Russia urged the United States to leave the “rampaging in the sea of Azov wards”

Russia urged the United States to leave the “rampaging in the sea of Azov wards” WASHINGTON, 31 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Russian Embassy in the United States called on the us authorities to cease to stand up for “disorderly on the sea of Azov charges,” reads the statement of the diplomatic mission in response to the call of the state Department to “stop the nightmare for international navigation” in the sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait. Upstairs “The state Department in the person of the official representative Heather Nauert attended legitimate stops for inspections of vessels in the sea of Azov. Stops. No arrests or detentions. It is noteworthy that out of “hundreds” of ships not named none (this is important for understanding the policy of double standards). The state Department deliberately moved away from that,” said the Embassy. However, as noted, the us does not mention the

Trump threatened to pull out of the WTO

Trump threatened to pull out of the WTO WASHINGTON, 30 Aug — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump did not rule out that the country may withdraw from the world trade organization if it does not change for the better. Upstairs “If they do not improve their work, I get out of the WTO”, — said trump in an interview with Bloomberg. According to him, the WTO with the United States “very bad” appeal for many years, and the organization needs “change”. Ignoring the requirements of the WTO In early July, the portal Axios announced that the administration of Donald trump plans to introduce in Congress a bill that would allow Washington to ignore the requirements of the WTO. In the case of its adoption, the document gave the American President the right to claim duties on imports unilaterally, without congressional approval. It will also allow

The United States urged Russia to lift restrictions on navigation in the Azov sea

The United States urged Russia to lift restrictions on navigation in the Azov sea The US state Department today accused Russia of “harassment” of international navigation in the Kerch Strait and the Azov sea, and urged to remove these restrictions. A statement signed by the press Secretary of the Department of state Heather Nauert. Upstairs According to foreign policy Department of the USA, from April 2018 Russia detained hundreds of commercial vessels, and in recent weeks has not allowed at least 16 Ukrainian vessels to go in the Ukrainian ports of the Azov sea. “Russia’s actions to limit sea transit are another example of its campaign to undermine and destabilize the Ukraine, as well as its disrespect of international law… We call on Russia to end restrictions of international shipping in the Azov sea and the Kerch Strait,” — said in the message. This week, the commander of the Ukrainian

Russia blocked the adoption of the report on the DPRK in the UN security Council

Russia blocked the adoption of the report on the DPRK in the UN security Council UN, 31 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Russian mission to the UN has frozen the adoption of the report of the 1718 Committee, which deals with the issues of sanctions against North Korea, said the Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia. Upstairs According to him, this decision was taken because of disagreement with some provisions of the report and the progress of the work on it. “I’m not going to clarify because the report was not yet published and is still confidential,” — said Nebenzia. “Cause a few issues and points that because of confidentiality I can not disclose”, he added. The Ambassador also said that Russian and other delegations are very concerned about regular leaks of information from the Committee on the question of the DPRK in the open access — the Internet and media. “We requested

The Consul General of Russia in the United States, said the actual cessation of issuing visas to Russians

The Consul General of Russia in the United States, said the actual cessation of issuing visas to Russians The USA stopped issuing visas to Russians, even if it comes to humanitarian cases. This statement was made by the Consul General of Russia in Houston Alexander Pisarev. Upstairs Commenting on the arrival in the United States of relatives of the deceased in the country of Russian Aleksandra Kurganova, the diplomat noted that the issue is not yet resolved. Representatives of the Consulate contacted them, but not the fact that they will be able to get a visa, quotes its words “RIA Novosti”. I doubt that they will have the opportunity to leave St. Petersburg because Americans are actually the issuing of visas was stopped, including humanitarian cases.Alexander Miserableness of Russia in Houston It is possible that the body of Russians will be sent home without the presence of relatives. To resolve

Golikova promised to think about a separate law on youth

Golikova promised to think about a separate law on youth Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova promised to consider the adoption of the Federal law on youth. She stated this at the opening ceremony of a new dormitory sechenovskiy University. Upstairs According Golikova, attempts to adopt such a law was made repeatedly. She added that the most important thing in the discussion of this bill is to determine exactly which standards need to enter into it and why they need a separate act. Vice Prime Minister noted that he will attract to this discussion, colleagues from the Federal Agency for youth Affairs and the Ministry of science and higher education. Golikova also has informed that in Russia, you may receive a permanent youth platform. “We want to create with the support of the administration of the President of the permanent court, although it is very difficult, but in any case we

The Embassy of the Russian Federation urged the US not to stand up for “disorderly on the sea of Azov wards”

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © Anatoly Bochinin/TASS WASHINGTON, August 31. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the United States called on the us authorities to cease to stand up for rampaging in the sea of Azov charges and to begin a substantive dialogue on the issue of Russian citizens in American prisons. This is stated in the statement of the diplomatic mission.

The United Russia party approved the creation of the project “Center of support of civil initiatives”

The United Russia party approved the creation of the project “Center of support of civil initiatives” MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. The Presidium of the General Council “United Russia” at session on Thursday has approved the regulation on the establishment of the project “Center of support of civil initiatives” (CPGI), which will be distributed at the site of supporters of the party. Informed about the launch of such a center, said the Secretary of the General Council of party Andrey Turchak at the youth forum “Mashuk” in Pyatigorsk. Upstairs As explained in a speech at the meeting, the co-chair of the Central coordination Council of supporters of “United Russia”, Deputy of the State Duma Sergei Boyarsky, project CPGI is a mechanism that provides support, promotion, scale, and legal support for civil society activists, as well as initiatives of NGOs. “His challenge is to all activists, NGOs — saw the party real

Amendments to pension reform will be prepared in the beginning of next week

Amendments to pension reform will be prepared in the beginning of next week At the meeting of the Presidium of the General Council “United Russia” (CBC) decided to take on the basis stated yesterday, August 29, President Vladimir Putin proposals for pension reform. Upstairs We will remind, the bill on raising the retirement age for women from 55 to 63 years and for men from 60 to 65 years, were made by the government on 16 June in the state Duma and approved on July 19 in first reading. PGS instructed the faction “United Russia” in the Duma “promptly” to prepare amendments which, including, will set the age of retirement for women to 60 years. Also, the working group in the state Duma should take the form of amendments to the second reading of the initiative, establishing early insurance old-age pension to persons having experience of not less than 42

VTSIOM: raising the retirement age can be a factor in the decline of voter turnout on 9 September

VTSIOM: raising the retirement age can be a factor in the decline of voter turnout on 9 September MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. Planned changes in the pension legislation, in particular raising the retirement age, may be one of the factors that have a negative impact on voter turnout in regional elections on 9 September. This opinion was expressed on Thursday at a round table the head of the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) Valery Fedorov. Upstairs One of the factors in the low turnout at regional elections he called “electoral fatigue after a big election.” “People today do not want to hear anything related to the election, whether to decide to vote. It is generally not associated with high competition or low competition, due to the fact that we all have experienced this spring is very important, and intense campaign,” said Fyodorov, referring to the past in