The activity of Putin on a post of the head of state approved 70% of Russians

The activity of Putin on a post of the head of state approved 70% of Russians Moscow. August 30. INTERFAX.RU the approval Rating of President Vladimir Putin in August grew slightly, at the same time approximately the same values reduced the number of Russians who believe that the country is moving in the right direction, according to a survey by “Levada-center”, submitted on Thursday to “Interfax”. Upstairs According to sociologists, the President’s activity approve, 70% of Russians, while in July this opinion was shared by 67% of respondents. The opposite view is held by 30% of respondents (July — 32%). The activities of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with approval are 28% of Russians (July — 31%). Not approve of the job the head of the government 71% of respondents (in July and 69%). According to the survey, a third of Russians approve of the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers

55 years ago, was established a “hot line” between the USSR and the USA

55 years ago, was established a “hot line” between the USSR and the USA August 30, marks 55 years since the establishment of the “hotline” between the US and the Soviet Union, designed to prevent potential conflicts, and to serve as a channel for the exchange of opinions in emergency situations. For many years the line was one of the tools for the preservation of peace in the era of the cold war. Upstairs “The Cuban crisis has highlighted the need for reliable technical means of communication between Moscow and Washington,” wrote about installing a direct connection between the Kremlin and the White house the Soviet Ambassador to U.S. Anatoly Dobrynin. The Ambassador recalls that a proposal to establish a direct line of communication between the two countries were the United States. A contract for its installation was signed during talks in Geneva in June 1963. Despite the fact that

Kiev has prepared for the termination of the Agreement on friendship with Russia

Kiev has prepared for the termination of the Agreement on friendship with Russia The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine has prepared all the necessary documents for the termination of the Agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia. On Thursday, August 30, said the foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, reports “UKRINFORM”. Upstairs “These documents have been prepared, the entire package. We can say about it. It has always been our position, so we handle it. In the coming days, we will submit it formally,” — assured the Minister. Klimkin also said that Moscow has “violated all that is possible” in this agreement, beginning with the preamble. He added that on Friday will publish a post which will talk about all the violations by Russia of its Treaty obligations over the past four and a half years. 29 Aug Klimkin said that the contract will be terminated before 30 September of

It’s complicated

It’s complicated Ukraine is preparing for the introduction of a visa regime with Russia. Upstairs At the end of the year, the Russians will not be able to travel to Ukraine. In the coming months, Kiev is planning to introduce electronic visas for citizens of the “migration risk countries”, which will also include Russia. Now to visit Ukraine you will need to fill in a form on the website of the Ukrainian Ministry of foreign Affairs, and on arrival to register at the place of stay. The initiative will complicate the lives of many Russians — it is known that annually Ukraine is visited by about 1.5 million Russian citizens. The complication of the procedure A new system of entry to Ukraine for a number of countries will develop this year. This follows from the plan of implementation of the Strategy of the state migration policy, which the Cabinet of

Peskov called strange Forbes with Putin in the first place

Peskov called strange Forbes with Putin in the first place Don’t need to be a visionary to put President Vladimir Putin on the first place of the ranking of the most influential Russians, told reporters on Thursday, press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on a new rating by Russian Forbes. Upstairs Overall rating of “nothing to say”, said the representative of the Kremlin. “What are the criteria, based on what is very strange, strange list,” — said Peskov. Earlier, the Russian Forbes first published a ranking of the most influential Russians. The list includes 100 people. First place “automatically” took the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. In the explanation to the publication clarifies that this place is the Russian leader got for the reason that he previously took second place in the global ranking of the most influential people in the world by the American Forbes. The top

Alexei Kudrin called the approach to corruption in Russia is primitive

Alexei Kudrin called the approach to corruption in Russia is primitive The Chairman of the accounts chamber (SP) Alexei Kudrin in an interview with “Kommersant” told about the new strategy of the joint venture. Special attention was paid to the fight against corruption, noting that the powers of his Department in this area is poorly defined in the legislation. Upstairs “We dispose of materials that are of interest to law enforcement, but there is a targeted system of anti-corruption activities of the chamber,” said Kudrin, adding that examines the practice of fight against corruption in Russian legislation. “I have analyzed the regulations, their enforcement, the grounds on which officials are brought to justice, practice, trends. My first sense — primitive approach to corruption per se, — said Alexei Kudrin.— Also, I can assume that not everything is so simple and with the anti-corruption query: it seems that society for some

In Ukraine, the rating of the most hated politicians

In Ukraine, the rating of the most hated politicians Acting Minister of health Suprun has headed a rating of the most hated Ukrainian politicians. This is evidenced by the research conducted by the sociological group “Rating” commissioned by the American International Republican Institute (IRI). Upstairs Answering the question of sociologists about the attitude of Ukrainian politicians and government officials, 61 percent of Ukrainians answered that very negative or rather negative attitude to the acting Minister of health Ulyana Suprun. 30 percent said the negative attitude to the head of the National anti-corruption Bureau (NAB) Artem Sytnik, 29 percent to the people’s Deputy Moustapha nayem from the ruling Bloc of Petro Poroshenko (BPP). 27 percent of Ukrainians have a negative attitude to the head of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” A. KOBOLEV, MPs Yegor Sobolev, Oksana Syroid (both “Self-help”) Igor Lutsenko (“Fatherland”). Separately, sociologists have measured the level of approval of activity of

Putin congratulated Lukashenko with his birthday

Putin congratulated Lukashenko with his birthday MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko on the phone with the birthday party, the leaders discussed the schedule of upcoming contacts at the highest level, the press service of the Kremlin. Upstairs “During the phone conversation, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin congratulated President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the day of birth”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the presidents discussed some topical issues on the bilateral agenda, including a schedule of upcoming contacts at the highest level. Earlier, Putin sent Lukashenko a congratulatory telegram.

In Kiev advised citizens to transport family from Russia to Ukraine

In Kiev advised citizens to transport family from Russia to Ukraine KIEV, August 30 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan advised citizens who have relatives in Russia, to transport them to Ukraine, because there is “a better environment”. Upstairs Omeljan previously reported that the Ministry of Infrastructure has developed a draft decision which proposes to halt train and bus service to Russia. “Let them bring (family — ed.). I think Ukraine is much better by the environment and security,” said Omeljan on Thursday on air of TV channel “Direct”, answering the question of what to do to Ukrainians who have relatives in Russia, after the termination of the message. Omeljan also said that the Ministry of Infrastructure conducted an audit of carriers in Russia, controlled Kiev territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. “We finished checking in the Donetsk and Luhansk region for illegal transportation