Vladimir Putin responded with approval on appeal

Vladimir Putin responded with approval on appeal The Communists do not intend to abandon protests against raising the retirement age. Upstairs United Russia is ready to submit to the state Duma amendments to the government bill to raise the retirement age on the proposals outlined in his address Vladimir Putin. The President’s initiative is supported by the just Russia, although their representatives do not intend to abandon a referendum on the issue. The Communist party also did not refuse the referendum and intend to hold protests over pension reform. In his address Vladimir Putin explained the need for pension reform and demographic crisis. “Declining working-age population is automatically reduced opportunities for benefits and indexation of pensions. So, the necessary changes,” he said. He tried to explain why in 2005 he opposed raising the retirement age. “Recall how in that period the country lived. This fledgling economy, with modest gross domestic

Volodin called the date of the meeting in the state Duma on pension changes

Volodin called the date of the meeting in the state Duma on pension changes MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Meeting of the working group of the state Duma on perfection of the pension legislation is scheduled for August 31, it was reported to journalists by the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. Upstairs On Wednesday the President of Russia Vladimir Putin made a televised address in which he announced a number of measures to mitigate the proposed government changes in pension legislation. “On 31 August in the state Duma scheduled meeting of the working group created following the results of parliamentary and public hearings on improvement of the pension legislation, which, together with the deputies included representatives of the government, the Federation Council, the chamber of accounts, civil society, trade unions, business, scientific community and experts,” — said Volodin. Now the standard age of retirement in Russia is

Medvedev: in six years, Russia should enter the top ten countries-leaders in quality of education

Medvedev: in six years, Russia should enter the top ten countries-leaders in quality of education GORKI, August 29. /TASS/. In six years, Russia should enter the top ten leading countries for quality education, said Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, opening a telephone conference meeting on readiness of educational system for the new school year. Upstairs “The main goal for six years to enter the quality of General education in world’s top ten countries-leaders, is to create a space for continuous education and development of all people in our country”, — said Medvedev. The Prime Minister reminded that a few days will start the new school year. He congratulated students and teachers on the knowledge Day. Thus Medvedev has reminded that the regional authorities should actively work with relevant ministries to implement the national project “Education”.

Kudrin praised Putin’s amendments to the bill on pensions

Kudrin praised Putin’s amendments to the bill on pensions The Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin called “balancing original draft of the” amendments to the bill to raise the retirement age, proposed by President Vladimir Putin. He wrote about this in his Twitter. Upstairs In his view, Putin “has summarized the arguments of supporters and opponents of pension reform, made changes, balancing the original project.” He called Putin’s decision “a balanced, thoughtful” and “necessary for the realization of national goals.” Earlier on August 29 Putin during a televised address to the Russians announced the commutation of pension reform, in particular increasing retirement age for women to 63 years, and up to 60. He also proposed to reduce the period of retirement for mothers of large families and to increase the maximum size of the unemployment benefit for the Russians of pre-retirement age. In addition, the President stated the need

Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of plans to rig the Ukrainian elections

Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of plans to rig the Ukrainian elections Kiev intends to resist Russian interference in the Ukrainian presidential and future parliamentary elections, said President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Upstairs In his words, “leading IT companies record the creation of thousands, tens of thousands of fake accounts with Russian roots”. “Russia is preparing for a powerful new manipulative campaign of fake news (false news. “B”), the undermining of stability”, — said Mr. Poroshenko. Also, the Ukrainian President accused Russia of meddling in the course of the Dutch referendum (in April 2016) for the ratification of the Association Agreement EU—Ukraine and has accused Russia results of the referendum on “Brakcet”: The tentacles of Moscow are very hard to penetrate the social networks, keep private media that operate in cyberspace.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine To combat this, the influence of Petro Poroshenko promises to bring the French, American and German experts

Medvedev instructed the government to make proposals for pension changes

Medvedev instructed the government to make proposals for pension changes GORKI, August 29 — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev asked the members of the government in the shortest terms to present suggestions on the draft law on changing the pension system in view of President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Upstairs In particular, the request addressed to all colleagues involved in the pension system, noting that Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. “I ask all concerned, Olga, in the first place, to undertake the implementation of these changes and in the shortest possible time to present the initiative to change the pension system, which has just been formulated. I mean and equal retirement age for men and women for five years, and early retirement for large women, and a gradual increase in the retirement age for those who first confronted with its growth,” — said Medvedev.

The CEC demanded to change the rule on “municipal filter”

The CEC demanded to change the rule on “municipal filter” Moscow. August 29. INTERFAX.RU — Chairman of the Central election Commission, Ella Pamfilova calls for changes to the “municipal filter”, which is currently, according to her, is used as an instrument of unfair political competition. Upstairs “We see the costs of the legislation. The first problem is that beyond the scope of our competence, we see the abuse of administrative resource abuse in the application of the so-called “municipal filter” that is cut off in various ways inconvenient, competitive candidates”, — Pamfilova said at the CEC session on Wednesday. According to her, the “municipal filter” should not “be cut off and to destroy political competition.” “Municipal filter” is a procedure to collect signatures from 5 to 10% (depending on region) from total number of deputies of representative bodies of municipal formations for nomination for the election of the head region.

Donald trump has accused China of hacking into the email of Hillary Clinton

Donald trump has accused China of hacking into the email of Hillary Clinton The President of the United States outraged by the theft “large amount of classified information.” Upstairs This morning the President of the United States Donald trump wrote two tweets on an unexpected topic. He quoted article publication the Daily Caller that Chinese hackers broke into the email of his rival at the presidential elections, a member of the Democratic party Hillary Clinton. Mr. trump was outraged by the theft of a large amount of classified information, but added that American intelligence agencies in this issue hope it is not necessary — after a series of failures “credibility gone forever.” At the same time for sharp words of Donald trump is seen as foreign and domestic implications. “Just announced: China has hacked into the personal e-mail, Hillary Clinton, said Donald trump on Twitter.— They believe that it was