U.S. prepared to strike Russia in “their” territories in Syria

U.S. prepared to strike Russia in “their” territories in Syria The us military is prepared to strike Russia in “their” territories in Syria. Military sources told CNN that the Russian side twice in the week had warned them about a possible attack on Washington-controlled territories. Upstairs According to them, Moscow believes that under the protection of the Americans in the country are illegal armed groups. According to the channel, the warnings have forced the military concerned that they will be in danger if Russian aerospace forces will continue the strikes on Syrian territory. Of particular concern is the base of the US coalition of al-TANF in HOMS province. Washington fears that the Russian military conduct air strikes in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean sea, where, presumably, may be the opposition groups. A confrontation might unintentionally be involved the us military. They, in turn, retain the right to defense in

CEC does not expect a high turnout in the elections on 9 September

CEC does not expect a high turnout in the elections on 9 September MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/. The Central election Commission expects voter turnout at elections to the single voting day September 9 will be high, as recently held presidential elections. This was announced on Friday, the Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation, Ella Pamfilova, commenting on the scope of surveillance in the upcoming elections. Upstairs “Only the presidential election was held, so don’t expect a high turnout,” she said at the webinar in TASS for observers and journalists. Pamfilova noted that, despite the difficult economic situation, “still, 46 regions opened up possibilities for surveillance.” Previously, experts said that after the Federal election traditionally marked the so-called electoral fatigue and inactive people vote in regional and municipal elections. “I wouldn’t want to make any predictions, although we are aware that recently held a large-scale campaign for the presidential

Merkel supported the actions of the Russian army in Syria

Merkel supported the actions of the Russian army in Syria The military should try to ensure the safety of civilians in the fight against terrorists, said the Chancellor of Germany. Upstairs The Syrian army and its supporting forces of Russia should fight insurgents and terrorists in Idlib province, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She noted that the military must try to ensure the safety of civilians and to avoid a humanitarian disaster, but to stop this fight against the radicals is impossible. “The fight against these radical forces must continue, including for the protection of the civilian population. We must avoid a humanitarian catastrophe”, — said the Chancellor in an interview with RTL. She noted that “seriously discussed” the question of the liberation of Idlib with Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Operations of Russia and Syria against terrorists in the past was complicated by

Putin appointed Igor Komarov the presidential envoy in the Volga Federal district

Putin appointed Igor Komarov the presidential envoy in the Volga Federal district MOSCOW, 7 sen — news. Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Igor Komarov the Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in the Volga Federal district, the press service of the Kremlin. Upstairs “The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree in accordance with paragraph “K” of article 83 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation appointed Komarov Igor Anatolyevich Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal district”, — stated in the message. The former head of Roscosmos Igor Komarov in early July was appointed Deputy Minister of science and higher education.

The US imposed sanctions against five companies for oil supplies in Syria

The US imposed sanctions against five companies for oil supplies in Syria The U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions against five entities and four individuals, whom the Agency accuses of supplying oil and weapons to Syria. Upstairs In the sanctions list included Lebanese Abar Petroleum and Nasco Polymers, the Syrian transport company Qatirji and also Sonex and IPC from the United Arab Emirates. Under the sanctions also fallen four associated with these companies business. According to the U.S. Treasury, the Syrian Qatirji traded fuels the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). In addition, the company supplied weapons from Iraq to Syria under the guise of food, said the Agency. According to the Ministry, Abar Petroleum, Nasco Polymers and Sonex are engaged in the supply of petroleum products in Syrian ports bypassing the restrictions. Before that, the U.S. Treasury extended sanctions against Syria in may 2017. Then in the black list

The delegation of the United States called the referendum in the Crimea legitimate will of the people

The delegation of the United States called the referendum in the Crimea legitimate will of the people The representative who is visiting Crimea, the U.S. delegation public figures Sylvia Demarest said that the Crimean Peninsula became part of Russia on the basis of a legitimate will of the people and called the referendum an expression of the right to self-determination. Upstairs SIMFEROPOL, 7 Sep — RIA Novosti. The US delegation consisting of four people located in the Crimea for three days. In its structure representatives of the American organization “Center of civil initiatives”. On the first day, the delegation visited an orphanage in Simferopol, where he laid the alley of friendship, and met with the head of the Crimean Parliament and MPs. “I’m a lawyer by education. I understand that what happened in Crimea in 2014 was the legitimate will of the people and the expression of the legitimate right

NYT: Skripal in recent years collaborated with the Spanish exploration

NYT: Skripal in recent years collaborated with the Spanish exploration According to The New York Times, he could provide the authorities of Spain information about Russian organized crime. Upstairs NEW YORK, September 7. /TASS/. A former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal in recent years, has facilitated the exploration of Spain and met with her staff in Spanish territory. This was announced on Thursday the American newspaper The New York Times. As the newspaper notes, this information was confirmed by an employee of the Spanish intelligence service, whose name is not given, and the journalist and writer Fernando Rueda, covering the activities of the Spanish authorities. “He [Skripal] continued to come to Spain” — are in the publication the words of Rueda. According to the newspaper, he received this information from intelligence sources in this country. The article says that Skripal in recent years have met several times in Spain with the

Lavrov showed his favourite meme about “poisoners Skrypalia”

Lavrov showed his favourite meme about “poisoners Skrypalia” The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov has shown to journalists of REN TV your favorite meme about “poisoners Skrypalia”. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Funniest Russian foreign Minister thought the photo of Russian humorists Timur Batrutdinova and Garik Kharlamov signed by the names of Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. Tonight is going to speak on “the poisoners Skrypalia” program @VRSoloviev . In addition, I want to point out a few oddities in connecting the history of the interactions Skipala and “poisoners” on March 4. Prepare and article for this reason. Watch for announcements — Vladimir Kornilov (@Kornilov1968) 5 Sep 2018 Informed about the similarity of the alleged employees of the Main intelligence Directorate (GRU), poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, at the time of transmission on TV channel “Russia 1” said the TV host Vladimir Solovyov. He said that he asked his

“United Russia” in the Duma introduced the first package of amendments to the pension bill

“United Russia” in the Duma introduced the first package of amendments to the pension bill MOSCOW, September 6. /TASS/. Amendment on early retirement with a large employment history and preservation of the current term of assignment of the funded part of the state Duma. This was stated on Thursday, the Secretary of the General Council “United Russia” Andrey Turchak. Upstairs “Today in the state Duma introduced the first package of amendments “United Russia” to the pension bill. Its authors were 31 the Deputy of the state Duma and the Federation Council member,” said Turchak. “In today’s first package, we have made the following amendments: early establishment of insurance pensions (2 years before reaching retirement age) citizens with a large working experience: 42 years for men and 37 years for women. Let me remind you, this is three years less than was originally proposed. The preservation of the terms of appointment

Russia does not want to see sanctions force majeure

Russia does not want to see sanctions force majeure Any ideas of opposition to consider power limitations. Upstairs Moscow, apparently, found a way at least a little safe from the sanctions. According to RBC, the security Council of Russia headed by Vladimir Putin — collected from ministries and state-owned companies proposals to protect the domestic economy. A large part of the ideas remains a mystery, and among those that became known, two points are interesting — they suggest the inclusion of special conditions in contracts that Russia and Russian companies will enter into with foreigners. These amendments should be a kind of insurance in case of strengthening of sanctions. What is this protection? And would the foreign partners on the Russian idea? 2015, helicopter carrier “Mistral” have become an early victim of anti-Russian sanctions over the Crimea: France refuses to transfer the already built ships for them to return the