The US imposed sanctions against five companies for oil supplies in Syria

The US imposed sanctions against five companies for oil supplies in Syria

The U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions against five entities and four individuals, whom the Agency accuses of supplying oil and weapons to Syria.


In the sanctions list included Lebanese Abar Petroleum and Nasco Polymers, the Syrian transport company Qatirji and also Sonex and IPC from the United Arab Emirates. Under the sanctions also fallen four associated with these companies business.

According to the U.S. Treasury, the Syrian Qatirji traded fuels the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). In addition, the company supplied weapons from Iraq to Syria under the guise of food, said the Agency. According to the Ministry, Abar Petroleum, Nasco Polymers and Sonex are engaged in the supply of petroleum products in Syrian ports bypassing the restrictions.

Before that, the U.S. Treasury extended sanctions against Syria in may 2017. Then in the black list included five individuals and five legal entities. They are, in the opinion of the Ministry of Finance supported the government of Syria.

