to trump Michael Cohen, signed a deal with the investigation, has given grateful evidences on eight charges, including violations during the presidential election campaign 2016 In particular, Cohen told the court that during the campaign, paid $130 000 a porn actress Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, and $150 000 model Playboy Karen Mcdougal for their silence about the intimate ties

The Czech Parliament has called the invasion of 1968 an act of invasion

The Czech Parliament has called the invasion of 1968 an act of invasion PRAGUE, August 22. /TASS/ — For adoption of the relevant decision voted 145 of 156 members. Наверх13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The chamber of deputies (lower house) of Czech Parliament recognized the entry of Warsaw Pact troops (VD) in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (CSSR) in August of 1968, act of foreign invasion and occupation of the country. This is stated in the resolution adopted by it. “The chamber of deputies declares that the invasion of the troops of five member States VD (USSR, GDR, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria — approx. TASS) in August 1968, in Czechoslovakia was an act of the attack and subsequent occupation of the Republic. It was contrary to international law”, — the document says. For the decision voted 145 of the 156 MPs present at the session of the lower house. No one spoke against it, but

Abdulatipov: expert advice on the Caspian sea can be created by November

The special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of humanitarian and economic cooperation with the countries of the Caspian region Ramazan Abdulatipov © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. Expert advice on the implementation of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea can be established in October this year. About it the results held in Moscow a round table on the results of the Caspian summit and the prospects of development of the region reported TASS the representative of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of humanitarian and economic cooperation with the countries of the Caspian region Ramazan Abdulatipov. The fifth Caspian summit was held in Aktau on August 12. As a result, the presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan signed the Convention on the status of the Caspian sea. Work on the document was from 1996 and the

“Army-2018”: introduced the first production missile complex “Pine”

“Army-2018”: introduced the first production missile complex “Pine” At the international forum “Army-2018” Corporation rostec, introduced the first production anti-aircraft missile complex “Pine”. The forum announced that the package has been tested in the Russian army and will soon replace the outdated SAM “Strela-10M”. Upstairs The newest complex is system laser-beam guidance, which allows him to hit targets at a distance of 10 km. the Management of “Pine,” into a single optical-electronic system, comprising a launcher, a means of detecting targets and control the missiles in flight. Target detection system can be used not only manually, but also offline. “Pine” is called the universal complex, because it can effectively work at any time and under any conditions — in rain, cold, heat. More complex stands silent preparation for the shooting and the ability to battle in traffic. In fact, “Pine” is the only module with a rocket launcher and guidance

Putin spoke about his trip to Austria for the wedding

Putin spoke about his trip to Austria for the wedding Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin said that his trip to Austria for the wedding of the head of foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl were of a private nature, however, he was able to talk with the Chancellor and foreign Minister of the Republic. Upstairs “We are all adults and occupying a serious position in society, but people are very open and cheerful”, — Putin said at a press conference on Wednesday, and once again thanked the Austrian for the newlyweds wedding invitation. According to him, “the newly-made husband — man is not alien — he is a former athlete, judoka, and it is always unites”. “Despite the holiday, we were able to speak briefly with Minister of foreign Affairs, and the Chancellor of the Austrian Republic on issues,” Putin said, stressing that his visit, however, was of