Media reported about the impact of Russian air force in the armed opposition in Idlib province

Media reported about the impact of Russian air force in the armed opposition in Idlib province Moscow. September 4. INTERFAX.RU According to Anatolian news Agency, three Russian fighter struck 20 times. Upstairs Of Russian air force strikes on the positions of the armed opposition in Idlib province in Northwest Syria, said on Tuesday the Anatolian news Agency, citing sources in the armed Syrian opposition. “Three Russian fighter took to the air from the base of “Hamim”, fired 20 shots”, — quotes Agency sources in the armed Syrian opposition. The news Agency reported that the blows to the West of Idlib and North of Hama province. In addition, the bombing of Russian air force had been controlled by armed opposition groups in the areas of Jisr al-Sugur, Besanko, Ghani, Inner, Carmania in the West of Idlib and the Zeitoun neighborhood in the North of Hama, said the sources. Data on dead

Peskov commented on trump’s words about the operation in Idlib

Peskov commented on trump’s words about the operation in Idlib MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. To warn about the consequences of not considering the threat of terrorists is not a complete and comprehensive approach, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the words of US President Donald trump about the operation in Idlib. Upstairs Earlier, trump wrote on Twitter that the Syrian army attack in Idlib province would be “a great humanitarian error” and urged to prevent this. “We need to deal with this problem. We know that the Syrian armed forces are preparing for the solution of this problem. But just to play with some warnings, not paying attention to the very dangerous negative potential to the whole situation in Syria is probably not complete without a comprehensive approach,” — said Peskov told reporters, commenting on the statement trump on Twitter. See also: Macron

Klimkin explained how to “confront” Russia in the Azov sea

Klimkin explained how to “confront” Russia in the Azov sea MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin told about the measures to be taken by Kiev in response to the “provocation” of Moscow to the sea of Azov. He stated this in the program “Svoboda words” on ICTV channel. Upstairs “We knew that Russia will begin a controlled escalation and begin to raise rates. And our actions must not only focus on politics, just for security, just for legal matters. Work only the combination of all”, — said the Minister. According to him, we are talking about legal measures, antilanding operations, communication with partners and further development of presence in the sea of Azov. The situation in the Azov sea The situation of navigation in the Azov sea escalates with the beginning of the year. In March Ukraine detained the Russian trawler

Klimkin described the situation with the outflow of population is catastrophic

Klimkin described the situation with the outflow of population is catastrophic MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin described the situation with the outflow of population from the country “catastrophic”. He declared it on air of ICTV TV channel Upstairs According to him, the country annually, leaving nearly a million Ukrainians and this situation may persist in the near future. He noted that, according to the latest data, in Poland alone there are about half a million immigrants from Ukraine. Earlier, a survey conducted by a social group “Rating” showed that almost a third of the population would like to emigrate. According to the study, most often about the desire to move abroad was expressed by young respondents up to 35 years. In Ukraine in recent years the natural population decline. According to the State statistics service, in 2017, the population decreased

Japan sent a protest to Russia because of the events in the Kuril Islands in the memory of the war

Japan sent a protest to Russia because of the events in the Kuril Islands in the memory of the war Japan has sent Russia a protest in connection with the holding of commemorative events in the South Kuril Islands, marking the end of world war II. It on a press-conferences in Tokyo the Secretary-General said the government, Yoshihide Suga, reports on Tuesday, September 4, RIA Novosti. Upstairs “Strengthening the Russian weapons on the four Northern Islands (Japan called Kunashir, Habomai, Shikotan and Iturup) does not coincide with the position of our country, and we in various ways protest” — he said, calling the events is unacceptable. Earlier on September 3, the Japanese defense Ministry said that through La Perouse Strait between Sakhalin and Hokkaido was the largest since the cold war a squadron of the Russian naval forces. The Agency counted 28 ships, supply vessels, a destroyer, a frigate, and

The defense Ministry has defined the function of the army political officers

The defense Ministry has defined the function of the army political officers The Russian army will return to the political officers — the Deputy commanders for political-military work, which will be responsible for Patriotic education of the soldiers. This “news” told in the Ministry of defense. Upstairs Their responsibilities will include providing deep understanding of state policy in the field of defense. Previously, a key function of political officers was the maintenance of discipline and education personnel. “There is an external reason — the need to counter informvoyne,” — said the Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of defense Alexander Kanshin. Another factor he called the necessity of the unification worldview soldiers. “Our country is multinational and multiconfessional, and the army should be a single body. People with different views, different religion, different education needs to be combined political-educational work”, — said the representative of the Ministry of

Poroshenko has decided to legalize the greeting “Glory to Ukraine” in the army

Poroshenko has decided to legalize the greeting “Glory to Ukraine” in the army President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill, which sets nationalist greeting “Glory to Ukraine!” and “glory to the Heroes!” as a major in the army. The document specified as urgent, RIA Novosti reported citing the country’s Parliament. Upstairs The project envisages the amendments to the charters of internal, garrison and guard services, and drill regulations. Now the armed forces of Ukraine are greeting “Hello, comrades!” and “I wish you Health!”. The phrase “Glory to Ukraine!” with the answer “glory to Heroes!”, combined with the pulling up of the right hand was adopted as the institutional password, the welcome to the members of the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists and the Ukrainian insurgent army (both organizations are banned in Russia) in the period of the Second world war. In the early 1990s, the greeting

Trump warned Assad from “attack on Idlib”

Trump warned Assad from “attack on Idlib” TASS, 4 September. The US President Donald trump on Monday warned Syrian leader Bashar Assad from the “reckless attacks” in Idlib province, a large part of the territory controlled by the rebels. Upstairs “Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should not recklessly attack the province of Idlib. The Russians and Iranians will make a great humanitarian error by taking part in this potential human tragedy. Hundreds of thousands of people may be killed. Do not let this happen,” wrote trump on Twitter. President Bashar al-Assad of Syria must not recklessly attack Idlib Province. The Russians and Iranians would be making a grave mistake humanitarian to take part in this potential human tragedy. Hundreds of thousands of people could be killed. Don’t let that happen! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2018. Idlib — the only major region of Syria, which remains in the hands

The EU commented on the murder Zakharchenko

The EU commented on the murder Zakharchenko MOSCOW, 3 sen — news. The European Union delegation in Ukraine commented on the murder of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko. Upstairs “We have seen reports about it on Friday. The conflict in the East of Ukraine led to the loss of too many lives,” — said in the message representation in response to the request of the Ukrainian Agency of UNN. The EU stressed that continue to work “full implementation of the Minsk agreements that remain a sound basis for a sustainable political settlement.” In the mission of the hope that “all sides will respect their commitments” in relation to compliance with the agreements. Answering the question about the possible consequences of the murder of the head of DND at the talks in the Normandy format, the EU stated that it “will not speculate on the impact

Poroshenko will send a notice of termination of Treaty of friendship

Poroshenko will send a notice of termination of Treaty of friendship Moscow. September 3. INTERFAX.RU Ukrainian President intends to do so before September 30. Upstairs The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stressed that the Agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia from 1997 is not terminated, and is terminated in connection with his termination. In this regard, he intends until 30 September to send a notification of the Russian Federation. I stress that it is not broken, because it is a complex and lengthy procedure, and he is terminated in connection with the non-renewal.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine The President also stressed that the question of renewal or non-renewal of this contract falls within the competence of the President of Ukraine. Poroshenko said he plans soon after the proposal of the Ministry of foreign Affairs to undertake on this occasion a meeting of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine.