Trump signed a decree allowing to circumvent the quotas on imports of metals

Trump signed a decree allowing to circumvent the quotas on imports of metals The US President Donald trump has signed on Thursday the decrees allowing selective exceptions to the quotas for the supply of US steel from South Korea, Brazil and Argentina, as evidenced by the text of the decree, distributed by the White house. Upstairs WASHINGTON, 30 Aug — RIA Novosti. In particular, the document refers to the fact that the U.S. Secretary of Commerce in coordination with the heads of Department, Finance Ministry, defense Ministry and several other officials received the right to grant an exception to the quota for the supply of articles of steel or aluminium for a number of positions of the so-called Harmonized tariff schedule of the United States (in fact — the commodity classification for customs purposes). Given in the decrees of the position are to steel from South Korea, Brazil and Argentina,

The FBI found no evidence of tampering with the mail is Hillary Clinton a Chinese company

The FBI found no evidence of tampering with the mail is Hillary Clinton a Chinese company The Chinese authorities saw nothing new in the accusations against the company. Upstairs WASHINGTON, August 29. /TASS/. The Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) found no evidence that private correspondence of the American ex-Secretary of state Hillary Clinton was intercepted by a Chinese company. The representatives of the Bureau said in a statement on Wednesday, comments for journalists. “The FBI found no evidence that those servers have been compromised”, the statement quoted by the newspaper the Washington Post. The US President Donald trump on Tuesday called on the FBI and the justice Department to take action in connection with the information that the post Hillary Clinton were intercepted by China. According to him, otherwise the credibility of these bodies “go away forever”. Previously portal The Daily Caller reported that during the period when Clinton served

Ukraine has prepared new sanctions against Russia because of the Crimean bridge

Ukraine has prepared new sanctions against Russia because of the Crimean bridge The Ukrainian government has prepared new sanctions against Russia because of the Crimean bridge, the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of the uncontrolled territories. Наверх36фотографий36фотографий36фотографий MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. According to the report, the new sanctions package will affect 19 legal entities involved in the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, including: “SGM”, “Mostotrest”, “SGM-Bridge”, “Institute Giprostroymost — Saint-Petersburg” and “Partitocracy”. The Ukrainian government proposed measures are intended “to restrict or terminate economic relations (these companies — Approx. ed.) with EU countries and the USA”. Project on the introduction of new sanctions will be submitted to the Council of national security and defense. Crimea became a Russian region by referendum in March 2014, which was held after a coup in Ukraine. More than 96% of the inhabitants of the Republic and 95% of

Decisions on pension changes “hard-won” President, Golikova said

Decisions on pension changes “hard-won” President, Golikova said MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Decisions on changes in the pension system, announced by the President, was “endured” by him and the government, said Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova is in the air “First channel”. Upstairs “The President took into account those public discussions, which were held at different venues in the preparation of the bill a second reading and, in fact, decisions made today, they were, so to speak, pained by the President and all of us helpers who helped including to formulate and to calculate different measures,” — said Golikova. Vice Prime Minister also noted that such a decision is sensitive to her as well. “Of course, for my family and for my family, and my friends is the solution, it is not even important. Perhaps it should be called momentous because it… well, people have built some plans,

Golikov estimated the cost of Putin’s proposals on pensions

Golikov estimated the cost of Putin’s proposals on pensions Vice-Premier of Russia Tatyana Golikova has informed that the proposal of President Vladimir Putin on raising the retirement age for women for five, not eight years will cost the budget an additional 3.6 trillion rubles for six years after the end of the transition period in 2028. She said that the easing will affect 2.4 million women, according to RBC. Upstairs With regard to the proposal of Mr. Putin to pension six months before the new retirement age for citizens who have to retire in 2019 and 2020, the implementation of this initiative will be worth 490 billion RUB At the same time, according to Ms. Golikova, these costs will occur from 2019 to 2024. She also was estimated at RUB 57.4 billion cost of reducing the pensionable service on early retirement. The right of early retirement for mothers of large

In the Kemerovo region will retain all benefits to pensioners and the payment of “the Kuzbass pensions”

In the Kemerovo region will retain all benefits to pensioners and the payment of “the Kuzbass pensions” KEMEROVO, August 29. /TASS/. The authorities of the Kemerovo region plan to keep benefits for pensioners, and the payment of the so-called Kuzbass pensions — additional payments, which get 45 preferential categories of citizens at the expense of the regional budget, said TASS in the press service of the regional administration with reference to the acting Governor Sergei Tsivilev. Upstairs Speaking on Wednesday a televised address to the citizens of Russia, President of Russia Vladimir Putin suggested to establish for women, the retirement age of 60 years, for men — 65 years, to introduce to the employers administrative or even criminal liability for the dismissal of employees close to retirement age and the denial of their employment, and also provide a number of social benefits to older people of certain social groups and

Zakharova said that the terrorists had prepared chlorine for the staging of himataki in Idlib

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. Barrels of chlorine delivered to the city of g’s es-Shughour in Idlib province for a mock attack with chemical weapons allegedly by the Syrian government troops. This was at the briefing on Thursday was declared by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “According to reports, 23 and 24 August in the district Iglinskiy areas of de-escalation, namely in the village of g’s es-Shughour delivered eight barrels of chlorine and ammunition to the jet system of volley fire, which will equip it with chlorine. There also arrived, guess who, the so-called “White helmets” – said the diplomat. According to Zakharova, the representatives of the organization arrived in the city with the equipment for video recording of mock the use of chemical weapons. “That is another provocation, is preparing at full speed”, –

The Kremlin considers unreasonable Ukraine’s withdrawal from the Treaty on friendship

The Kremlin considers unreasonable Ukraine’s withdrawal from the Treaty on friendship Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called unwise the intention of the Ukrainian authorities to withdraw from the Treaty on friendship, cooperation and partnership. He noted that the bilateral relations of Russia and Ukraine “are in a situation which is very difficult something else to spoil”. Upstairs “But even in the face of this deep crisis in our bilateral relations, of course, it would be unwise to take any steps which will cause additional damage to the interests of the two peoples,” said Mr Peskov told reporters. He stressed that Russia was never a supporter of the deterioration of relations between the two countries. On the eve of President Petro Poroshenko stated that Ukraine is ready legally to the termination of the agreement. He instructed the foreign Ministry to prepare documents for breach of contract. The

Kudrin praised the idea of criminal liability for the dismissal on the eve of retirement

Kudrin praised the idea of criminal liability for the dismissal on the eve of retirement MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. The head of audit chamber of the Russian Federation Alexey Kudrin doubts that it is necessary to introduce criminal liability for discrimination by an employer of employees of retirement age are more likely to work economic incentives. Upstairs Earlier Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin in a televised address to the Russians said that he instructed the government offer real incentives for business employers to be encouraged to take and keep at work citizens approaching retirement age. He also considers it necessary to introduce for employers administrative and even criminal liability for the dismissal of employees close to retirement age, as well as the refusal in employment of citizens because of their age. “I rather doubt that it is necessary to introduce criminal liability for the restriction of or discrimination

Iran was accused of large-scale state online propaganda

Iran was accused of large-scale state online propaganda A Reuters investigation has revealed hundreds of accounts in social networks and dozens of sites “in the service of Tehran.” Upstairs Last week, Facebook, Google and Twitter announced the blocking dozens of accounts and websites that are reportedly associated with the Iranian authorities. Reuters conducted its own investigation and found “a vast Iranian network of disinformation and political manipulation.” Reuters found ten anonymous websites and dozens of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. According to the Agency, they are part of a project by Tehran to spread its state propaganda around the world. The company FireEye and ClearSky involved in software development in the field of cyber security, told Reuters that the sites and the accounts belong to the International Union of virtual media (International Union of Virtual Media, IUVM), an organization working for the Iranian government. It distributes content Iranian